chrissturnsgirlll222 · 3 months
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second, never first
part eight | part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six | part seven
chris x fem!reader
summary - you grew up hating one guy all of high school but suddenly become close friends, but as time goes on feelings develop, only its one sided.
warnings - swearing, use of y/n, BOYS (no smut… for now lol)
word count - 1500+
this morning of school was tense. all day i was waiting to hear from anna to cuss me out, ask for a ride home or act like nothing happened and be petty. none of the above happened. she literally didnt go to school.
chris and i hung out at lunch and were just waiting for anna to start texting one of us aggressively but she didnt.
the silent treatment was killing me. why couldnt she just talk to me about what she was feeling. she had it all wrong and if she wasnt talking to me or chris she would just live thinking that we were hooking up being her back. it doesnt help the situation at all that shes ignoring us because we couldnt fully explain ourselves. but with anna, i dont even think clarification would change her mind.
chris and i were about to leave school when i got a text from anna:
monday 3:14pm
anna: i need you to come over, its urgent
as soon as i read the message i booked it to chris’ car showing him the message. “chris what the fuck am i supposed to do.” i exclaim shoving my phone in his face. he grabs it from my hand and reads it, “go.” is all he says.
“yes go right now, this is literally our only chance of saving this whole situation.” he says.
“chris i am scared what are you not understanding.” i snap.
“me and you both have watched anna single handedly take girls down for messing with her relationships even if they didnt matter. you have watched her fight girls in the hallway just for looking at her wrong, now you have a chance to fix this and your ‘too scared’.” he explains
i pause thinking about what to do. part of me thinks hes right but the other part is saying that im about to get bitch slapped into oblivion. the people she cares about most betrayed her, atleast in her eyes.
“i dont even know what to say.” i mumble. “maybe explain the fucking situation.” he says in a duh tone. “got it.” i say before running into my car, backing out of my spot and waving off chris.
after driving to annas house ,which time felt like it was speeding past me, i got out of the car and let out a sigh i didnt know i had been holding in. walking up to the front door i run over every detail of what im about to say, finally reaching the top of her porch stairs i knock on the door. the door flys open and anna has the sweetest smile on her face.
im guessing she doesnt know that chris told me about what she said since she started talking to me like normal.
“what did i miss at school any hot gos?” she says walking towards her fridge and grabbing a sparkling water. “uhhh no?” i hesitate for a second confused. “oh lame.” she frowns.
“well i have some.” she says.
“about who?” i question even though i have a feeling i know where she is going with this.
“one of our best friends.” she is talking almost as if she is animated. most likely to freak me out, its working.
“ouu interesting.” i reply.
“yeah! so, one of our closest friends is hooking up with chris behind my back, she actually thinks i wont do something about it.” she states in the same animated tone.
“anna you can drop it i know your talking about me.” i say my face blank.
her face drops “oh so you admit it.”
“no i actually came here to knock some sense in to you.”
she hums in response raising her eyebrows. “what the fuck game do you think your playing at anna. i mean seriously, drop this little creepy act your not intimidating anyone. if you knew everything you wouldnt be acting like a bitch right now.” i snap.
“ouu look who grew a pair, im not going to sit here and listen to your fake ass apologies so you can leave and perhaps let the door hit you on the way out.” she says with a smug smile on her face. “anna if you would get out of your own head you could stop yourself from losing two friends who care about you.”
“friends?” she scoffs, “what great friends i have. did you enjoy your movie night or did chris’ dick feel too good down your throat? i dont need you anymore you see, all you do is complain and complain. you wanna act innocent? get out of my house and i wont tell anyone your as fake as you really are.” she scolds.
“you dont mean that.” my heart shatters as my best friend basically tells me im nothing to her anymore. “oh y/n i mean every word.” she waves at me and turns around.
“unbelievable.” i scoff as i walk out.
if there was anything i knew about anna was that she could lie right through her perfect teeth. if she says shes not going to tell people that she thinks me and chris are hooking up, she quiet literally means the opposite. so if she wants to play that game i will too.
im done getting pushed around by her.
i immediately dial chris’ phone number.
ring ring ring
chris answers the phone.
“hey kid, did everything go smoothly as planned?” he asks.
“no, anna is actually the most horrible human being on the planet i cannot fucking believe i wasted years of my life on that bitch.”
“woah woah calm down. explain to me what happened.” he tries to mediate.
“ill be over in 5.” i say before hanging up and getting into my car.
i sped over to chris’ house so angry i swear i passed about 3 stop signs.
“anna is actually unreal i never should have agreed to this little deal of yours to set you up with her.” i storm in to chris’ room. he shoots up at my entrance “ok y/n you actually need to chill the fuck out.” he breathes.
“no chris in not going to ‘chill the fuck out’” i mock, “you know what the fuck she said to me?” i say. “what?” he says.
“she said she doesnt need me anymore.” i quote anna. chris’ face drops. i walk over to his bed dropping my school bag on his floor. “how exactly did all of this blow up in your face this bad?” he questions. “well i walked in acting clueless and she kept talking to me like everything was fine and i was extremely confused right?” i explain. “mhm” chris hums waiting for the rest of the story.
“so she started saying one of her closest friends betrayed her and thought they got away with no consequences, so then i just confronted the situation and she took that as me confessing to everything. so i started to explain myself and then she started saying how we are fake people and that if i didnt leave her house she would tell everyone was a snake and fucking you behind her back.” i continue.
“but you left so your fine right?”
“chris do you even know who anna is? like seriously.” i say and he shrugs his shoulders.
“by tomorrow pretty much everyone will be talking about how we got together behind annas back.” i state.
“im so done being pushed around by her. she always called me a buzzkill when i didnt feed into her constant boy troubles. and you know what carson told me, he said that anna has been scaring guys away from me for years. she never saw me as a friend. she only ever saw me as competition. years of friendship for nothing.”
“if she is going to tell everyone that were snakes then let them believe it.” he blurts out.
i make a confused face at him “chris wha-“ he cuts me off “people are going to believe anna no matter what right?” i shrug in response, “so why dont we entertain the idea for them.” he explains
“chris have you actually lost it?” i say. “nope. kid i dont know about you but anna seems like she wasnt the bestie we thought she was.” he says emphasizing ‘bestie’.
“no?” i respond.
“so then lets get back at her, make everyone think were dating.”
“yeah chris i got that but what do we get out of it?”
“you get back at your horrible bitchy best friend and i get a fake hot girlfriend.”
thanks for reading xx
taglist: @sleepysturnss @blahbel668 @alorsxsturn @w4nnabeurs @junnniiieee07 @waydasims @accio326 @bitchydragonparadise @matthewsturnioloswifey @iloveneilperry @stunza @realuvrrr @jennss23
a/n: YALLL IM SO EXCITED TO SEE REACTIONS TO THIS. i have the whole story planned out in my head and we are finally getting into the real plot of this story. hope you guys enjoyed.🩷🩷🩷
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