#Don't even bother with anons. I won't reply anything about this topic. If you want to rant with me my DMs are open.
theirloveisgross · 2 months
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certifiedtrashmouth · 2 years
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hey there! thank you for stumbling upon my little corner of the internet! before you request anything and we get to party, we've gotta set some ground rules.
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most of my blog is 18+ content. i don't really feel comfortable with minors hanging out around here, and i do check the profiles of people who interact with my writing. if you're a minor and interact with any of my 18+ content, i will block you. if you interact with any of my fluff/angst that doesn't include 18+ content, you'll probably just be on thin ice. i would prefer you do not follow me, though.
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likes, reblogs, comments, messages, asks, etc. are welcome! appreciated, as a matter of fact! don't worry about spamming me - it doesn't really bother me.
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please do not send a request more than twice (especially on anon. if you're not on anon, i'll usually message/answer privately to let you know i got the request)! and do not include me in any spamming requesting (i.e. you are copy/pasting the same request into multiple writers ask boxes). that's simply not cool. writers don't like to copy each other, and like some variety! if you want me to write something inspired by another writer, or do my own take on it, that's fine, but include that in your request so i can properly credit the original writer and decide if i want to even do so. also - please send requests through my ask box. i don't always catch every reply on a post.
i'm an adult. i've got a life, and school, and work (so, so much work), and a fic that takes precedence over requests currently. i promise i'll get to it as i have my requests open currently and adore doing them!
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if you would like to be on a tag list of mine, please ask/message me! specify what exactly you'd like to be tagged in.
examples: "can you tag me in all your eddie writing?" or "can you tag me in part 2 of [insert fic]?"
i highly doubt anyone would want to be tagged in every single one of my writings, but if that's what you want, that's also welcome :-)
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alright, boring stuff out of the way! now onto what i'm willing to write!
characters i write for:
▻ eddie munson. (stranger things) ▻ steve harrington. (stranger things) ▻ robin buckley. (stranger things) ▻ nancy wheeler. (stranger things) ▻ jonathan byers. (stranger things)
as my blog and interests grow, this list may also! i'll make posts if i add any other characters/shows/movies. just to give an idea, i have written for spencer reid from criminal minds in the past (the fic is on my ao3 and wattpad). i don't currently, but might change my mind one day. who knows.
topics i'm comfortable writing:
▻ smut ▻ angst ▻ fluff ▻ some triggering topics (i'll mention my big 'no's i can't handle, personally, below)
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now, for the most important part...
what i won't write (no exceptions):
▻anything regarding romantic pairings with the children of stranger things. they may show up in my writing, but only as background characters. they're minors - i'm an adult. it just feels weird. ▻piss kink/waterplay. definitely not kink shaming if you're into it. just not my cup of tea, especially when writing! ▻rape/noncon. mentions of someone having a past with this may be the only exception, but i will not be writing any descriptive scenes including it. ▻CNC (consensual-nonconsensual). another one where i'm not kink shaming! just triggering. i avoid reading most of the time, and definitely avoid writing. sorry. ▻descriptions of self-harm. especially cutting. again, mentions of someone having a past with this one/mentions of scars is fine, but a hard limit is writing a scene of this happening. i've written it in the past, and all it does is trigger.
if i think of anything else, i'll add it to the list.
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alright! if you've read through all of this, thank you, ily. let's get to partying.
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