txf-fic-chicks-blog · 7 years
Editor’s Pick Wednesday
Fics that take snapshots of Mulder and Scully throughout their partnership that show how that relationship evolved over time are always going to be favorites of ours.  Here, the writer took a bridge Mulder would have had to cross in D.C., the Key Bridge, and used it as the linchpin upon which this series of vignettes is based.
The result is really quite remarkable.  We get these beautiful little insights through these beautifully crafted little ministories, all from Mulder’s POV.  It’s such a brilliant take and uses the bridge as a metaphor for the ways that Mulder and Scully were working hard, despite their differences or disagreements, to close the gap between them.
Enjoy today’s rec, Philes!  And don’t forget to head over to @xfficchallenges to see what the fandom’s been posting for the newest dialogue-only challenge!
Title:  Key Bridge
Author:  FabulousMonster
Rating:  PG
Length:  51K / 25,000+ Word Count
Synopsis:   Mulder's musings on the evolution of his and Scully's relationship.
Spoilers:  Everything up to all things, with a tip of the hat to Ice, Beyond the Sea, The Field Where I Died, Two Fathers/One Son, and Orison.
Possible Triggers:  None
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