#GRAH sorry I just wanted to ramble about all this cause I haven't had the chance to talk about it
shmorp-mcdurgen · 3 months
you said Adams lore has changed in the lab world…instantly curious-
okay so.
Back when the au was first made and before it went on its long hiatus, I said Adam was taken as a child and used as the first test subject for MBT, being the child of Lynn and Jude Murray, who worked at MBT.
Now, he still is. technically the child of Lynn and Jude, but. he was never born. he was grown.
Using DNA from Lynn, Jude, some from Gabriel, and whatever other DNA could fill in the gaps, Gabriel grew a human (mostly) specimen in a tube. being Adam. Took a few months for him to grow to a point where he could be let out of the tube (and sense his growing was accelerated while in the tube, he was aged to like. young toddler at this point.) However, after another few years, Lynn had grown attached to her "son", and wanted him to leave the facility, so she sabotaged the equipment, and let Adam out of the facility to flee into town. Due to this, she was killed, and Jude, who was meant to be looking after Adam, was. met with a worse fate.
So TLDR: Adam was grown in a lab tube and escaped a few years later, meaning he was never fully human in the first place and never knew he wasn't until he was recaptured in 2007.
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