#Flying Bark Studios
In light of recent events, I decided to go check out Wildbrain's website for more information on what their 2D works are usually like.
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These are the same people involved in the making of Carmen Sandiego
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A show that, like some of their other 2D works, actually benefits from a choppier, more puppet-like animation style.
It's safe to say that it's the type that's worked well for them up to this point, with a couple exceptions. (See: The Snoopy Show)
And much as I'm disappointed with the quality downgrade of the new LMK season, well...
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...Keep in mind that this studio has loads of talented people who are trying their best to fill the big shoes left behind by Flying Bark.
LEGO made the decision of what studio should step in next, and attacking the actual studio for it just makes you an asshole.
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swagginmun · 25 days
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See ya 'round, silly pupper 💛
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deviliciousnavy · 23 days
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Thank u for the fun times, Flying Bark. See u later💛
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monkiekidtwt · 16 days
Regarding the switching of LEGO Monkie Kid’s animation team…
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A person in the LEGO Monkie Kid community known to have ties to official sources posted this, but quickly deleted it.
An anonymous source alleges that LEGO was rushing animators for a season 5, inducing severe crunch time. Flying Bark could not produce seasons fast enough, which is why they were dropped.
Observers of the situation have pointed out that Flying Bark unionized this year, which, if this account is true, almost certainly lended to them being dropped.
This would also explain why LEGO did not choose to replace Flying Bark with a different studio with hand-drawn animation. They did not care if the styles matched — they cared about how fast it could be pumped out. This also explains the amount of traced scenes in what we’ve seen from season 5 — the current animators are now facing crunch time, too.
These allegations should be taken with a grain of salt, but evidence against LEGO is pretty stacked here.
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parasitic-anomaly · 17 days
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Quick doodle to say goodbye to a great studio :]
I’m legitimately so excited for season 5 I cannot stop thinking about it IM GOING TO EXPLODE
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hisnigo2006 · 26 days
So the LmkS5 trailer just got released and...... Yeah no one in the Fandom is happy about the Animeton change.. Soo Here is an re draw of a frame from the trailer. Just for fun. Okay
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Also this cursed doddle:
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pittdpeaches · 27 days
So, I wrote a Twitter thread on this, but I can elaborate more on tumblr so it’s going here as well.
I woke up after three hours of sleep from watching @swagginmun ‘s stream up to 2am talking about Season 5 and the new animation studio. I’m still upset about losing Flying Bark, of course, but i feel better about it now. Part of that’s just because I got some sleep (even if it was barely any) and part of it was something they said at the very end of the stream.
Closing off the stream, they argued that Season 5 of LMK could be disastrous. Like, jumping from acclaimed movie Prince of Egypt to….not so acclaimed movie King of Dreams disastrous. Or, this could be like going from Aladdin to it’s straight to DVD sequel, Aladdin and the King of Thieves
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If you don’t know it, Aladdin and the King of Thieves is the third of the Aladdin “trilogy” and tells the story of Aladdin reuniting with his father, the king of the forty thieves, and the two navigating their fraught relationship. Now, swagginmun mentioning this movie was kind of a blast from the past for me. I had Aladdin and KoT on VHS when I was a little kid. And yeah, I loved Aladdin, but I had King of Thieves on LOOP.
I loved the story, I loved the songs, Aladdin’s dad as a character was super interesting, the world building went NUTS-like, LOOK at that turtle island on the box art and tell me that doesn’t go crazy.
Yeah, King of Thieves wasn’t animated like Aladdin. But that didn’t stop baby me from having fun. And yeah, I could argue that my grainy TV from the 70s made every movie look bad, but even watching it as an adult, I still see and appreciate the things I’d loved as a kid. Shit- the low budget TV animation had some real charm to it, underneath all the grit.
I’m gonna miss Flying Bark like crazy. Like, so crazy I’m writing about them as I prepare to graduate. But if the heart of the show carries through-the characters, the humor, the emotional story beats-then it’ll be okay that the action’s stumbling on its feet this time around.
Some kid out there might be confused or upset that the fight scenes aren’t as cool as they used to be. But, some kids might be excited to see Sandy’s powers, or Nezha’s character development, or Red Son Even Being There. And kids are definitely gonna want their questions answered. For some child out there, Season 5 is gonna be their favorite season. And maybe, against all odds, it’ll be ours too.
Shut up about the Rise of Jafar I didn’t own it on VHS and tf it doesn’t exist.
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realities-in-space · 27 days
It’s hard not to be disappointed with the whole animation change when Flying Bark set the bar UNREASONABLY high
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beetheweezarddd · 17 days
On a more serious note, I genuinely wanted to say.. it's okay to miss Flying Bark. Flying Bark brought us something truly special that I don't think could ever be replicated to a T, and that is okay. LEGO Monkie Kid was one of those shows that caught my attention the moment I saw it; the visuals, the voice acting, the story, the music, ALL of it sparked something in me. It brought forth a newfound passion for animation that I had never felt before. to the point where I created a Lego character as a muse for animation projects l'd make for my Personal Exploration class.
I would constantly look back at the amazing shots and scenes, and supported every single animator. Of course, like a lot of people, I was one of the people who came for the animation, but ultimately stayed for the story. But, I understand that the impact FlyingBark had was HUGE on many people who watched it. But, my only wish is that this loss doesn't become resentment. I want LEGO Monkie Kid to thrive with Wild Brain now working on it more than anything, and I think, as a community, we should give them all the support they can get!
Wild Brain could give us a new experience unlike any other, and I want us all to be there for the ride, and show our love to everyone on the team. We gotta understand that while the visuals will be different, Wild Brain is doing everything they can to give us an experience we will never forget, and will enjoy just the same, to keep this show we love alive and stronger.
I think we should look back on one of the very first quotes of the show, in the pilot:
"The thing you need to understand about the old legends is that the story is never finished. There maybe no pages left to turn, but there is always more to the journey."
While specific, this quote has been given a new meaning to me; While Flying Bark may no longer be working on the show, they are not gone. The impact that FlyingBark has had on all of us, on the show, is and will always be felt. FlyingBark introduced us to something special; LEGO Monkie Kid would probably not be as popular as it is now, if it weren't for the soul it was given with a type of animation many have not seen for a long time, and that will never die. The writers, the VAs, the music production, and the new team Wild Brain, is here to continue and give life to a new adventure; a new era of LEGO Monkie Kid, and I want all of us to support them so we can watch this show succeed.
With that, I have but one thing to say to Wild Brain:
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Welcome aboard, buds. 💛
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shatteredstarsart · 27 days
Things the new LMK animation studio, Wildbrain, could work on for the new upcoming season and season after:
1) Dont use flash animation style as a crutch, flash works with daily life shows, not so much with action/adventure cartoons. It makes it look like a content farm and we arent about that. Especially characters eyebrows, thats definitely a hand drawn thing to do for this.
2) Dont be afraid to play with the characters limb sizes. There's a lot of stretching and squishing with the characters, despite them being literal LEGOs, thats what makes the 2D animation for thus show great, you can break the LEGO figurine rules in the real world.
3) Dont be afraid to test out new things, Flying Bark did it all the time, with thier flashback sequences they often took inspiration from Chinese ink paintings
4) When designing new characters, dont directly take from the figurines LEGO gives you, use creative liberties and change certain aspects of the design from the figures. As much as I like complicated designs, I found in the actual show, the simpler you can make it while still making it feel complex makes it look good
5) Flying Bark used a 50% White overlay layer for the irises for all the characters, including Wukong and Macaque, it makes thier eyes look more alive, which i noticed Macaque was lacking in. Along with make making the irises and eyes slightly bigger, which i noticed Nezha (and what I assume in Erlang Shen) consistently had these weird inconsistencies compared to the other characters in the entire trailer
6) Use interesting camera angles, I guess this advice is more for the storyboarders of the studio, since thier job is to make the layouts and camera angles. Whenever there's a fight in the show it typically gave you an interesting way to look at it depending on what was going on, like for the Corrupted Wukong and Macaque fight in season 3, they were constantly going between being far away and up close to thier faces, depending how tense the moment was, the more tense, the closer you wanna be.
7) Try your best. LMK fans are quite picky, especially sense we've always held these high expectations from the show. I know the first season animation style was ... a little weird but its only gotten better from there. LMK fans may be brash at first, especially since we're all kind of miffed about having little to no news for the show to suddenly it could possibly be airing in a month and the studio we loved and adored said they are no longer working on it anymore. Im sure as time moves on you'll get better, but God please, move away from flash animation as if your life depends on it, it really only limits the ability of the show to tell its visual story as flash animation has so many limitations, especially for the genre
-yours truly, Monkie Kid fans <3
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lunarr-stuff · 27 days
everyone say THANK YOU FLYING BARK !!
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morilxs · 24 days
Hey guys, just a little heads up; I’m more active over on my instagram if that is something that interests you! I’ll be posting the majority of my finished work on there.
The link to my profile is in my bio, otherwise you can look up ‘morilxs’! :)
Thank you Flying Bark for all your hard work, your team will be missed dearly!
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fluffypotatey · 26 days
a sendoff for Flying Bark Studios o7
my tribute to them as we switch to WildBrain 🤧 i look to the future optimistically but it will never be the same
also disclaimer: audio does get loud
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pixlezz · 27 days
lego monkie kid news
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this being said, do not harass the new studio or animators, we are lucky to be getting a new season and if all goes well it wasn’t until season 2 that lego monkie kid really got the animation we all know it for under its belt. if lego and others trust this new studio then we should keep an open mind and still watch it even for the story
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kalzoni · 2 years
*Someone jokingly threatens MK
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Clearing Up Misconceptions on the S5 Trailer
LEGO has never released a trailer before
I can see where this is coming from but it isn't true.
Yes, S4 was shadow dropped, the trailer and poster only came out after it was released but that doesn't go for every season.
"The Emperors Wrath" was first advertised with a literal TikTok edit, S1 and 3 both got trailers about a month before they were released in China, and the "Embrace Your Destiny" trailer was even edited to remove spoilers. 
The trailer was leaked/unofficially released
Yes, the trailer hasn't been officially released on YouTube but that's because Monkie Kid trailers are never officially uploaded to YouTube. LMK is mainly meant for a Chinese audience, therefore advertising is mostly done on Chinese social media.
Every other trailer has been released on BillBilli, Weibo, or Douyin, which is where the Season 5 trailer was dropped. These are LEGO’s official verified accounts. 
Aside from personal accounts from artists working on the show or sets. There is no official English LMK account to do promotional work or "officially release" anything.
LEGO dropped Flying Bark because they unionized
Once again, I see where people are coming from but this probably isn't true because WildBrain is also unionized. They've been unionized longer than Flying Bark has. Flying Bark joined the union February 2024 while WildBrain unionized with the Canadian Animation Guild in Fall 2023.
This is not me saying there couldn't have been crunch or mistreatment, just that the studio change probably wasn't because of Flying Bark unionizing. The previous series director cites scheduling and "logistical errors" as the reason for the break up.
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