#Danny and Ellie are kinda the same in that they're both playful and mischievous
radiance1 · 4 months
So, due to some timely shenanigans done by none other than Clockwork himself. The phoenix king (Vlad) has been turned into a child far before his rebirth and, as consequence, lost a significant chuck of his memories.
Then he was stolen.
Safe to say, the phoenixes weren't very... happy. With this situation. Their king losing his memories and being turned into a chick was tolerable, beneficial even, since they can mold him into a proper phoenix without any of those human customs getting in the way.
But for him to be stolen, right under their noses is a step to far. The sheer, disrespect was completely and utterly insulting and when they found out it was a dragon who did the theft?
They were, safe to say, furious.
The thief in question? Wasn't actually just one, fun fact. Well, they did get the dragon part right, but there was also a Raiju (Dan) and Mishipeshu (Danielle) who did the theft.
Again, due to Clockwork's interference they also barely remember lot of things. How did they even get together and decide to steal Vlad away from the Phoenixes?
Again, Clockwork's meddling.
Reason why Vlad is king? Because he managed to dominate a certain kind of flame that the phoenixes coveted for a long, long time and luckily enough it was still there even though Clockwork meddled (not that they actually know that he did).
Is Danny, Dan, and Danielle also royalty? Meh, I guess you could say they could be?
I don't know, but the idea of 4 royal children kidnapping each other for a playdate or whatever and almost causing a four way war is pretty fucking funny not gonna lie.
Right so, after the trio turned into a quartet by stealing Vlad, Clockwork meddled again by directing them to this one particular dimension, that dimension being DC of course. Where exactly they get dropped?
On Shazam, unfortunately.
Shazam, barely knows what to do unfortunately and only because of Solomon does he actually turn out semi-okay. It's even worse when he's Billy, because he doesn't have the powers necessary to actually, you know, keep up with them unless he wants to go Shazam.
Billy never thought he would become a parent, and he isn't. He's more of an... elder brother figure I would suppose? But Shazam? Oh yea people would definitely think that he became a father.
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