#He likes pancakes and waffles and he kisses guys on molly and he's team ken baby happy pride everyone
virfujiwara · 11 months
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Happy pride to THEM!!
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Succession Finale Thoughts.
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Oh boy. I can't lie... that was the worst possible ending for me. Genuinely quite gutted.
- I HATE Tom I'm so MAD. all he has done is lie and manipulate all behind this dopey man act oh my lord I can't stand him
- Roman... oh Roman. I personally think he's had it the toughest out of the siblings. It's repeatedly insinuated that Logan only hit Roman (which I don't believe, I think Ken got hit too, but anyway). Roman is a kicked puppy who seeks abuse as a form of love. So the fact that he got out... that made me happy. I'm so glad he's out. He's gonna break the cycle for himself.
- That hug scene was fucking heartbreaking. I think Roman was pushing himself into Ken's shoulder, and Ken was pulling him in tighter. But God, that was brutal.
- I don't believe any of these theories that Shiv 'did what she did to save Kendall'. No she didn't. She did what she did as a selfish move. She knows she can't be in charge, so she's worked her way into the next best thing. She was very happy to backstab her brothers for a place in GoJo. She knows Kendall wouldn't give her the time of day if he was CEO.
- Shiv's reasoning for voting no for Kendall being 'I don't think you'd be good at it' is bullshit and really pissed me off. We all know that out of the siblings, Kendall would make the best CEO by far.
- AND Shiv using the waiter as a bargaining chip?? The fuck was that?? I feel like she doesn't love Ken anywhere near as much as he loves her, I don't know. I feel like he needs his siblings more than they need him, but especially Shiv. She was looking at him so coldly... not an ounce of love in that board room.
- Kendall. My Kendall :(. He doesn't have a purpose anymore. Getting out and being free of Waystar is a good thing for sure, but he's not gonna see it like that way for a long time, if ever. And the water shot at the end... I wouldn't be surprised if he jumped. Colin wouldn't let that happen, but honestly... it wouldn't be a shock.
- but the KENSTEWYS WON!! "You like pancakes and waffles and you kiss guys on molly." Kendall was the guy, we all know it. Jesse threw that in there for us and I appreciate it. Bisexual Stewy Hosseini you are my king and I worship you. Team Ken, baby!
Overall... kinda disappointed. Which sucks, because this season has been incredible. Maybe my hatred for Tom is just blinding me, but... I don't know. I knew our siblings weren't ever going to truly win. And at the end of the day, none of them have really lost... they're all billionaires with questionable morals.
The real winners are Jess Jordan, Rava Roy and Stewy Hosseini. Jess got her bag and left, Rava is living life upstate with her kiddos, and Stewy likes pancakes and waffles and kissing guys on molly <3
Please share your thoughts with me - feel free to agree or disagree!! Tell me your opinions!!
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