#Especially my mutuals. some of whom I'm pleased to call friends. others who I haven't really spoken to yet but I see you
koilarist · 7 months
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So over the spooky season I well and truly missed my opportunity to make a BOO joke Boo. 800. are you picking up what I'm putting down here I wanted to do a little something to celebrate but I'm currently neck deep in WIP art as it stands, so maybe I'll do something different and celebrate the new year since this one seems to be ending on a high note.
For all the issues this year had (My main social media site falling apart by the seams just as I'd hit my big milestone goal, the double whammy OC lore scalping bonanza, my health taking another fun nosedive) I have so much to be pleased about by the end and honestly, that's all I'm looking for at this point.
To make what I love and have a blast doing it. :)
It's turned out to be an incredibly lovely bonus that other people have turned out to be enthusiastic about my art/OCs too. There's not really a way to reply to tags on tumblr but rest assured I read them and experience Feelings every single goddamn time.
This has turned into a whole thing. Oops. Getting carried away here when this was only meant to be a 'yay' post. POINT IS. Thanks for hopping aboard. Here's to another year of serving art to the masses!
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stellarhunted · 5 months
rules for this blog are listed below the cut. last updated 1/18/24. please read these all the way through.
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— I will only interact with those who are 20 or older. I am very selective with whom I follow, and that is that. I will only interact with whom I want to interact with, with no exceptions. Please respect that I might not always be active here, as I have a life outside of roleplay.
— As stated above, I have many responsibilities outside of roleplay. I have multiple disabilities that prevent me from being able to write from time to time. Please do not rush me for replies. However, after a week has gone by, and I haven't replied to our thread, please feel free to poke me!
— Please remember that mun does not equal muse. I do not condone some of my muses' actions, but such is writing a muse. That being said, if any of the following things trigger or squick you (death, murder, suicide, blood, etc.), then do be cautious or don't interact. Your health comes first.
— I can only use the beta editor at this time and would prefer if those writing with me could just switch over to the beta editor as well. I have no way of using legacy whatsoever.
— Please do not steal my graphics or icons; these are either made by myself or my partner (faithscore) and we work very hard to make them perfect. I use MediBang for my icons and a mix of Paint Tool Sai 2 and PhotoPea for my graphics.
— I am perfectly fine with asks and memes sent my way, but please make sure to specify which meme it’s from, especially if it’s an emoji prompt list. I cannot keep track of all of the prompt lists I reblog. I am getting tired of this rule not being followed, so I'm going to be a little harsher when it comes to it.
— I am mutuals only and would prefer to only write with those who are mutuals. Questions to my muses, if not intended for threading, can be sent by non-mutuals, but threads and such are exclusive to mutuals of mine. If you are following my main blog (petalswept) then you already count as a mutual !!
If you are following me, you can reblog memes straight from me, I don’t care.
— I love duplicates!!! I love seeing how others write the same muses as me!! Go ahead and throw them at me, I can always make AUs for them to interact in!!! 
Speaking of AUs and verses, I love creating them, and I have quite a few prepared in advance for variety!!
— I love shipping, but please don’t just shove it in my face. I’m aware that I used to do the same thing, but now I know not to. The characters need to have chemistry first, though I love plotting beforehand if we’re both on the same page.
Please do not force shipping on me. Doing such will result in a block if it persists.
Platonic, familial, rivals, etc, all of those types of pairings are more than welcome here and I’m glad to explore those dynamics as well!!
— Please do not interact if you ship pedophilia, incest, etc, or otherwise believe that such things in fiction can not impact one’s perception of reality.
— NSFW / adult content will not be present on this blog, plain and simple. Suggestive content, yes, but nothing more than that. The closest you will get to such a thing on here is maybe a headcanon or two, but all will be properly tagged.
— Please do not include me in drama. I do not support calling people out for petty shit, especially not for things that could’ve been easily solved by talking.
I am big on telling people if they’ve made you uncomfortable and clearing things up with a little talk, as it’s often something unintentional in my experience, so if I’ve done something, please message me and I’ll gladly clear anything up with you.
— I tend to make friends with my mutuals, though if you would prefer not to, just let me know so that I don’t cross any boundaries. My Discord is also available upon request, but only to mutuals.
— By default, assume my blog and portrayals are not spoiler-free unless otherwise stated. I often try not to write a character unless I am very familiar with their source, but if I need to be careful with spoilers for any muse, let me know! I don’t want to ruin someone's experience with a thread or a series.
— While I am definitely okay with practicing mains on this blog, I may practice exclusives if I feel like I want to. This is often due to me only wishing to write with my partner’s portrayal of a character for certain reasons. If that is ever the case, do not push me to interact if you are not the exclusive portrayal.
— I do not mention this very often on my blogs, but I am plural, and we have alters of all three of the muses here. As such, they may show up to write themselves from time to time, and some if not all headcanons are likely their influence some way or another. If that makes you uncomfortable, then don't interact. But be sure to tell me so that I can cut ties because if you're not comfortable with all facets of me then we shouldn't be interacting at all. :)
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