thebrideoftiffany · 6 months
yes!!!! i’m imagining young teen girl and like ten year old boy, and stephanie always wanted kids, but christ these ones do not listen to her. and she wants them both to achieve more than her (although she won’t outright say that) so yes. a tutor, that’s the way to go. and neither kid is happy about it, because what kid would be, but then there’s heather, who needs some spending money while she interns (maybe an engineering job?) and stephanie has to fight to actually let heather do what she’s hired her to do. she keeps interrupting with snacks and questions and tries not to stare from the next room in the house. she just wants to talk to this girl, hear about her hopes and dreams (because she’s got those, steph abandoned hers way younger than her), stare at her beautiful face, that kinda stuff. and then steph has to run out for some sort of emergency, so heather keeps an eye on the kids, and when stephanie comes home to her children tucked in and heather smiling at her from the couch, she realizes maybe this is the life she actually wants.
and poor heather, just needed some money, suddenly accosted by this suburban milf who seems a little desperate for human contact. she shouldn’t, she should focus, she’s married for god’s sake! but she’s realizing steph might want a little bit more than just her attention. and still. she’s married. but gosh her husband’s a dick and she’s so so pretty (heather always liked older women) so really who can blame her for what comes next.
and during all of this, heather is doing a little more than just helping the kids with math homework (“oh you’re not enjoying high school? yeah i didn’t either i was miserable” “oh you like dnd? my brother plays that tell me about your character”). they love her, cool young woman who talks to them type stuff. so when their mother nervously breaks the news that she’s divorcing their father, and then the news that she’s doing it because she’s in love with heather, well, it’s the happiest they’ve been with their mom in a long time
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