#Forbidden Wolf Conri's Story
wolfheartsstuff ยท 1 year
Forbidden Wolf Conri's Story
Conri woke from his slumber to the screams of his followers, the maniacal laughter of his sister Sedna, and the booming thunder of Aspen's voice as he tried to reason with the bane of the Moon God's existence.
That was when Conri heard his sister speak harshly and unfeelingly "Fangs and hunger grow for blood, night is your forever home now." As the last words were spoken Conri saw his worshipers shift and writhe in pain as their fangs grew past their lips and a hunger for blood pooled within them.
He thought the curse of vampirism was a myth, but after seeing his followers he knew he had to protect them. So he ran to his sister and grabbed her by the scruff of her neck and bit down hard ripping off a large chunk of fur and skin, and blood started to pool. Causing Sedna to howl in shock as Conri threw her into a large cluster of stones.
"Never touch my followers again or you will regret it!" Conri yelled at his sister, but out of the corner of his eye he could see Aspen leading his followers away from them, as Sedna just laughed "What could you possibly do to me, little brother?"
Conri let out a low growl as he leaped forward and sunk his teeth and claws into Sedna ripping fur and flesh from bone. Sedna just laughed at his efforts "Little brother will you quit it? It won't help you and your bites and scratches don't bother me." Conri growls, sinking his teeth deeper into his sister's flesh. The horrid taste of her blood seeped deep into his soul. The taste could be described as year-old rotten caribou meat and rancid fruit. But Conri kept his hold on his monster of a sister.
Chapter Two
Sedna tossed the moon God off of her and cackled like someone gone mad. Conri struggled to get up as Sedna held him still with a paw to his throat as she stared into the eyes of Aspen who had just returned "It didn't have to be this way you know. Sedna's words were ones built of fire and ash as she chuckled lowly "You could have chosen any one of the goddesses Aspen, but you chose my weak, pathetic brother. So now I give you a choice." Sedna pressed her paw harder against Conri's throat causing him to choke making sure Aspen watched as the light drained from his love's eyes, "What is the point you monster!?!? You attacked Conri's followers unprovoked, and now you're trying to kill him. You are no longer a goddess Sedna, you are hereby banished from this place and our sacred realm." Aspen yelled, causing Sedna to back away from her brother and growl at the god of war "You can't banish me! Only the king can." She growled as she scratched Aspen's face blood dripped from her claws. The god of war stood firm chuckling to himself as he spoke the spell that wrapped chains of fire around Sedna and dragged her to her new prison, as blazing as her anger and cruel acts.
As Aspen helped Conri to his feet he looked him over, and seeing the burns, scratches, and bites on him caused Aspen to whimper. He licked Conri's cheek his eyes shining with love and slight pain, "I wish I could have stopped her sooner. I'm sorry." Conri whispered. Aspen rested his paw on his love's "I know but we didn't have the spell then and we didn't have a solid reason to banish her, but we finally got rid of her for now." Aspen said softly as he lead Conri to their den so they could try and rest before telling the others.
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