kyareureuk · 6 years
i got tagged by a few ppl for questions about yourself sort of tag memes over the past couple weeks so i did my best to compile some of the questions in one post,, @sufjoon @glossphie @joyhearts @7thxsense @nobodyelsewillbethere  thank you so much for tagging me!!!! 💕 i’m sorry if it took a while or if i missed anyone i really couldn’t keep track of who tagged me in which questions ahh
name: sion
nicknames: none
gender: none
sexual orientation: none. Gay
height: around 170 cm / 5′7″
age: 23
birthday: feb 24
star sign: pisces !
hogwarts house: my friends say slytherin and i would agree but i think i’d do alright in ravenclaw as well. for the record pottermore also put me in slytherin but who actually uses that as an accurate house sorter lol
siblings: a younger sister and brother
favorite music artists: this is so difficult UHhh i’ll just list some old faves and recent stuff but bts of course, los campesinos!, sufjan stevens, galileo galilei, everything everything, the national, bon iver, baths, primary, brockhampton, alex g, frank ocean, wednesday campanella, phoenix, gorillaz, run the jewels. idk i’m having a hard time remembering them off the top of my head and then narrowing down which are favorites
favorite song: i’ll believe in anything by wolf parade
last movie watched: avengers infinity war lol
last show watched: i dont watch television often uh maybe the office?
favorite 90′s show: cardcaptor sakura
favorite book: house of leaves
favorite fictional character: dio eraclea from last exile !
favourite food: eel, pasta, FRUIT, also i’ve only had it like twice but firni
favorite season: the transition btwn winter and spring
favorite flower: irises, lilies, wisteria
favorite scent: after rain smell / florals like rose, tuberose, gardenia
favorite color: deep purple, also black, blues, plant color greens
favorite animal: cats... foxes, a lot of animals in the mustelidae family
dog or cat person: cat but i love dogs as well !!!
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: coffee in the morning, tea otherwise
drink you had last: water
instruments: i used to teach myself violin fjhgf but otherwise none
favorite pair of shoes: black boots
currently wearing: jeans and a sweatshirt
underwear color: black
average sleep hours: varies wildly
number of blankets you sleep with: two
lucky number: 24
dream career: novelist
dream trip: morocco or somewhere in south america or northern europe. also i’ve been to china and india but i want to go back to visit badly... my friend is moving to china to work at the end of the summer so i may go visit her. honestly i want to travel everywhere
worst habit: i have so many i’m awful at responding to calls/texts/emails and i’m always like slightly late to things no matter how much time i give myself to get ready. i pick at my skin a lot it’s gross and i hate it fjhgfh
jealous of people: not really.. im not a jealous person by nature
in love: i’m having a lot of trouble answering this one bc there’s too many things i could list...... idk! i love my friends and my pets and nature and all forms of art and the little things that make life worth living
love at first sight or walk by again: i’ve never heard of the second gfhg but yeah that. or like the feeling that it’s not love at first sight but it could be love with time... those feelings of love that you cultivate
easiest person to talk to: probably ,,, online friends or my irl bff but we don’t have many opportunities to really talk nowadays
last person you called: my brother
last thing i googled: gardenia bc i had to double check it was the flower i was thinking of
blog created: december 2017
number of followers: like.. under 100. i cant stand having more than that
do you have other blogs: no
do you get asks: sometimes
why did you choose your url: my current one is a transliteration of a sort of childish snicker laughing onomatopoeia that yoongi has used in tweets before like.. two happy bday tweets and also this selfie. it’s cute i’m a big fan of yoongi’s twitter laughs
tagging: omg this is a fake tag meme game thing so i’m not gonna tag anyone unless u want to do this.. in that case be my guest !!!!!
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