#Future of the Earth after 1000 Mi...
raindancer2004 · 4 years
Vacation on Isle Esme
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Word Count: 7,710 Demetri x OC Part 5. Warning: Fluff, Angst, NSFW
Alyssa woke up in Demetri’s arms “Morning cara, sleep well?” “Mmm. Did you?” “I did” He answered playing along “When I hold you in my arms at night listening to your steady heartbeat I feel so relaxed and if I close my eyes it’s almost like I’m sleeping” He kisses her forehead “Can I ask you a question Dem?” “Of course, you can ask me anything” He replied softy “How come you never mentioned before that you had a Mr Grey thing going on?” “It’s not something you tell people when you first meet them nor is it first date conversation cara” He answered holding her closer “I wanted to tell you sooner but I didn’t know if you’d like that kinda of thing, being that you hadn’t been with anyone before. However, after we started reading the 50 Shades of Grey books and you seemed to like them I figured I’d bring the subject up” “I’m glad you did and that you trusted me…wanted to share that part of your life with me” She rested a hand on his cheek. “I’ve never shared that part of my life with anyone before Ally” He rested his forehead against hers “Really? But you’ve had lovers over the years” He chuckled “Yes, but only a few and to be honest it’s only over the last few decades that I’ve taken an interest in that stuff but I didn’t want to explore that with anyone… but my mate” She kissed him and ran her fingers through his hair “Thank you cara mia for trusting me enough to want to explore that with me; you know that you’ll always be safe with me” He kissed her back “I’ve always felt safe with you and I enjoyed the other night with you. I also enjoyed the striptease you did for me last night” She winked and smiled at him lovingly “I love you Demi” She kissed him “I’ll bear that in mind for the future and I love you too Ally” He kissed her holding her closer.
Alyssa took a walk to the main library whilst Demetri was on Guard Duty passing some of the lower guards along the way “Ally” They greeted and nodded at her “Hello” She replied curious how they knew who she is. She heard a commotion and stopped only for a blonde haired Guard dressed in light grey to land near her feet “Sorry Ally” He smiled at her before running back towards a dark haired Guard dressed in the same colour clothes, their ‘fight’ continuing once Ally passed them. Ally arrived at the main library to find Alec and Santiago already there “Good morning Ally” “Morning Santiago, Alec” Ally replied taking a seat opposite them “Fancy playing a game tonight?” Santiago asked “As long as Heidi isn’t playing, don’t really want the drama” Ally replied “We’re going to play some card games; Old Maid and Go Fish…” Ally started to laugh “Don’t laugh Ally Felix chose the games as there’s no money involved and no Heidi won’t be playing; just us three plus Demetri, Felix and Jane” Santiago responded “Sounds good and I’m in” Ally said smiling.
Later that night they all gathered in Felix’s room and sat down to play cards. They played Old Maid first and the first game was won by Alec, the second by Jane; Ally won the next three games “Oh my god. Is there any game you’re not good at Ally?” Felix asked “Sorry BFV but this human can’t help being awesome” Ally sings the last word smiling; Demetri has a smug look on his face watching his friends get beat by Ally. Ally went on to win 4 out the 7 rounds of Go Fish before Felix decided he didn’t want to play cards with Ally anymore that night “You being a sore loser Fe?” Demetri teased as Felix left the room “Get lost D” Felix mumbled.
Once back in their room Alyssa and Demetri got ready for bed “Hey Dem, can I tell you a secret?” “Of course you can” “Ok, so you know how I’m a shield like Bella because psychic gifts don’t work on me?” “Yes Ally, please don’t remind me that I can’t track you” Demetri said quietly “Well there’s a reason I’m so good at Poker and other card games…” “What you count cards or something” Demetri interrupted chuckling “Or something…I’m able to read minds a bit too in a way…” Demetri’s mouth fell open in shock “Don’t worry Dem I’m not like Edward, I respect people’s privacy” She continued “Yeah you just use your gift when playing games…babe that could be seen as cheating” He whispered the last word before laughing; Ally shrugged “Think of it more as looking through their eyes; I get to see what they see. Oh and I discovered I can drop my shield at will…” He cut her off “Hang on. You’re telling me I can track you…if you let me?” “I love you” She said taking her bottom lip between her teeth and looking up at Demetri through her lashes; he stepped forward lifting her up and put her over his shoulder.
“On a scale of one to ten how much trouble am I in?” She asked “Ahh” Demetri smacked her ass as he left the closet, then dropped her gently on the bed and climbed on hovering over her when she suddenly felt something cold close around her wrist “Handcuffs? Really Dem” “Yes Ally. It’s called punishment” He winked “Count for me” “What…?” She was cut off when he smacked her ass “Oh Mr Volturi” She said playfully and winked at him; he chuckled softly “I said count Miss Swan” He said a little sternly and smacked her ass again “That’s two” She said softly; his hand made contact again “Three…Four…mmm Five” He could smell her arousal “You’re not supposed to be enjoying this Miss Swan” He growled low in her ear “This is your fault Mr Volturi. I mean how was I to know that being spanked would be a bit of a turn on” He rested his hands on her ass and began rubbing and gently squeezing her cheeks liking how they felt in his cold hands “Mmm” She felt her shorts being pulled down and braced herself for the spanking to re-start but was surprised when she felt him gently bite her ass cheek “Dem” “Six” His hand came down on her ass and he bit his lip to stop from chuckling “Seven...Ahh…Eight” He bit her again as the smell of her arousal hit him again; he gently turned her onto her side and slipped two fingers inside her, she bit her lip and he smirked “N-nine…Ahh” She gently lifted hips to try and gain some friction against his hand “Miss Swan” He growled low, eyes almost black “Sorry…Mr Volturi” Her eyes closed enjoying the punishment she was receiving “Ten” She breathed and he removed his fingers licking them; she whimpered at the loss on contact and felt him pull her shorts back up. He then crawled up to lay beside her and adjusted himself; picking up the book from his nightstand and begun reading to her
“What you’re…you’re not…are you just going to read to me whilst I’m still handcuffed?”  He nodded and kissed her “Yes. I do not reward naughty girls” He winked at her again before rolling onto his side to look at her “I’m excited to see your gift at work cara but it’s a little mean you didn’t tell me sooner” “To be fair Dem I only just discovered I can drop my shield due to me practicing and I thought you’d be relieved to learn you can track me if I let my shield down. I thought you’d be upset about the mind reading thing or as you called it cheating” She replied “I am relieved I can track you, honestly” He kissed her lips “It’s just frustrating to know it’s on your terms that’s all” He rested his forehead against hers “Dem please don’t think of it like that. I can’t help being a shield” “I know Ally, but you need to promise me that we’ll test your shield dropping ability soon so I can try and track you. Once I have your tenor in my head tracking you in the future will be easier” He said stroking her face “One condition…you keep the mind reading to yourself” “Deal cara mia. It’s out little secret” He kissed her forehead “Please uncuff me I’d like to snuggle” She said looking into his ruby eyes; he nodded and uncuffed her and held her in his arms whilst she slept. ‘My gifted little human’ he thought proudly to himself.
A few days later Demetri and Alyssa were relaxing on the balcony watching the sunset “Do you ever wish you were human Demi?” “I used to centuries ago but I don’t really think about it much anymore. Why do you ask cara?” He asked curious “Our lives are simpler; for one, we don’t have to live in fear of losing our mate and being alone forever” She said holding his hand in hers “True, but humans do not have the ability to love each other so deeply, so unconditionally that there is no possible way, no words to describe just how that feels” He places his other hand on the side of her face, his thumb stroking her cheek and she nods. “Do you think we would still be mates if we were both human? I mean you’re over 1000 years old” She gives him a quick kiss on the lips and he nods “You are my mate, my other half. I promise you this… in a hundred different lifetimes, in a hundred different worlds, in any version of reality I would find you and choose you. I would claim you as mine as you were born to be with me, born to be mine … cara mia” He kisses her then rests his forehead to hers “If I had to walk to the ends of the earth just to find you Ally, to have you, to hold you in my arms then I would, without a second thought. I have waited so long for you mia amore and I love you more than I ever thought possible” He continued pulling her onto his lap and kissing her passionately, pouring his love, his need for her into that kiss “Wow” She breathed when he broke the kiss. “I know you’ve already agreed to spend forever with me, but please do me the honour of being my wife” Tears started to fill her eyes “Marry me…Ally” She nods “I love you too…Yes” She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him back; tears falling down her cheek, his arms wrapping around her holding her close. “Tomorrow I’m taking you shopping for a ring” He said smiling and peppering her face with kisses, causing her to giggle.
The following morning they went shopping for an engagement ring “You can have any ring you like mi amore, price is not an issue” He said low in her ear “But Dem…” She started “No Ally. I’m being serious. It’s only the best for my girl” He cut her off and captured her lips in a kiss, a hand resting on her cheek. “Come on” He led her into the jewellery store and over to the glass cases full of rings. They look at the many rings in the cases but one in particular caught Ally’s eye and her gaze kept going to back it; something Demetri noticed, he smiles “You like that one don’t you cara?” He says low in her ear “I do but…” “What did I say?” He cuts her off “I know but…” She starts but he cuts her off again and turns her to face him “I have been around for 1000 years and have amassed quite the fortune and I finally have someone to spoil and you….mi amore are starting to take the Fun.Out.Of.It” He smiles and taps her nose gently “O-Ok. I’m sorry, it’s just…I’m not used to being spoilt…and I-I cannot do so in return” She replies “Well, it’s something you’re just going to have to get used to Ally” He kissed her lips “You give me everything I need just by being with me...now, would you like to try on that ring” She nods and kisses him “Good girl” He purrs in her ear. She tried on the engagement ring that caught her eye; a Rose Gold band with a heart shaped diamond. “It’s beautiful” She whispered holding out her hand and admiring the ring “We’ll take it please” He said smiling to the store clerk.
They arrive back at the castle and head straight to the throne room to tell the three kings of their news “Good afternoon masters, we have some news we’d like to share with you” Demetri pauses to look down at Alyssa and takes her left hand in his “I proposed last night and Ally accepted. We’ve just got back from buying a ring” He finishes smiling; Aro claps his hands together “Wonderful news my dears. What a beautiful ring” “Thank you Aro” Ally replies “Congratulations Demetri, Ally, I wish you both a long and happy life together” Marcus adds “Yes congratulations to you both” Caius says smiling. “The wedding will be held here in the castle” Aro said excitedly “I’ll officiate” He added smiling “You can do that?” Ally asked “Oh yes my dear. I got a certificate online” Aro answered proudly; Ally looked at Demetri, who just nodded “Not sure why though brother, you haven’t married anyone since you got your little certificate” Caius said smirking “Well, it’s not like we can open up the castle for weddings now is it brother?” Aro replied a little irritated “Don’t ruin this for me Caius” “Ruin it for you? It’s their day brother not yours” Caius replied. “I’d love to get to married here in the castle” Ally said smiling “And it would be an honour to have Aro officiate” She added smiling; Aro gave Caius a smug smile. “I think we need to have Ally in here more often, seeing as she can stop your silly bickering before it begins” Marcus said smiling at Ally; she smiled in return but said nothing “We’ll take our leave, if we may masters?” Demetri asks “Of course. You have much to arrange” Aro said dismissing them.
“Hang on. You proposed without a ring? And she said yes?” Santiago asked when Demetri told him about the proposal that night whilst on duty “I didn’t plan on proposing without a ring, it-it just happened” Demetri replied “Wow! An accidental proposal…how romantic?” Santiago teases “It wasn’t accidental…I just got caught in the moment. I planned on buying a ring first, but you know what I’m glad that I proposed the way I did and that Ally got to choose her own ring” Demetri responded “I’m happy for you, she’s a great girl and you seem very happy together” Santiago patted him on the back “Thank you that means a lot.”
Meanwhile Jane was in Ally’s shared room having a girl’s night, Legally Blonde playing on the TV whilst painting their nails “Tell me about the proposal” Jane said excitedly “I’d asked him if he thought we’d be mates if he were human too, given the actual age difference and he said that I’m his mate, his other half and he promised  that it didn’t matter what lifetime, world or reality we were in; he would always find me, always claim me as his” Jane’s eyes started to fill with venom “He told me he loved me more than he ever thought possible and asked me to do him the honour of being his wife. I started crying at that point” Ally continued; “Aww sweetie” Jane said wrapping her arms around Ally “That’ so romantic…I can’t wait to find my mate and have those kinds of moments” Jane smiled thinking about it. “Let me see the ring again” Jane says as takes Ally’s left hand in her own “It’s beautiful” “Thank you Jane. He took me ring shopping this morning and as soon as I saw the ring…” She trailed off tears filling her eyes “I know sweetie. It’s perfect” Jane pulls her back in for a hug.
A few days later Alice and Jasper arrive in Volterra for a surprise visit after Alice’s vision of Alyssa and Demetri’s wedding. “Hello Gianna, I’m Alice and this is my husband Jasper and we’re here to see Demetri and Alyssa” “Ciao Alice, Jasper. Take a seat please, I’ll them know you’re here” Gianna replies pointing to the seating area behind them. Gianna then made her way to the throne room knocking on the large doors. “Come in” Aro called out “Sorry for the interruption masters but Demetri and Alyssa have visitors waiting in reception for them” Gianna informed them. “Who are the visitors, my dear?” Aro asked “They said their names were Alice and Jasper master” Gianna replied. “Ahh splendid. Demetri you’re dismissed to greet your visitors” Aro said waving his hand in Demetri’s direction “Thank you master” He replied bowing his head.
Demetri made his way to reception to greet Alice and Jasper before leading them to his and Ally’s shared room “Hi Ally. Look who I found in reception” He said as he entered the room “Alice, Jasper” Ally called out as she got up from the desk to greet them with a hug. “Hi Ally. We’re here to help with the wedding plans” Alice says excitedly “I should have guessed” Demetri chuckled “Sorry Demetri but when Alice has a vision, especially one involving a wedding, it’s hard to rein her in” Jasper says laughing; placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Have you started planning yet?” “No Alice we haven’t, we’ve only been engaged a few days. But that’s why you’re here right?” Ally replies smiling. “Jasper and I can start looking at honeymoon destinations” Demetri said nodding at Jasper “Don’t worry about a honeymoon, it’s already taken care of” Jasper replies smiling; Demetri nods. “You and Jasper need to go suit shopping for you and your Groomsmen” Alice instructed them “Who are your groomsmen Dem?” Ally asked “To be honest I hadn’t really thought about it. Although I did plan to ask Felix to be Best Man as he is my best friend” Demetri replied “I’m sure Alice has seen who is standing beside me in her vision” He adds looking down at Alice “I have. You’re right about Felix being your Best Man and Alec and Jasper are your Groomsmen. So that is four grey suits with white shirts and four royal blue ties” She answers him smiling “For once I’m glad it’s not me who has to try and rein her in” Jasper says quietly; although Alice heard and stuck her tongue out at him.
“Have you thought about a dress or who your bridesmaids will be?” Alice asked and Ally shook her head tears filling her eyes, Demetri sped to her side and wrapped an arm around her “What’s wrong cara?” He asked “I just realised none of my family will be there on my…our special day” She rested her head against his chest letting the tears fall “Oh mi amore, I’m sorry I didn’t even think about that when I proposed” He held her close as he stroked her hair feeling guilty. “Ally?” Alice called quietly; resting her hand on Ally’s back “In my vision your mom was here celebrating with you” “R-really?” She sniffled “Yes. Let’s go speak to Aro and confirm that it’s ok to invite her” Alice replies. “Alice, you wait here with Ally and I’ll go and speak with him” Demetri says kissing the top of Ally’s head.
Demetri makes his way to the throne room “Masters may I have a quiet word please?” “Of course my dear boy” Aro replies motioning for him to approach them “How can we help you?” Caius asks “I have a favour to ask you. It’s for Ally really. As you are aware Ally and I are starting to plan the wedding and I was wondering if Ally is able to invite her family to the wedding?” He replies “When you say family, you mean her parents as Bella is not talking to her?” Marcus enquires. “Yes, master” Demetri replies “She can invite her parents to attend the wedding, but no other humans. It’s too risky” Caius replies softly “Thank you masters. I really appreciate it and I know that Ally will too” Demetri says smiling; he bows his head and then returns to his room to share the news with Ally. “That was nice of you Caius” Marcus says smiling at his brother “Well Ally deserves to be able share this day with her parents and it’ll give her a chance to say a proper goodbye too” Caius replies “You’ve got a soft spot for her, admit it” Marcus says sounding amused; Caius said nothing instead choosing to glare at the guards at the back of the room.  
Demetri returns to his room to find Alice and Ally sitting on the bed making a to-do list “Ally, I spoke to the masters and you are allowed to invite your parents to our wedding but no other humans as it’s too risky” She climbs off the bed and runs to him wrapping her arms around his neck “Thank you Demi. You’re the best” She kisses him “I’m going to call dad before we send official invites as I’m unsure if he’ll come. The last time we spoke he kept going on about how I have to apologise to Bella. He refused to hear that it is actually her who owes me an apology” Alice, Jasper and Demetri look at sympathetically.
“Hi dad, it’s Ally. How are you and Sue?”
“Hi Ally. We’re ok thanks. You keeping well? Still liking Italy?”
“Yea I’m good. Loving being in Italy. Demetri is ok too dad, thanks for asking”
 “Yea, well…Er good to hear. Although I don’t like the fact he has come between you and your sister”
 “He hasn’t come between us. He’s a really great guy, loving, caring and funny. He has a really good job…”
 “Well according to Bella he isn’t that nice of a guy”
 “Bella only dislikes him because he and her precious Edward don’t always get along. I mean who gets along with their cousins 100% of the time. I remember when you used to dislike Edward. What changed?”
 “I-I gave him another chance, he makes your sister happy…”
“Demetri makes me happy dad. In fact he makes me so happy I accepted his proposal”
“W-What you can’t get married, you’re 17”
“I can get married and I am. And anyways in Italy you’re classed as an adult at 16. I was ringing to invite to you and Sue to the wedding, before we send out official invitations”
“I-I don’t approve of the two of you being together, I mean I haven’t even met the guy”
“I didn’t think he’d be welcome in your house after the last conversation we had. I’m not even sure if I’d be welcome”
“Don’t be silly Ally, this will always be your home…”
“It won’t be as long as Demetri isn’t welcome” Her eyes became glassy as tears began to build up
“Have you spoken to your sister?”
“No. She owes Demetri and I an apology. Before you ask, no I won’t inviting her and Edward”
“Ally…Come on, she just worries about you”
“No she doesn’t. She only thinks about herself. She’s a hypocrite; who was there for her when Edward left her? Who helped pick up the pieces? Who supported her when she got back with him, even if I couldn’t forgive him for hurting her the way he did? Hm. ME! And don’t you think that she should have given Demi a chance before judging him?”  She turns her back to the three vampires as tears start falling down her cheeks “Are you and Sue going to come to our wedding dad?”  She asks softly; Demetri’s undead heart breaking listening to this call.
Charlie didn’t answer
“I’m going to take your silence as your refusal to come to our wedding? Hope you all have a lovely life without me in it!”
Ally hangs up the call and drops to the floor crying; Demetri ran to her and scooped up into his arms holding her close “Ssh…Sssh. I’m here cara. I’m so sorry” “D-don’t be. You-You’ve d-done n-nothing w-wrong” She replies sobbing; he tightens his hold on her “I love you so much Ally but this is breaking my heart to see you like this” “I-I love y-you too” She grips his shirt in her hands.
“Well look at this way Ally, when Aro asks for objections your dad and Bella won’t be here to do so” Jasper said trying to lighten the mood; Ally chuckled through her tears “T-true” She replied lifting her head from Demetri’s chest; his hands moving to her face, his thumbs wiping away the tears “Thank you” Demetri mouthed to Jasper “Anytime” Jasper mouthed back.
“I need to call mom and tell her about the wedding before dad does. Can you tell I’ve been crying?” “You look absolutely beautiful mi amore” Demetri answers wrapping her arm around her; Ally picked up the phone and called her mom hitting the Facetime button when she answers
“Hey mom”
“Hey Ally…and I’m guessing the good looking guy with you is Demetri”
“Mom” Ally blushed “Yes mom this is Demetri, Dem this is my mom Renee”
“Hello Renee. It’s nice to meet you”
“Likewise. So are you both ok?”
“Yes mom we’re both ok, you?”
“I’m good, missing you though”
“Well, that’s kind of why we’re calling. How would you like to come to Italy to see us and maybe stay for our wedding?”
“Come to Italy, I’d…” Renee cut herself off realising what Ally had said “AHH, oh my god! Y-you’re getting married?”  Demetri, Ally, Jasper and Alice couldn’t help but laugh.
“Yes mom. Alice and Jasper are here helping with the planning” Renee put her hands together clearly excited
“Show me the ring”  Ally did as she asked  “Aww it’s beautiful. I’d say he has great taste, but I know that already as he’s dating you” Ally blushed again; Demetri chuckled.
“It’s easy to see where Ally gets her looks from” Demetri said smiling causing Renee to blush.
“T-thank you Demetri. Have you told your dad?”
“I did and he isn’t coming neither is Bella, but then I haven’t spoken to Bella in months. How soon can you get here mom?”
“The wedding will be about 6 weeks from now. Your official invite is being posted” Alice popped her head over Demetri’s shoulder.
“Hi Alice, ok thanks. God your father is so stubborn. Nevermind, I’ll be there. How soon would you like me to come out?”
“How about two weeks before, you can help with final preparations?” Alice replied.
“Sounds a like a plan. I’ll see you all soon. Love you”
“Love you too mom. Bye”
“Now that’s settled let’s start planning” Alice says excitedly, Jasper smiling at her “I hope you know what you’ve let yourself in for Demetri” Jasper says patting him on the back “I’m trusting you to rein her in if she gets carried away, after all it’s your wedding” “Thanks mate” Demetri replied patting Jasper’s back “I’m pretty sure Alice is to going to make her vision come true so no amount of reining her in will help” He added “It’s like you know my wife so well” Jasper replied laughing “Be nice you two. It’s nice of Alice to want to help” Ally said pointing her finger at the two them; both nodding in response. 
Ally and Alice start making a list of guests to invite before going out to buy invitations. Ally chose Bronze coloured invitation with a silver pattern at the top and bottom “Do you think Dem will like them?” “Honestly Ally, guys don’t really care about that stuff, but as long you like them so will he” Alice replied “Wedding invitations – check” Ally said as she placed a tick on her to-do list. 
That night whilst Ally slept Alice started to look at wedding dresses online “Alice I have a small request in regards to the dress…” Demetri is cut off by Alice “The dress is to be princess inspired due to her love of Disney princesses” “Another vision?” He asked and she nodded “Don’t worry Ally will look like a princess on the day” Alice smiled “Thank you Alice and don’t worry about the cost of the dress either, only the best for my girl” He replied looking at his mate asleep in their bed “Aww. Who would have thought the most dangerous vampire in the world is a big softie at heart?” Jasper teases lightly “Hey. Just because I’d do anything for her doesn’t mean I’m not still the most dangerous vampire in the world Jasper” He replies letting his eyes darken a little; Jasper holds his hands up in mock surrender. 
The following day Ally asks Jane to be her Bridesmaid and Alice took on the role Maid of Honour due to her ability to plan events in spectacular fashion. “Jane I have something I need to ask you. You became my friend shortly after I met Dem and we have only become closer the more we got to know each other; I mean you’re my best friend and I want you to be my Bridesmaid” Jane’s eyes began to fill venom as a huge smile graced her lips “I’d love to be your Bridesmaid” She threw her arms around Ally pulling her into a hug “I assume Alice will be Maid of Honour as she is planning the wedding due to her visions” “Yes, I hope you don’t mind, but she is really good at planning events” Ally replied “I don’t mind, in fact I think it’s a great idea and I’m looking forward to helping her with the plans” Jane responded. 
Alice spoke with Jane about holding the ceremony and reception in the Ballroom and telling her about her vision of how the room will be decorated on the day. “Sounds lovely Alice. It must be great to see how things will turn out before they happen” Jane says smiling.
Ally takes Gianna to the Wedding Cake tasting appointment as she is the only other human in the castle. After looking at different decoration designs and trying a few flavours Ally decides a white two-tier cake decorated with white fondant icing with blue and white flowers with a small crystal at the centre of each one. The bottom tier is Lemon flavour sponge with lemon curd and buttercream and the top tier is Vanilla flavour sponge with Jam and buttercream. “Gianna thank you for coming with me today” “That’s ok. I had fun, it was a good excuse to try all the different cakes” Both women chuckle “Gianna I’d like you to be my other Bridesmaid?” “You sure Ally?” “You’re my friend. Of course I’m sure” “Then I’d love to, thank you Ally” Gianna hugged Ally smiling.
Demetri, Alyssa, Felix and the twins met in Ally and Demetri’s room for book club “I’m glad Anna and Christian got back together and they got engaged” Jane said smiling “I like how they explored more of his lifestyle once they got back together but it was sad though when Christian went missing and they didn’t know where he was” Ally added “I like the drama between Elena, Anna and Christian and how it bought Anna and Christian closer” Alec said having enjoyed the book. “So D what’s your choice this month?” Felix asked “50 Shades Freed. Figured we’d finish the trilogy” Demetri answered smiling.
“Don’t forget family movie night this Friday and it’s Horror films all night for Halloween” Alec said as Jane and Felix got up to leave “Aro said costumes are a must” “Yes!” Felix smiled wide “You guys dress up for Halloween?” Ally asked “Yes amore. Aro found out about Halloween a few decades back and likes to celebrate it” Demetri replied “My costume is already sorted” He added “I best go shopping then” Ally said smiling. 
The day before Halloween Caius overheard Ally telling Gianna that although she is too old to go trick or treating she still dressed up to give out candy to the kids who would knock at their house “We don’t get trick or treaters here” Gianna said low “That’s probably a good thing considering who’d answer the door” Ally laughed; Gianna nodding. Caius got the twins to go and buy Halloween candy and bowls and bring them back to him as a surprise for Ally. Ally joined the twins on the shopping trip although she shopped for a costume whilst they shopped for candy; deciding on Gummy Bears, Jelly Beans, Cherry Lips and Vampire Fangs. They chose a Jack-O-Lantern bowl and a Ghost bowl before meeting back up with Ally. 
It was Halloween and the castle had been decorated with hanging Skeletons, Bats, Spider-Webs and Ghosts. Ally was amazed at how serious the Volturi took Halloween and how they managed to make the castle look so creepy. Demetri had told her he thinks Aro likes this holiday so much because it suits their kind rather well and they all enjoy dressing up to see who has the best costume.
Demetri got ready first and had chosen a Dark Hatter costume; a white high collar shirt with a white and black neck tie, black tuxedo jacket, grey waistcoat and dark grey trousers with grey and white top hat, paired with black shoes.
Ally bought a Mischievous Witch costume; a red mid-thigh length dress with black lace detail on each side and over the shoulders with matching black lace elbow length gloves. The costume came with a red pointed hat and a black broomstick with a red bow on top of the handle; Ally wore matching black stiletto knee high boots.
Demetri looked up from his book when he heard Ally’s footsteps as she left the closet; mouth falling open as she literally took his undead breath away. He sped over to her, his eyes roaming over her body “Beautiful” He took her hand and spun her around “You look sooo good, it’s a shame we have to go downstairs” He purred in her ear “We have time…” She trailed off and led him to the sofa “Take a seat. I’ll be right back” She ran to the closet and put a couple of ice cubes into a glass and made her way back to Demetri placing the glass on the floor. She parted his legs and knelt down in front of him leaning over to kiss him; her hands moving to unzip his trousers. He lifted himself up slightly and she pulled his trousers and boxers down freeing his growing erection.
“Close your eyes and relax Mr Volturi” She said low and watched as he did what she said, a smile on his lips. She wrapped her warm hand around him moving her hand up and down his length slowly; her thumb brushing over the tip. She placed an ice cube in her mouth for a few seconds before wrapping her lips around him; Demetri purred at the new sensation. She licked him from base to tip letting her tongue swirl around the tip; moving her head up and down his hard dick building to a steady rhythm, he thrust his hips forward his dick hitting the back of her throat “Mmm” He moaned and Ally removed her mouth from him “Behave Mr Volturi. Naughty boys don’t get rewarded” He growled but couldn’t help smiling down at her “Sorry Miss Swan” She nodded and resumed sucking and licking him; her hand pumping the base, she dragged her teeth over his length and felt him twitch inside her mouth “Oh…baby” He purred as she swallowed everything he gave her “Good boy” She winked at him as she went to stand “My turn” His eyes black with lust as grabbed her wrist “Afraid not or we’ll miss the film” She leant down and kissed him “Later then, Ally” They made their way downstairs for movie night joining Felix and the twins on the L-shaped sofa.
The next four weeks go by quickly as wedding plans get under way; Bridal gown fittings, Bridesmaid dress fittings, Groom and Groomsmen suit fittings, shoe shopping. Bouquets and flowers for the centrepieces were ordered by Jane on Alice’s instructions.
Felix and Santiago refreshed the cream painted walls of the Ballroom “Why are you two painting the Ballroom?” Heidi asked “Caius has asked that the room is freshened up ready for Demetri and Alyssa’s wedding” Santiago replied “Don’t see why, it’s a lot of work just for one day” She answers back “No one’s asking you to help are they Heidi?” Felix asked; Heidi huffed and walked away.
Alyssa and Gianna prepared a guest room for Renee’s stay ahead of her arrival. Renee arrived in Volterra two weeks before the wedding to help Ally and Alice with final preparations. It is also the first time Renee was meeting Demetri in person. “Hello Renee, it’s so nice to finally meet you” Demetri greets her at the airport “Hello Demetri, it’s nice to meet you too” They hug each other smiling before he takes her suitcase “Here let me” He leads her to his car “A Lamborghini. Very nice” She nods in approval “Thank you” He replies as he holds the door open for her ‘Mother like daughter’ he thought to himself smiling remembering Ally had the same reaction the first time she saw his car.
Once at the castle Demetri took Renee straight to her room where Ally was waiting “Guess who I found at the airport” He says as he holds the door open for Renee “Mom” Ally runs and embraces her “I’ve missed you” “Oh I’ve missed you too baby girl” Renee replies holding Ally in her arms, Demetri smiling at the two women “He’s so handsome. I totally approve” Renee whispers into Ally’s ear unaware that Demetri can hear her.
“Knock knock” Felix says as he enters Renee’s room “I hear Ally’s mum has arrived” He said smiling “Renee, this is my best friend and Best Man Felix. Felix this is Renee, Ally’s mom” Demetri introduces the two of them “It’s nice to meet you Renee” Felix smiles down at her “Likewise Felix” Renee smiles up at the large vampire “He’s huge” Renee mouths to Ally, who just shakes her head laughing.
The following day Demetri escorted Renee to the library on his way to the training room “I’ll leave you in peace read Renee” “Thank you Demetri” 
Heidi entered the library a little while later and went straight for Renee “You smell so good, it’ll be a shame to waste such sweet smelling blood and it’ll be totally worth the trouble to see the heartbroken look on poor Ally’s face” Heidi says into Renee’s ear. Meanwhile, Marcus is walking towards the throne room when he hears a small scream and an accelerated heartbeat coming from the library and decides to investigate only to see that Heidi has a hand around Renee’s neck holding her to the wall; she dips her head down towards Renee’s neck when suddenly a snarl echoes through the room. Heidi is pulled backwards and hits the opposite wall as Marcus stands protectively in front of Renee staring Heidi down; her eyes are black and she has a scowl on her face “I’d consider your next move very carefully if I were you my dear” Marcus warns her. “Master, everything ok?” Felix asks entering the room “I heard a commotion…” He cuts himself off when he sees Marcus standing between a scared and confused Renee and a pissed off Heidi “No, Felix it is not. Please escort Heidi to the throne room, I will be there shortly” “Of course master” Felix bows his head and holds Heidi in a tight grip as they make their way to the throne room.
“Are you ok my dear” Marcus asks as he turns to face Renee “I-I think so. W-what was that about?”  She asks, her voice sounding shaky. Marcus leads her to one of the sofas sitting beside her; explaining about vampires and his role as one of the three kings of the vampire world. “Some vampires have gifts; mine is that I am able to see the relationships or connections people have to one another. I lost my mate Didyme a very long time ago and have been on my own ever since. However, it would appear I am being given a second chance at love. I can see the connection between us as you are my mate Renee and I would very much like to spend the rest of eternity with you. I do not expect you to make a decision now as it’s a lot to take in. All I ask is that you think about what I have told you” He takes her hand in his “Of-of course Marcus. Please can you take me to Ally’s room?” He nodded and escorted her there before going to the throne room.
Once in the throne room Marcus holds out his hand to Aro and shows him what occurred in the library and that Rene is in fact his mate, his second chance at love; something that until now was unheard of in the vampire world. “Well it would seem that our dear brother has been blessed with a second mate after all these centuries alone” Aro said looking between his brothers “Who is it brother?” Caius asks curious “It’s Ally’s mom Renee” Aro replies smiling “Congratulations brother. I hope the two of you have a happy life together” Caius said smiling to Marcus. 
Renee takes the night to let the information about vampires sink in; also thinking over what being the mate of a vampire king would be like. “Ally can we talk please?” Renee asks as she knocks on the open bedroom door “Of course mom. What did you want to talk about?” Ally replied “Vampires” Renee responds “I’ll leave you both to talk” Demetri says kissing Ally’s forehead and getting up to leave “No. Please. Stay” Renee says as she grabs his arm to stop him leaving “Ok. Take a seat” He replies closing the door and gesturing towards the sofas.
“What do you want to know mom?” Renee takes a deep breath “Marcus has explained that vampires exist and that the majority of them survive on human blood, but there are some that practice vegetarianism by surviving on animal blood. He said that he and his brothers Aro and Caius rule the vampire world and have done so for thousands of years. He also said that he lost his mate Didyme a very very long time ago…and…and that I am his mate. He-he has been given a second chance at love and wants me to accept him as my mate and spend forever with him”  “Wow. I didn’t know vampires got a second chance of love” Ally said looking between Demetri and her mom “I’ve never heard of a vampire having a second mate; but then Marcus would be the one to know if your mom is his mate or not as that is his gift” Demetri added.
“I’m so confused; it’s a lot of information to process at once and I thought that maybe we could talk about it as you are with Demetri; who by the way is an elite guard to the Volturi and not a bodyguard of the Italian government” Renee said looking at Ally “It wasn’t a complete lie mom. The Volturi are the government of the vampire world and Demetri is Marcus’ bodyguard, it’s part of his duty as an elite guard. I told you the truth within a lie. Demetri was turned at 21 but is actually over 1000 years old” Ally replies holding his hand, Demetri smiles nodding “Wow. You’re ok with this Ally? Even the drinking human blood part” “I am mom. I love him and he loves me, he protects me. Honestly, him drinking human blood to survive doesn’t bother me; it’s just part of what makes Demetri Demetri, I mean we all have to survive somehow” Demetri smiles at her lovingly and gives her hand a gentle squeeze ���I love you cara so much” “I love you too Demi”
“Renee if you accept Marcus as your mate he’ll make you immortal as I plan to do with Ally after the wedding; not only will Marcus love and protect you forever, you’ll also get to spend forever with your daughter and me” Demetri took Renee’s hand in his and smiled “Marcus is a kind and gentle person with a caring nature. He had already lost his mate long before I met him about 1000 years ago. A vampire’s heart breaks when they lose their mate and over time they become depressed and lonely. If Marcus has been given a second chance at love he is not going to let that go easily. He will fight for you Renee. Think about what you’ll gain rather than what you’ll lose” Demetri added, Renee nodded.
Renee stayed in Ally and Demetri’s room and thought about her conversations with Marcus, Demetri and Ally. ‘Although I have to give up my home, my friends, my entire life to be with Marcus; I do get to spend an eternity with him, with Ally and Demetri. I get to be with someone who’ll love me forever’ she thought to herself. Demetri smiled as he watched Ally and her mom talk and laugh about a range of things until they both fell asleep. ‘I hope Renee accepts Marcus as her mate as he will treat her so well and Ally will be so pleased to have her mom around forever too’ he thought to himself. Renee fell asleep still not having made a decision.
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lroth690-blog · 4 years
A visit with Psalm1
For those saved by faith, there will always be two directions we go: away from God or to God.  Ps. 1:1-2 shows that a person follows unreliable sources on one path while the real way is with the Lord.  In the present age, spiritual disciplines lead us to spiritual maturity.  When we prepare ourselves in advance of attacks from the evil one, the less we stray, although that isn’t guaranteed.  For example, Adam and Eve spoke directly to the Lord continually in the Garden of Eden.  The cunning serpent then deceives the two in Gen. 3:1-7).  Whether the source of deception comes from Satan or one of his agents is not the issue. The seeds of this deception can occur in the past and continue their damage in the present. The key is that our opinions about God’s trustworthiness and whether He has our best interests don’t change during a spiritual attack.  That is the crux of verse 2 in our Psalm – we are fully satisfied with the Lord’s instruction.
Timothy Clinton points out that practicing spiritual disciplines is the training required to “cultivate a secure relationship with God.” Training requires discipline to achieve the relationship we long for with God.  When we allow anything else to replace God, then we enter the wrong path.  Ultimately, this leads to destruction (Matt. 7:13).  Remember the example in Genesis? God bans Adam and Eve from the Garden, due to their disobedience and the closeness that existed is no longer[1]. The author lists the following for “starters:” corporate worship, Bible reading, prayer, and fasting[2].  I would also add confession (in a non-liturgical sense) to this list.
Are you blessed?
Psalm 1 opens with a description of a righteous person (Ps. 1:1-2).  What is a “blessed” mean?  “Happiness” is often associated with the word “blessed,”[3] In this case, the concept is related to a favored individual (by divine grace). This person does not behave or live as do “wicked” people. Scripture warns about acting as the world does – as in, indistinguishable from non-believers. We are either on one path or the other.  The way of the wicked can take years away from serving the Lord and bearing fruit. We can understand the Old Testament idea of blessing with selected passages:
1. Deut. 28:2 – Verses 1-6 discusses the benefits that show the Lord has a hand in the events of our lives.  This passage says every necessary blessing comes to the obedient one. Again, this is the OT blessings and those for a restored Israel during the 1000-year reign of Christ.
2. Deut. 33:29 - Blessings extends to protection provided by the Lord.  1 Peter 1:3-5 echo this with a New Testament application.
3. Lastly, Ps. 32:1-2 – The forgiveness of our transgressions is the best blessing of all. Forgiveness is the Lord’s way in all dispensations.
4. This idea is also in Matt. 5:3-12. The Beatitudes are the Kingdom of Heaven focused.  They describe the comfort and mercy the believers receive after the Tribulation and before the Millennium.[4] Note the shift after verse 11, indicating the trials the apostles and other missionaries would endure before the Kingdom of Heaven appearing on Earth.[5]
What causes me to choose one way instead of another?
Everybody takes advice or direction from somebody or something (social media, for example).  Hopefully, this is the Lord (Matt. 16:24-26).  How often do we see our friends or children change their behavior when they start hanging out a “bad element.”  Enticed by something that proves that another direction is more fun or better can change the course of a vulnerable person’s life.  
Once lured from the path of righteousness, that life will sometimes damage relationships with friends and family. This Psalm applies today as much as it did in the past. Wiersbe shares some insight to understand the connection between the Bible as a defense:
• We should not allow ourselves to be contaminated by the world around us (Num. 23:9; Ex. 19:5–6; Deut. 32:8–10; 33:28). John 17:11-17 echos the concept of in the world but not of the world.
• James 4:4, Rom 12:1-2, and 1 John 2:15-17 give stern warnings about friendship with the world, and an example is in James 1:27 [6]. The NT application of Psalm 1 is behavioral.  We have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, so physical separation is not as important as the mental aspect to protect believers in fellowship with the Spirit. See 2 Cor. 101-6.
Back in Ps. 1:1, the text is talking about godless people (they could be saved) luring believers away from God’s way. These attacks can come from either inside or outside the church. Today we have more venues that Satan uses to scoff at God: Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, etc. What about hanging out with sinners?  It stands to reason that they, too, have been seduced by the Devil’s lie and follow his pathway. What does it mean to stand in their path?  The image is a walking trail that leads to a destination.  When a person stands in a specific trail, the person is committed to a particular goal.  That is the analogy of a person’s behavior.  Hang out with sinners, and their destination becomes your destination! These sinners could be life-long friends, but are they your friends if they are guiding you to the wrong place spiritually?  No. The text continues by adding the idea of sitting with those who scoff the Lord. Don’t do this.
An example of this idea of two sole directions is in Eph 4:25-5:10.  This passage cites the behavior for one path, God's, looks like in practice 4:25-5:5). The last five verses of chapter 5 illustrate the lure I mentioned above.  Consider also Gal. 1:6-10.
Verse two clarifies the first verse by stating what the believer should be doing. These activities should bring us extreme pleasure or satisfaction.  Those that use the spiritual discipline mentioned above to seek fellowship with the Lord behave differently with those in rebellion.  
Verses 3 and 4 give an agricultural contrast between the wicked and the righteous ones.  The righteous are like a tree with firm roots able to weather lousy weather and droughts.  These trees yield good fruit when those with weaker or exposed roots do not.  With Jewish Law, prosperity would refer to the earthly realm.  The new testament equivalents are the rewards we accumulate while on earth.  Prosperity preachers claim we can have both physical and heavenly rewards.  If you ponder this idea, why would you want something you cannot take with you to heaven?  In contrast, the wicked (verse 4) don’t do anything of value on earth or heaven. Chaff is defined below:
“Loose hulls separated from the edible grains by threshing and winnowing. In Bible times, the common sight of winnowed grain remaining when the wind blew away the lighter husks gave rise to the vivid image of good people or nations surviving judgment while the wicked do not.” [7]
You see, the wicked are associated with something useless in agriculture.
No matter what happens here on earth politically, the wicked will not be the ones judging the righteous (verses 5-6).  We can visit Matt. 13:30 and Isa. 2:10-21 to see that this verse refers to our future. In other words, it has not happened yet. The Psalm has already established that the wicked are chaff, useless.[8]
1. Clinton, T., & Sibcy, G. (2006). Why you do the things you do: the secret to healthy relationships. Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
2. Clinton, T., & Sibcy, G. (2006). Why you do the things you do: the secret to healthy relationships. Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
3.  Strong, J. (1995). Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon. Woodside Bible Fellowship.
4. Pastor Robert L. Bolender. (n.d.). The Life of Christ (Lk 6:20–49).
5.  Pastor Robert L. Bolender. (n.d.). The Life of Christ (Lk 6:20–49).
6. Wiersbe, W. W. (2004). Be worshipful (1st ed., pp. 12–13). Colorado Springs, CO: Cook Communications Ministries.
7. Elwell, W. A., & Beitzel, B. J. (1988). Chaff. In Baker encyclopedia of the Bible (Vol. 1, p. 422). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House.
8. Constable, T. (2003). Tom Constable’s Expository Notes on the Bible (Ps 1:5). Galaxie Software.
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ourworldofenergy · 3 years
More Interesting Energy Stories that you Might Have Missed
Guest blog by Mr. R. U. Cirius: Here are some interesting and somewhat offbeat energy stories that haven’t gotten much media attention that OWOE readers might have missed.
New Cryptocrude
The government of Venezuela, which has been unable to get inflation in the country under control (see new 200,000 Bolivar note worth 0.1 cents), has come up with a new idea on how to monetize their oil resource wealth – they are planning to introduce a variation of a cryptocurrency in the form of digitized oil. Venezuela is purported to have the largest oil reserves in the world, 304 billion barrels, which is just ahead of Saudi Arabia at 298 billion barrels. Unfortunately, most of this is extra-heavy oil that is very difficult and expensive to produce, and the mismanagement by the government has led to a precipitous drop in production over the last decade. The solution: don’t try to produce the oil, sell it virtually while it is still in the ground. Make the money now without having to do any work and leave the messy details on how to produce heavy oil to someone else.
The idea has garnered interest from Canada, another country with large heavy oil deposits that has also struggled with developing its resources, which has been in discussions with the Venezuelan government to do a joint cryptocrude offering that would include the tar sands oil in Alberta.
Avian Turbines
Birds, while an important part of our ecosystem, may not be used to their full potential. People are beginning to ask “could we be utilizing them more?” One company, Birdines, is looking for creative ways to do so. They have been exploring the concept of attaching a small wind turbine onto birds on long flight paths to harness a bit of wind energy.
While it might not seem like a bird could produce very much energy, with multiple flocks Birdines has shown that they could produce a sufficient amount of energy to run their production facility. The big challenge is how to harness that energy. They are working on a number of ideas ranging from wireless transmission to small batteries. As a first step, they are planning to place test turbines on a number of birds at the start of their migration, track the levels of energy generated during flight, and send collectors to bring back equipment for further evaluation. (See Fig. 1.) Engineers have worked tirelessly to ensure that these wind turbines will not affect the birds’ flight or safety. In fact, one interesting finding from their studies is that the turbines actually make the birds more attractive to their mates, which has helped get PETA onboard as a supporter of the effort. Over time, as their design becomes more widely used, they are predicting that it will be possible to power companies all over the world along the flight paths of these migratory birds.
Fig. 1 – Avian Turbine (image by Birdines)
Young Aspiring Female Engineer Merges Robotics and AI
California has its fair share of geniuses but they seem to congregate in the entertainment industries. However, at one dedicated technical high school, Ms. Noel Hayley, an aspiring engineer, has been turning heads with her research and independent school projects. She’s won several competitions for engineering challenges including building bridges out of popsicle sticks, producing energy from ocean currents, etc. But more recently she has turned her intellectual curiosity and technical prowess to robotics and AI.
Building robots using 3-D printing technology has been straightforward enough, but the AI part has presented a number of challenges. Most surprising, one day, in the lab, while listening to a radio segment with Bill Nye and Justin Trudeau (the Prime Minister of Canada), the robotic arm she was working on took on an unorthodox pose (see Fig. 2).
Fig. 2 – Robotic Arm Malfunction
“I haven’t been able to figure out why this happened. I ran some more experiments with other speakers – the arm behaved properly,” said Ms. Hayley. “Then I ran a different speech by the PM and the same malfunction occurred. Again and again, every time that I played a speech by the PM of Canada, the robot defaulted to this position.”  Although Ms. Hayley was dumbfounded as to this behavior, she started getting requests form Canadians for copies of the robot arm, “as is”. Ms. Hayley is still working on developing the robot for oil and gas work, but in the meantime has started a side business selling copies of the malfunctioning robot to folks in Canada. “For some reason, they especially like these in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Newfoundland.”
Bio Power to the Rescue!
For some years now, scientists and keepers at the Tennessee Aquarium have been using an electric eel to power the lights of a Christmas tree.  Researchers at Tennessee Tech and Oak Mound National Laboratory have now taken that one step further and believe that they can harness sufficient power from eels for long distance trucking and that the whole system can be biology-based and totally carbon neutral. One huge benefit is the elimination of recharge time during long hauls. Since eels eat virtually anything that can fit in their mouths, the EEL-V driver needs to only stop for a meal or bathroom break, throw a bucket of small fish, shrimp, fly larvae, or any other protein source into the tank and get right back on the road. A photo showing the EEL-V prototype during road tests is shown in Fig. 3 in which the first module contains eels in water, which generate power to propel the truck down the road. The second module is the actual cargo trailer.
Fig. 3 – EEL-V
Organic Storage of Renewable Energy
About a year ago, researchers at a Texas university announced a breakthrough in energy storage that combines solar gathering with thermal release. In the year since, numerous other research initiatives have focused on such molecular solar thermal storage systems. One such promising technology is being developed by Dr. Yudun Phul Mi, research lead at the Coshocton Institute for Carbon Research (CICR). Dr. Mi has announced a novel means of energy storage and quotes: “Renewable energy is great. It’s clean and there is enough of it to power the world. The problem is that it’s intermittent.”  Dr. Mi continues, “We’ve developed a novel means to store renewable energy using organic, plant based starches as feedstock.” According to Dr. Mi and his colleagues, the process of storing energy in starches is simple, and it would also be possible to capture atmospheric carbon into the new material. The key breakthrough that has eluded many researchers has been how to compactly store the new energy-dense material. “Our team,” Dr. Mi continues, “realized that arranging the starches in layers and then subjecting them to pressure and temperature would yield a semi-solid.” In simplest terms, see Fig. 4.
Fig. 4 – Renewable Energy Storage Using Starches
When asked about the energy storage potential, Dr. Mi explained that it was about 24 MJ / kg and that it would store energy for many years. “On a larger scale, we could even bury it for future populations to unearth as needed in 10, 100, or even 1000 years in the future. Of course, we still have to figure out how to burn it without emitting the carbon dioxide and other pollutants back into the atmosphere.” Additional research is being undertaken at CICR to determine whether the process could be modified to yield liquid energy stores that could then be pumped into underground reservoirs or porous sand deposits.
Harvesting the Energy from Crop Circles
Professor Emeritus Albus Dumblebee at HST (Hoagmoles School of Technology) in Edinburgh, UK, who has spent most of his career researching crop circles has developed a new concept for harvesting energy from these circles. Despite claims from some that the circles are created by alien visitors to the earth and from others that such phenomena are hoaxes, Professor Dumblebee believed that there was a more natural basis for the circles. After extensive research and excavation at a number of circles in the UK, he reported that he had found a highly concentrated radioactive source buried under several of these circles. Laboratory testing of these sources shows that they emit a pulsating spherical radiation field and that the perimeter of the crop circle coincides with the location where the peak energy pulse intersects the surface of the earth. Thus, the larger the point radiation source and the shallower it is buried, the larger the manifestation of the crop circle.
With this new understanding of how the crop circles are made, he has developed the concept of a large-scale partial-sphere flux capacitor (see Fig. 5). The partial-sphere flux capacitor will fit exactly on the crop circle which will allow it to capture the radioactive energy from each pulse generated by the buried radioactive source. Professor Dumblebee is currently working on the mechanism to convert the captured radioactive energy into electricity and feed it into the electrical grid. He believes that a field of 5 typical crop circles can generate enough electricity to displace approximately 100MW of conventional fossil fuel driven power plants, thus helping the world move toward a fossil fuel free future.
Fig. 5 – 2D Representation of 3D Flux Capacitor (credit Muller, et.al., and Dr. Emmett Brown)
Canadian Researchers Make Major Renewable Energy Breakthrough
Research from the Cape and the Rock have made a significant breakthrough in renewable power efficiency from wind and wave. At a press conference to reveal their breakthrough, team members summarized the technology as combining a bunny hug or doeskin with a vi-co. “We had many smattes over many chiffes, subsisting at times on bines and jam-busters when we sure g’awn witcha. There was no takitish.” Said another researcher about the team effort, “Lashins tof till I was rawny, but we kept the jinkers out of there so we wouldn’t be huffed: Soon enough it was full flye duckish.” Canadian government officials on hand were like buckle bunnies with new gotch: It was skookum tickety-boo. Research will be published in the upcoming quarterly journal of Timmies.
More Interesting Energy Stories that you Might Have Missed was originally published on OurWorldofEnergy
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larryland · 7 years
Williamstown Theatre Festival Engages the Berkshire Community
by Barbara Waldinger
Williamstown Theatre Festival, in its second season of COMMUNITY WORKS, has proven that is it no longer the distant “Theatre on the Hill,” but an active participant in the life of the Berkshires.  With over eighty performers gathered during a year of community workshops with nine local partners, director Laura Savia and playwright Lucy Thurber have demonstrated their commitment to another all-inclusive experience with their new show : Once Upon a Time in the Berkshires.
(Click HERE to read Gail M. Burns’ interview with Laura Savia and Lucy Thurber.)
Savia, the Associate Artistic Director of Williamstown Theatre Festival, directs and runs workshops throughout New York City, assistant directed Broadway’s The Merchant of Venice, won an IAMA-Ovation Award, a Drama League Directing Fellowship, and is on the faculty of Fordham University, NYU/Strasberg Institute and The New School.
Thurber, hailing from Western Massachusetts, is a highly decorated playwright, having won first Gary Bonasorte Memorial Prize for Playwriting, a Lilly Award, a Manhattan Theatre Club playwriting fellowship, and a 2014 OBIE Award for her five-play cycle The Hill Town Plays.  She has taught at Columbia University, NYU, Sarah Lawrence College and The New School.  Her play Orpheus in the Berkshires had its World Premiere last year as WTF’s first COMMUNITY WORKS production, also directed by Savia.
Producer Mandy Greenfield, the Artistic Director of the Williamstown Theatre Festival
Playwright Lucy Thurber
Director Laura Savia, the Associate Artistic Director of the Williamstown Theatre Festival
Over the course of the year, Savia and Thurber travel from New York City to run workshops with WTF’s community partners, to which everyone is invited.  After Thurber announces her subject, participants respond by writing, then reading their work aloud, after which Savia arranges for groups to act out the stories. Meanwhile Thurber takes notes, incorporating the ideas into her play, ensuring that what emerges onstage reflects community concerns and ideas.  All participants are encouraged to perform in the finished product.  (Anyone who would like to be on their email list should write to [email protected].
Working with scores of community members, many of whom have never acted before, alongside professional performers and a huge artistic team and production staff, Savia and Thurber have created something approaching miraculous.  While both of Thurber’s community plays deal with problems facing Berkshire residents, Orpheus in the Berkshires, focusing on the opiod crisis and performed in a non-air conditioned old mill last year, was less cohesive (and significantly less comfortable) than her current production, which was mounted on WTF’s Main Stage. Once Upon a Time in the Berkshires is both poignant and relevant.  The story opens with an upcoming funeral for a young man who served in the military (special forces) but never recovered after returning home.  We are told: “No matter how hard we try we can’t get over the things we’ve seen.”  What a brave beginning for a play with so many young children both on the stage and in the audience!  There are two plots that eventually coalesce:  the struggles of the mourning family, and the oft-told story of their mythical ancestors, which the young children implore the grandmother (Penny Bucky) to repeat.
In this play-within-a-play, it seems that once upon a time, Miriam (Katasha Acosta), the leader of the Water People–fluid shape-shifters who worship Mother Octopus and Father Whale, married John (Brendan Dalton), the leader of the Rangers, a solid, camouflage-clad marching army.  John’s brother Scott (Keshav Moodliar), could not accept the blending of the two cultures, resulting in each losing the identifying characteristics of their tribe–the Rangers become more fluid and don the blue streamers of the Water People, while the latter become more solid and can no longer shift their shapes.  While John celebrates these changes as necessary and inevitable evolution, Scott feels threatened by them, believing that the Rangers are disappearing to the point where their children will not remember who they are—leading to a lovely and meaningful song questioning time and change, the fear of moving forward, the need to hold onto what we know and the obligation to adapt.  Each of the children, cuddled on a staircase listening to the story, asks the grandmother:  “Do we adapt?”
Meanwhile, the family, preparing for the funeral, begin to squabble.  Sue (Alexandra Templer), cousin of the young man who died, has gone off to live in the city, leaving her family behind to deal with the problems of rural life:  things don’t improve for future generations, jobs disappear, everything they strive for moves farther away and no one helps in their struggles.  Her relatives try to convince Sue, who has found happiness and success in the city (though she won’t talk to her family about her boyfriend because—heavens, he’s a liberal Democrat!!), to return home to help out.
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How to solve these two situations—the issues between the Water People and Rangers, and Sue’s problem with the demands of her family?  Clearly, what is required are the Banshees:  dressed in earth colors, swinging multi-colored lights and dancing to the music of drums, the Banshees  live inside every one of us, representing all the “hope and horror hiding in our throats”—they assure us that we are not alone.  With their aid, the inner feelings of the characters are expressed aloud and their love, buried under fear and anger, comes shining through.  The audience joins the cast in the title song, composed by Heather Christian, lyrics by Lucy Thurber, included in the programs.
The design team is top-notch, including the amazingly creative costume design (by Anna Blazer) for each of the different and distinctive groups (Miriam’s billowing water dress is exceptional); exciting and colorful lighting (Aaron Tacy, designer); a terrific band under the direction of Jack Mitchell; various styles of choreography, including hip-hop, by the talented Jenn Rapp, a simple, effective scenic design by Lawrence E. Moten, III that allows for quick changes and smooth transitions; all helped by actors like Templer, Acosta, Moodliar, and Dalton, who bring their professionalism to this worthy effort.
But the most moving element of this production is the diversity of the cast—senior actors paired with children, performers of every race and type, including Banshees in wheelchairs escorted onstage by assistants, and a message of inclusion that teaches us what can be possible in our fractured world.
Once Upon a Time in the Berkshires runs from August 13-16 at the Williamstown Theatre Festival’s Main Stage.  For tickets call 413-458-3253 or online at wtfestival.org.
Williamstown Theatre Festival presents Once Upon a Time in the Berkshires.  Director:  Laura Savia; Composer:  Heather Christian; Choreographer: Jenn Rapp; Music Director:  Jack Mitchell; Scene Designer:  Lawrence E. Moten III; Costume Designer:  Anna Blazer; Lighting Designer:  Aaron Tacy; Production Stage Manager:  Brendan O’Hara.  Running Time:  one hour fifteen minutes, no intermission; at Williamstown Theatre Festival’s Main Stage, ’62 Center for Theatre and Dance, 1000 Main Street, Williamstown, MA., from August 13, closing August 16, 2017.
Grandmother: Penny Bucky – North Adams, MA
Sue: Alexandra Templer – Atlanta, GA
Jim: Andy Hogeland – Williamstown, MA
Tom: Hiram Delgado – San Juan, Puerto Rico
Carol: Judy Sellman – Jacksonville, VT
Auntie Gene: Shirley Edgerton – Pittsfield, MA
Uncle Nick: Bill Sellman – Jacksonville, VT
Abby: Amanda Lyn Jungquist  – East Tawas, MI
Sean Colletta – Pittsfield, MA
Ari Kraiman – Philadelphia, PA
Devon Lennon – Lanesboro, MA
London Martin – Pittsfield, MA
Crystal Moore – Pittsfield, MA
Abdul Peoples – Pittsfield, MA
Cloey Parlapiano – Pittsfield, MA
Ethan Shaw – Pittsfield, MA
Nick Trapiani – Pittsfield, MA
Naomi Tayi – Pittsfield, MA
Job Vengali – Pittsfield, MA
Grace Wallis – San Marino, CA
Miriam: Katasha Acosta – Gainesville, FL by way of Havana, Cuba
Pastor: Ryan Haddad – Parma, Ohio
Tameka Bennett – Mobile, AL
Jetta Berthiaume – Pittsfield, MA
Zachery Berthiaume – Pittsfield, MA
Aileen Bliss – Stockbridge, MA
Chloe Boehm – Pittsfield, MA
Gael K. Bryant – Williamstown, MA
Jennifer Daley – Pittsfield, MA
Lyndsay deManbey – Sandisfield, MA
Joan Diver – Williamstown, MA
Maura Dubuque – East Greenbush, NY
Carolyn Fabricant – North Adams, MA
Isaac Gotterer – Lenox, MA
Emma-Margaret Gregory – North Adams, MA
Krishan Gutschow Rai – Williamstown, MA
Tashi Gutschow Rai – Williamstown, MA
Chris Hall – North Adams, MA
LouAnn Hazelwood – Leeds, MA
Piper Jacobs – North Adams, MA
Tess Johnstadt – Williamstown, MA
Kameron Knott – Katy, TX
Kate Lauzon – Pittsfield, MA
Michael Lively – North Adams, MA
Carter Marks – Lee, MA
Bella Maisonneuve – Pittsfield, MA
Karen McNulty – Pittsfield, MA
Meghan Mongeon – North Adams, MA
Eva Moser – North Adams, MA
Michael Ortiz – Stamford, FL
Maggie Seckler – New York, NY
Courtney Pontier – North Adams, MA
Keya Robertson – Pittsfield, MA
Ed Sedarbaum – Williamstown, MA
Ginger Sumner – Pittsfield, MA
Sam Tucker-Smith – Williamstown, MA
Regina Velázquez – Williamstown, MA
Serafina Velázquez – Williamstown, MA
Xavi Velázquez – Williamstown, MA
Sonal Vyas – Williamstown, MA
Arya Vyas – Williamstown, MA
Stella Waynick – Williamstown, MA
Linda White – Williamstown, MA
Maxine Wisbaum – Pittsfield, MA
Scott: Keshav Moodliar – New Delhi, India
John: Brendan Dalton – Upper Darby, PA
Ranger Dad: Christopher ‘BIGZDAKING’ Barton – North Adams, MA
Hook: Xaida Brazeean – Chesire, MA
Steel: Michael Obasohan – North Adams, MA
Dead Drop: Danny Trotter – North Adams, MA
Julian Abelskamp – Santa Cruz, CA
Marion Cimini – Pittsfield, MA
Lottie Dustin – Williamstown, MA
Wendy Jones-Gregory – Williamstown, MA
Jeff Kosharek – Rochester, NY
Marilyn Larkin – Pittsfield, MA
Barbara Mahony – Pittsfield, MA
Yamalia Marks – Malibu, CA
Bradford Rosenbloom – Pittsfield, MA
William Valles – Barrington, RI
Lead Banshee: Jessy Yates – Broadview Heights, Ohio
Drums: Otha Day – North Adams, MA
Cindy Keiderling – Lee, MA
Fatima Anaza – Houston, TX
Mary Ellen Cangelosi – Williamstown, MA
Phil Case – Westfield, MA
John Chapdelaine – Westfield, MA
Natalie Celebi – Bath, ME
Mary Deyo – Westfield, MA
Karel Fisher – Richmond, MA
Karel Fisher – New Rochelle, NY
Carolyn Kettig – New York, NY
Donna Leaf – West Springfield, MA
Shira Lynn – Williamstown, MA
Chrissy Margevicius – Cleveland, OH
Doris McNabb – Williamstown, MA
Carol Neuhaus – Housatonic, MA
Angel Rathbaum – Lee, MA
Phyllis Riley – Williamstown, MA
Kathleen Ryan – Housatonic, MA
Leslie Scarlett – Lenox, MA
Rachel Skalka – Woodbridge, CT
Shannon Spargo – East Berne, NY
Susan Taylor – Pittsfield, MA
Reiko Yamada – Williamstown, MA/ Sapporo, Japan
Vocals: Cali Cybulski – Pittsfield, MA
Saxophone/Guitar: Zev Jarrett – Richmond, MA
Vocals: Grace Ida Marks – Lee, MA
Guitar: Dan O’Connell – North Adams, MA
Guitar: Vladimir Zeleny – Pittsfield, MA
Bass: Tyler Shaw – Adams, MA
Drums: David Ball – Stephenville, TX
Becky Ahamad – Chesire, MA
Jamal Ahamad – Chesire, MA
Ashton Darrett – North Adams, MA
Michael Obasohan – North Adams, MA
                    REVIEW: “Once Upon a Time in the Berkshires” in Williamstown Williamstown Theatre Festival Engages the Berkshire Community by Barbara Waldinger Williamstown Theatre Festival, in its second season of COMMUNITY WORKS, has proven that is it no longer the distant “Theatre on the Hill,” but an active participant in the life of the Berkshires. 
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lemondedezac-blog · 7 years
First Dates and after//1er RdV et la suite...
Lifestyle and dating blogger//Blog écrivain (mode de vie/amourologue)
First Dates the dating reality TV series like Big Brother has had us all chuckling in front of our screens. For those who have never seen it, check out (http://www.channel4.com/programmes/first-dates). It started as a British reality series. Now there is a First Dates Ireland, First Dates USA, First Dates New Zealand, First Dates Spain etc.. You get picture. So why does two strangers being filmed during a blind date at a restaurant interest mainstream TV companies and their viewers? Primarily because it is real and unscripted. The advent of smartphones and mobile devices mean many of us can download apps and meet strangers at the drop of a hat. Viewers have been in similar dating situations. We tune in for a laugh at first. It is like reliving past dating experiences. Good and bad. We analyze, sympathize, curse, laugh, love…
La production de First Dates se réjouit, la série télévisée anglaise avec Fred Sirieix, a la cote auprès des spectateurs anglais. Le format d’émission téléréalité très simple a beau cartonner. Filmer deux inconnus au restaurant le temps d’un premier rendez-vous n’a pas l’air de sembler super intéressant. Pourtant, lorsque les gens sont mis dans un environnement qui ne leur est pas familier ou devant quelqu’un pour qui ils craquent tout de suite, les choses peuvent prendre une drôle de tournure !
La voix grave et sensuelle de Fred, le joyeux Limougeaud à la barbe mouchetée de gris, des sacrés personnages et les gentils serveurs font super mélange. Ni scénaristes ni acteurs ne sont nécessaires dans la téléréalité, c’est ainsi qu’elle donne libre cours à toutes les possibilités.  Les rencontres sont vraisemblablement identiques à celles que nous, les gens ordinaires, connaissons dans notre quotidien. Voilà pourquoi on s’y identifie plus facilement.
De plus, lorsque presque tout un chacun a maintenant tout le temps soit son smartphone soit sa tablette avec lui. Ce n’est pas très surprenant que les applications de rencontre sont florissantes et de ce fait, elles exhortent les gens à organiser des RDV amoureux à la légère. Are going on dates a waste of time?
Yes and no. Yes if you are expecting one or two dates and to meet love of your life. Very unlikely. No if patient and not expecting too much and are willing to walk away from incompatible, unsuitable people or risky situations etc. On a date you learn a 1000 times more things than any picture or profile description can ever tell you.
La plupart des mecs gays détestent-ils les rendez-vous arrangés ?
La majorité aurait préféré éviter la comédie du rendez-vous tout court et les nombreux aléas qu’il amène car, en général, les mecs gays sont paresseux ne voulant que l’argent facile. Rappelez-vous ce qu’il se procure aisément, ce n’est guère ce qu’il souhaite garder pour longtemps.
Is having casual sex after a date bad or continuing to pursue somebody who seems adverse to commitment?
This depends on your needs and wants. If you know you can have sex, part farewell and never see this person again then hey what is stopping you? But if you want more long term, this is a rocky way to get from A-Z. You are complicating the getting to know you process by introducing promiscuity and other commitment issues that may cause problems if you want to get serious.
Beaucoup de mecs homos éprouvent-ils des difficultés d’intimité ?
YES. Enormément d’entre eux maîtrisent parfaitement leur rôle d’escroc. Ils dépeignent la quintessentielle image du beau mec qui a réussi dans tout, qui est fier de son parcours. Ils ont un bon job, une belle maison, une très jolie voiture. Ils font semblant d’avoir tout déjà dans leurs vies. Néanmoins, ils s’alcoolisent, ils se défoncent la gueule en permanence et couchent à droite à gauche afin de combler l’énorme vide qui les ronge. Et devinez-quoi ? Cela ne marche pas.
Why do so many gay men lie through their teeth about what they are looking for when dating online?
I am looking for somebody ‘sane’, ‘normal’, ‘straight-acting’, ‘masculine’, ‘not overweight’, ‘who doesn’t do drugs’ etc. This reads like a job advert. How many straight people would write such utter rubbish. This is an indication of the fragile state of mind large numbers of gay men have. These words describe the ‘product’ they want to find. Fixated on other’s perception of them, they idealize a dream like partner in their head who doesn’t exist in the real world. None of these guys list human qualities. They are simply NOT ready to meet somebody. Until they discover themselves, they will continue to have meaningless, emotionless encounters and be plagued by loneliness and despair. 
Je ne compatis pas. Si les mecs  étaient beaucoup moins pointilleux, ils trouveraient facilement quelqu’un avec qui tout partager.  Soyez francs et ouverts d’esprit. Décrivez-vous dans vos profils afin que votre futur partenaire puisse vous reconnaître et  évitez à tout prix le copier-coller. On récolte ce que l'on sème…
I choose to keep it real and wear my heart on my sleeve. I don’t believe in building a brick wall around me and keeping everyone out. I have no idea how long I will be here on planet earth. Therefore I want deep and meaningful experiences and to enjoy my time here. 
My opinions are controversial. However I don’t care. If you have something to say, feel free to comment//Mes opinions suscitent parfois émotions et polémiques.  Votre os à ronger ou juste envie de réagir ?   Dites m’en ci-dessous.
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