#Honestly this is one of the worst fandoms I've ever had the displeasure of interacting with.
psilactis · 7 months
it finally happened.... an of/md fan was being annoying in one of my black sails posts.... thank god for the block button
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South Park fans are honestly some of the most assbackwards people I've ever met. They blow the whistle on anyone who acts even remotely "problematic" but then completely disregard that they actively consume and defend a cartoon that mocks actual issues solely for the sake of being offensive or purposefully ignorant.
They brutally killed off one of their only black characters for no reason because the creators were mad at a dead man who they considered their friend. One of the leads is a racist transphobic Nazi. Children are actively put into sexual situations for the sake of a joke. Don't even get me started on the fandom parents who draw porn of the kids and actively defend the practice.
Like idk who is actively getting anything positive out of this show. It was literally where I learned the N word from. It turns out some of the worst-acting, most manipulative, witchhunting people I've ever had the displeasure of interacting with. It wills people to act horrible and maintain ignorance for the sake of "being on the right side". Deadass just turn the TV off. I promise you there are so many other adult cartoons who do dark humor so much better.
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