#Crimson Publishers High Impact Journals
To Make Good Compression Wears with Moderate Pressure- Crimson Publishers
To Make Good Compression Wears with Moderate Pressure by Tamaki Mitsuno in Trends in Textile Engineering & Fashion Technology
Clothing pressure as an index of clothing comfort has been well studied. The pressure applied by clothing has advantages and disadvantages [1]. Compression wear has become popular for controlling body shape and for reducing swelling in daily life. Moderate pressure is needed to achieve a beautiful silhouette while excessive pressure has adverse effects [2]. According to Kikufuji et al. [3] menstrual cycles were significantly delayed by 14 days when participants wore a tight foundation layer of clothing compared with when they wore no foundation layer [3]. Meanwhile, Sugimoto reported an increase in urinary noradrenaline excretion when participants wore a girdle. It is possible that the pressure may cause the alternation of the autonomic nervous system [4]. It is therefore important to pay careful attention to the level, duration and frequency of pressure being applied to a particular body part [5]. Among body parts, the legs are most insensitive to pressure and commercial compression ware products that reduce swelling of the legs [6] are widely available [7]. Meanwhile the abdomen was sensitive for the clothing pressure compared with legs. The skin is not equally sensitive all over the body, because the mechanoreceptors are not equally dense all over the body [8]. Perhaps, the body surface of abdomen will have mechanoreceptors more than the legs.
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A Review on Abortion Doping Discussion in Athletes: Is it a Truth or a Myth?
The ethical effects and results of having an abortion has been a current discussion for many years. The media has boosted with claims abortion must be prohibited while feminist movements has always supported abortion in their claims. Even female athletes have been the supporters of abortion. On the other side, there are serious ideas and views that abortion is a crime, taking a live of a little human being. Thus, in the light of these discussions while they have been still on the hits, abortion doping among female athletes have come into question. Is it a legal procedure that had been practiced or is it a myth? Sports arena had benefited from abortion among female athletes.
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my-reference-notes · 9 months
The Meaning of Color
Remember, context is key. And, while most “facts” about color psychology lack scientific basis, a deeper look at the palette can reveal some essential insights:
Red has a range of symbolic meanings through many different cultures, including life, health, vigor, war, courage, anger, love and religious fervor. The common thread is that all these require passion.
In moments of rage, lust or embarrassment, bright red oxygenated blood rushes to the skin's surface as a response to your “fight or flight” sympathetic nervous system. There are many theories as to why human and non-human species have evolved this physiological trait, however many center their conclusions around asserting dominance or appearing more attractive to a potential mate, according to the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
In relation to dominance, the colour red has even been found to impact the world of sport. A study published in the journal Nature found that several soccer teams achieved greater match results while wearing predominantly red shirts than while playing in other colours, such as white and blue. 
Colors were so powerful in traditional cultures that red objects were believed to convey health through their color alone. For example, most red stones such as garnets and rubies were believed to have health-giving and disease-preventing properties. In Rome, children wore red coral as a talisman to protect them from diseases, and in China, for similar reasons, children always wore a piece of red clothing.
Red. The color of love, education, violence, danger, anger, and adventure. In some cultures, red is the symbol of good luck.
Red — typically associated with power, passion, or energy, and can help encourage action on your site
Red – Scarlet and crimson are among the variations that make red sexy and dangerous to Western eyes. Red may be bloody and arresting in the form of revolutionary rage and wounded bank balances, but red’s far less dramatic to Eastern eyes.
Red = Love, Passion, Strength, Power, Danger, Excitement, Energy
RED: warmth, love, anger, danger, boldness, excitement, speed, strength, energy, determination, desire, passion, courage, socialism, republicans, chaos
Eastern: luck, prosperity, happiness, long life, fertility, power.
Some Africa: mourning.
The color of passion and energy. Red draws attention like no other color and radiates a strong and powerful energy that motivates us to take action. It is also linked to sexuality and stimulates deep and intimate passion. Red is ubiquitously used to warn and signal caution and danger.
Similarly to red, orange has a range of symbolic meaning and connotations – for example – in many Western cultures orange is often used for fun, strength, courage and creativity, according to the Huffington Post. 
In recent history, though, orange has come to denote a warning, and is used for high visibility clothing (such as spacesuits ) and safety equipment (such as traffic cones). This association is a practical one: Orange contrasts most strongly with the color blue and therefore is highly visible against a clear sky.
Orange. Made by mixing red and yellow. Orange is vibrant, healthy, and abrasive. Thus, making it a very polarising color. 
Orange — joy and enthusiasm, making it a good choice for positive messaging
Orange – Linked with creativity and happiness, orange declares national and religious identity and defines athletic applications. Like red, it can grab attention (e.g., prisoner jumpsuits). Consider it for youthful, energetic brands as opposed to luxury, traditional or serious ones.
Orange = Warmth, Creativity, Adventure, Freshness, Happiness, Attraction, Success 
ORANGE: cheerfulness, low cost, affordability, enthusiasm, stimulation, creativity, aggression, food, halloween, liberal (politics)
Eastern: happiness, spiritual
Because orange is associated with happiness and creativity it is well suited to youthful, energetic brands and best avoided for luxury, traditional or serious products.
The color of enthusiasm and emotion. Orange exudes warmth and joy and is considered a fun color that provides emotional strength. It is optimistic and upliftning, adds spontaneity and positivity to life and it encourages social communication and creativity. It is a youthful and energetic color.
It isn't surprising that yellow symbolizes happiness, warmth and sunshine in most cultures; these are characteristics of the yellow sun and its effects.
In ancient cultures where a god or gods were associated with the sun, such as Egypt and China, yellow was the highest and noblest of colors and thus, the color of religious figures and royals (who were thought to be descendants of the gods).
Conroy explains that all colors have a flipside, a degraded meaning that traditionally opposed the positive one. Along with warmth and happiness,  yellow also represents cowardliness and deceit. "We recognize the deceitful Judas very often in ancient pictures from the fact that he is given dingy yellow robes," she wrote.
Yellow. The most attention grabbing hue on the color spectrum. It has a variety of meanings ranging from happiness and creativity to cowardice, caution, and betrayal. Yellow, in some cultures, is associated with deities .
Yellow — happiness and intellect, but be wary of overuse
Yellow – The color of the Sun highlights with eye-catching warmth. Yellow can represent happiness, warmth, alarm, sickness, cowardice; take your pick. Some shades can look cheap, though, so it’s a noteworthy example of the need to research users’/customers’ reactions.
Yellow = Optimism, Cheer, Happiness, Warmth, Caution, Energy, Intellect
Some shades of yellow can look cheap — although this may suit your product image. So, yellow is a great example of when to research consumer reaction to color appropriateness and make sure it is the right color for your product.
YELLOW: attention-grabbing, comfort, liveliness, cowardice, hunger, optimism, overwhelm, Summer, comfort, liveliness, intellect, happiness, energy, conflict
Eastern: sacred, imperial, wisdom, male
Some Middle-East: mourning
Africa: high rank
France: jealousy
Greece: sadness
The color of happiness and optimism. Yellow is a cheerful and energetic color that brings fun and joy to the world. It makes learning easier as it affects the logical part of the brain, stimulating mentality and perception. It inspires thought and curiosity and boosts enthusiasm and confidence.
For obvious reasons, the color green represents nature and the environment; more abstractly, it symbolizes wisdom. The latter association has ancient roots.
According to Conroy, the Egyptians believed that a god named Thoth led the souls of the dead to "a green hill of everlasting life and eternal wisdom." Later, the Romans based their god Mercury on Thoth, and the planet Mercury was in turn based on the god. For this reason, in astrology,"green is sometimes said to be the color of the planet Mercury, which is the planet governing the mind and conferring knowledge knowledge not only of the kind essential to material success, but also inspirational knowledge and celestial wisdom," Conroy wrote.
Aside from its association with wisdom, there's a flipside to green. "Green in its degraded sense gives us 'the green-eyed monster jealousy,' which is the direct opposite of celestial wisdom, for jealousy is always due to the intrusion of the desires of the self, while celestial wisdom wishes to give rather than to receive," Conroy wrote.
The color green has also been firmly attributed to the environment – in particular when used to illustrate products or campaigns which support the health of the planet. According to the BBC the word “green” comes from the Proto-Indo-European (ancient people that lived around the 4th millenium BC) word “ghre”, which means “grow”. It is fair to assume that green’s connection to nature lies in its abundance amongst it. The majority of plant’s naturally produce green-colored pigments called chlorophyll which are the sites for the conversion of atmospheric carbon dioxide into breathable oxygen, known as photosynthesis.
Green. Made by mixing yellow and blue. Universally associated with nature, green is both a lucky and unlucky color depending on whom you ask. 
Green — often connected to growth or ambition, green can help give the sense that your brand is on the rise
Green – It’s the color of Mother Nature and her life-sustaining bounty, with connotations of recycling and healthy finances. Green also means “proceed”; but there’s also inexperience and envy. The shade matters. Brighter, lighter greens indicate growth, vitality and renewal; darker, richer greens represent prestige, wealth and abundance.
Green = Nature, Growth, Wealth, Luck, Envy, Freshness, Quality
Pick your shade of green carefully as brighter, lighter greens indicate growth, vitality and renewal; while darker, richer greens represent prestige, wealth and abundance.
GREEN: durability, reliability, environmental, luxurious, optimism, healing, well-being, nature, calm, relaxation, Spring, safety, honesty, optimism, harmony, freshness
Eastern: birth, hope, new beginnings, youth, immortality, fertility
Middle East: Islam, strength, luck, fertility, prestige
Africa: corruption
South America: death
The color of harmony and health. Green is a generous, relaxing color that revitalizes our body and mind. It balances our emotions and leaves us feeling safe and secure. It also gives us hope, with promises of growth and prosperity, and it provides a little bit of luck to help us along the way.
According to Conroy, the primary association of the color blue for most of recorded history was with truth a meaning that leaves a remnant in our language in the phrase "true blue." This was because blue is the color of a calm and clear sky, and it is in calm reflection that leads to truth.
Today, though, blue mainly conveys sadness and despair. When you've "got the blues," you're down in the dumps. The connotation may relate to tears and rain , as water was typically represented in people's minds as blue. 
However, research has shown that the colour blue has many positive effects on people. For example, research exploring crime on the streets of both Glasgow, Scotland, and Nara, Japan, found that crime levels decreased in areas where blue streetlights had been installed, according to Psychology Today.
Blue. A favourite color among many, it is almost the opposite to red in its meaning. Different shades have different significance, but with an overarching theme of trust, serenity, and dignity. 
Blue — tranquility and confidence, depending on the shade — lighter shades provide a sense of peace, darker colors are more confident
Blue – People find blue trustworthy, assuring, calming and masculine. It’s a tranquil sea and peaceful wonder at the sky; but then it can “mood-swing” to depression. You can bank on blue for designing financial and corporate dependability, although the right shade is vital.
Blue = Trust, Calm, Sadness, Peace, Loyalty, Depth, Authenticity
Blue runs the gamut from corporate and dependable, to calming and tranquil, to feeling down in the dumps. So, choose your shade wisely.
BLUE: peace, professionalism, loyalty, reliability, honor, trust, melancholia, boredom, coldness, Winter, depth, stability, professionalism, conservatism, democrats
Eastern: immortality, life, feminine
Middle East: protection
Mexico: mourning
The color of trust and loyalty. Blue has a calming and relaxing effect on our psyche, that gives us peace and makes us feel confident and secure. It dislikes confrontation and too much attention, but it is an honest, reliable and responsible color and you can always count on its support.
The color of calmness and clarity. Turquoise stabilizes emotions and increases empathy and compassion. It emits a cool calming peace, gives us a boost of positive mental energy that improves concentration and clarifies our mind, and creates a balance that clears the path to spiritual growth.
Purple symbolizes royalty, nobility and imperialism. In many European societies, the symbolism was even established by law: From ancient Rome to Elizabethan England, "sumptuary laws" forbade anyone except close members of the royal family to wear the color, according to Harvard Law School.
Purple's elite status stems from the rarity and cost of the dye originally used to produce it. Fabric traders obtained "Tyrian purple," as the dye was called, from a small mollusk that was found only in a region of the Mediterranean Sea near Tyre, a Phoenician trading city located in modern-day Lebanon, according to the journal Molecules. More than 9,000 mollusks were needed to create just one gram of Tyrian purple, and because only wealthy rulers could afford to buy and wear fabrics dyed with the color, it became associated with the imperial classes of Rome, Egypt and Persia. 
Another consequence of this is that purple also came to represent spirituality and holiness, because the ancient emperors, kings and queens that wore the color were often considered to be gods or descendants of the gods.
Purple. Made by mixing red and blue. The most expensive color to create, purple often has a supernatural aura. It can also have dual meanings ranging from intellectual and dignified to decadent, pompous or even a symbol of mourning.
Purple — luxury or creativity, especially when used deliberately and sparingly on your site
Purple – Long associated with royalty, purple connotes luxury and indulgence. But its majesty doesn’t always translate to design; for example, only women favor it as a top-tier color. Purple is uncommon in branding.
Purple = Royalty, Nobility, Wisdom, Luxury, Imagination, Mystery, Spirituality
Purple is best used for targeting a female audience as research suggests women list purple as a top-tier color while it doesn’t even rank for men. Overall, purple is not a common color for branding and, in fact, Cadbury is the only purple brand in the Forbes list of the 100 most valuable brands from 2014.
PURPLE: power, royalty, nobility, elegance, sophistication, artificial, luxury, mystery, royalty, elegance, magic
Eastern: wealth, privilege, sorrow, mourning
Brazil: death, mourning
The color of spirituality and imagination. Purple inspires us to divulge our innermost thoughts, which enlightens us with wisdom of who we are and encourages spiritual growth. It is often associated with royalty and luxury, and its mystery and magic sparks creative fantasies.
The color of love and compassion. Pink is kind and comforting, full of sympathy and compassion, and makes us feel accepted. Its friendly, playful spirit calms and nurtures us, bringing joy and warmth into our lives. Pink is also a feminine and intuitive color that is bursting with pure romance.
Belgium: boys (rest of Europe is girls)
BROWN: relaxing, confident, casual, reassuring, nature, earthy, solid, reliable, genuine, Autumn, endurance
Eastern: earth, mourning
The color of stability and reliability. Brown is dependable and comforting. A great counselor and friend full of wisdom. You can count on its help if you need an honest opinion, support and protection. It stabilizes us, helps us stay grounded and inspires us to appreciate the simple things in life.
The colour – or rather adsense of colour– black is often linked with negative associations, such as death, fear or sadness, according to the Journal of international Colour Association. 
Many ancient cultures believed that black was "the color of mystery and of the mysterious ways and wisdom of God,"  historian Ellen Conroy wrote in her book "The Symbolism of Colors" (1921). This was because night, the absence of light, transcended human perception in the same way that the wisdom of God was thought to be beyond comprehension.
Of all mysteries, death may have been the biggest. Ancient people were completely "in the dark" about what would happen to them after death, and so it was (and is) represented by the color black in many cultures. There was the added coincidence of death sharing similarities with sleep, which happens in the darkness of night and when closed eyelids block out all light. Throughout history the color black has also been attached to fearful and mysterious things, such as black magic, black holes, the black plague and so on. 
Of course the black isn’t always synonymous with death and despair, especially in the world of fashion. A study published in the journal Color Research and Application found that black was the overall favourite color to wear amongst female study participants. 
Black — power and mystery, and using this color can help create necessary negative space
Black –Black means serious business, with overtones of severity and mystery, of death and grief. However, its inherent darkness doesn’t always convey negativity. It’s also a positive bank balance and smart, attractive clothing. It’s best to consider contrasting it with a bright color: gold for luxury or white for a bold, simple statement. Also, its texture and glossiness can influence your brand’s message.
Black = Sophistication, Formality, Sorrow, Boldness, Elegance, Death, Mystery
Contrast a bright color against black; use gold foil for a touch of luxe, or combine it with white for a bold and simple statement. Think about texture and how matte or glossy black might change the message of your brand.
BLACK: Elegance, sophistication, formality, power, strength, illegality, depression, morbidity, night, death
Eastern: wealth, health, boys, mystery, evil
The color of power and sophistication. Black is an incredibly strong and intimidating color that exudes authority and makes us feel secure and protected. Often seen at formal and prestigious events, this mysterious marvel arouses and seduces our senses with its elegance and sexiness.
GRAY: conservatism, traditionalism, intelligence, serious, dull, uninteresting
The color of compromise and control. Gray is neutral, conservative and unemotional. It is practically solid as a rock, making it incredibly stable, reliable and calming. It has a peaceful, relaxing and soothing presence. Gray avoids attention but offers mature, insightful advice to anyone who asks.
Throughout history, white has been synonymous with purity and virtue, which lends itself to many religious ceremonies. For example, wearing white to a wedding dates back more than 2,000 years when Roman brides wore white tunics to signal a woman’s virginity, according to Ohio State University. 
However, it wasn’t until Queen Victoria walked down the aisle in a white lace dress to wed Prince Albert in 1840, that wearing white wedding gown became popular. In many Asian cultures, particularly in China, white is not a traditional used for wedding gowns – red or gold may be more commonly seen wedding colors – but is worn instead of black at funeral services and is a symbol of mourning, according to Yerevan State University.
Although white is often referred to as a “color”, white is actually the combination of all the wavelengths of color that are reflected off an object, according to Encyclopedia Britannica. 
White — safety and innocence, making it a great choice to help streamline your site
White – Cleanliness, goodness, innocence and simplicity are all associated with white. It’s as pure as a fresh snowfall, yet it signifies mourning in the East and means surrender internationally. Although innately positive, white lacks a dynamic personality, so it’s best left for brands that are indeed pure, simple and transparent.
White = Purity, Simplicity, Innocence, Peace, Cleanliness, Emptiness, Goodness
It’s difficult to inject personality into your brand when using white, so make sure your brand is about simplicity, purity and transparency.
WHITE: Cleanliness, purity, newness, virginity, peace, innocence, simplicity, sterility, snow, ice, cold
Eastern: death, mourning, funerals, sadness, purity, age, misfortune
Middle East: purity, mourning
The color of purity and innocence. White is a true balance of all colors and is associated with cleanliness, simplicity and perfection. It loves to make others feel good and provides hope and clarity by refreshing and purifying the mind. It also promotes open-mindedness and self-reflection.
Color Theory 101: A Complete Guide to Color Wheels & Color Schemes
6 Color Theories: A Guide to Color Scheme
What Is Color Theory?
Color Symbolism
The Meaning of Colors
Color Meanings – The Power and Symbolism of Colors
Color Symbolism and Culture
Color Symbolism Theories
Color Theory: Symbolism and Harmony
10 color meanings: the psychology of using different colors
Color Psychology
The meaning of colors: How 8 colors became symbolic
The more towards the red end of spectrum you go, the hotter it gets.
The more towards the blue/purple end of the spectrum you go, the colder it gets.
Darker and more intense colors seem heavier.
Lighter colors seem, unsurprisingly, lighter.
Darker colors, such as burgundy red, tend to show opulence (they are often called 'rich' colors).
Dull shades, such as gray and dark browns indicate poverty.
Pastel and light shades are delicate, feminine, springtime.
Bright shades of primary colors indicate summer.
Earthy shades of brown, yellow and orange speak of nature and the fall.
Cool shades of white, black and blue represent winter.
Use in retail and business
Here are some ways in which colors are used in retail and business:
Red: Creates urgency - often used in sales and impulse sales
Green: Easy, calm - used to relax people
Blue: Creates trust - used by financial institutions such as banks
Navy blue: Cheaper - selling to price-sensitive
Royal blue: Urgency - selling to impulse buyers
Pink: Romantic - selling to women and girls
Yellow: Grabbing attention - used in displays and windows
Orange: Energizing - used to push for action, as in impulse buying
Purple: Calm - used in anti-aging products
Black: Power - selling luxury, aggressive products, or to impulse buyers
Color can even change what you taste. Customers who bought 7-Up cans that had their color changed to yellow reported that the drink tasted more lemony.
Gender effects
Men and women see colors differently. Men are generally less sensitive to color, so a subtle shade of orangey-red will just appear red. Men also see green things as more yellow than women. Women are less sensitive to color in the detail of objects and also in things which are moving quickly.
Red has been associated with romance and an American experiment offering dates with identical pictures of the same woman in different colored dresses found that a red dress was most effective in stimulating male desire.
Cultural effects
Remember that color can be culturally dependent. For example, although Black is the color of death in many countries, in China the color associated with death is White.
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These Three Ships Eye Masks Easy Out Superb Traces Nearly Instantly
If you are going to buy an independently reviewed services or products by a hyperlink on our web site, STYLECASTER might obtain an affiliate fee. After a protracted day at work or a late night time out, being horizontal is all I actually need to do. Oh, and in addition take away my make-up and ensure my pores and skin’s taken care of. Typically, I deal with myself to a face masks, although it may be arduous to search out one that truly makes a distinction and doesn’t slide off instantly. It’s additionally not a straightforward take to search out one which isn’t tremendous wasteful. Enter: Three Ships Magnificence’s new Brighter Days Pink Algae + Avocado Biodegradable Eye Masks.  The hydrogel eye masks promise to depuff, brighten and hydrate your below eyes—and in 10 minutes at that. They do all of this with out creating extra waste, too. Merely soak them in heat or scorching water for 10 minutes and watch as they fully dissolve. Pour the water down the drain and transfer on to the remainder of your skincare routine. It’s that simple! However apart from being sort to the planet, the eye masks are wonderful in your pores and skin, thanks to a few key substances: crimson algae, upcycled avocado extract and glycerin. Whereas antioxidant-rich crimson algae protects pores and skin from environmental stressors (and makes the product biodegradable), avocado extract brightens darkish circles and de-puffs. Glycerin is the cherry on high, because it plumps pores and skin and locks in water. These hydrogel masks sound like the whole package deal, proper? Nicely, in keeping with buyers who’ve already rushed to put in writing opinions for the masks—which launched on September 29—they’re. “I LOVE THIS PRODUCT. I put them on within the morning whereas I prepare for work, and so they fully easy out any puffiness or nice strains, and depart my below eyes glowing,” raved one five-star reviewer. “I purchase these in bulk! It’s additionally nice that they’re biodegradable, in contrast to another merchandise that create waste.” Prepare to point out your below eyes some T.L.C. with the Brighter Days Pink Algae + Avocado Biodegradable Eye Masks. They’ll feel and look so refreshed that no person will be capable of inform that you just stayed up late binge-watching the new Home of the Dragon collection. RELATED: Folks Look Like Glazed Donuts When They Use This $18 TikTok-Viral Masks—& We Have a Particular Code  Picture: Three Ships Magnificence. To reap the advantages of the masks, let your clear pores and skin absorb all substances for 10 to twenty minutes. Then, take away them and pat any extra serum onto your pores and skin. And remember to break down the hydrogel to avoid wasting the planet from extra waste. In case you want much more convincing, this product’s followers are on it. “The eye masks do such a terrific job at brightening and depuffing my below eyes. The cooling impact makes me really feel refreshed and actually prepared for the day!” wrote one reviewer. “This product is really one in all a form!” “I’ve been on the lookout for an environmentally pleasant [alternative] to single-use eye masks and that is the one!” one other one wrote. “They’re really easy to use and really feel tremendous comfy whereas they’re on! My undereye felt softer and seemed much less puffy nearly instantly after use. The actual perk is having the ability to watch them disintegrate in water.” Nicely, you heard it right here first: Three Ships Magnificence’s new Brighter Days Eye Masks are right here to avoid wasting each your below eyes and the planet—a real win-win! Originally published at Sacramento News Journal
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Combating Bacterial Infection of Rice Using Magnetic Nanoparticles- Crimson Publishers
Combating Bacterial Infection of Rice Using Magnetic Nanoparticles by Manoranjan Arakha in Journal of Biotechnology & Bioresearch
Magnetic nanoparticles like Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (IONPs) hold the fundamental class in nanotechnology owing to their novel properties such as magnetism, biocompatibility, easy surface modification and encapsulation, uptake efficiency and release. Their interdisciplinary nature can be judged from the fact that it has also been applied in agriculture with the main purpose to increase productivity and improve nutrient use. Novel Fe2O3 nanoparticles are biocompatible and when efficiently surface coated showed enhanced antimicrobial activity against gram positive as well as gram negative bacteria. This review focuses on the potentials of IONPs as a competitive substitute of pesticides with high antimicrobial activity against a wide range of plant pathogens along with low negative impacts on the environment. Iron oxide nano formulations along with pesticides will be effective against the bacterial as well as fungal diseases of the rice plant.
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crimsonpublishers · 2 years
Path Forward to the Viable Production of Lignin Derived Biopolymers_Crimson Publishers
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Path Forward to the Viable Production of Lignin Derived Biopolymers by Dat T Tran* in Crimson Publishers: Peer Reviewed Material Science Journals
The growing concerns over climate change impacts have been driving the interest in the production of biomass derived polymers (e.g., polylactic acid) with applications in a range of sectors like building materials and packaging. Cellulose, first most abundantly available biopolymer in nature, has been used as a candidate feedstock to produce a range of biomass derived polymers. The high- quality polymer composites and functional polymeric materials can be synthesized using cellulose fibers, nanocellulose, and cellulose derivatives as fillers or matrices in bio composites materials, which is an efficient bio sustainable alternative to produce most petroleum-based polymers. However, the commercial production of cellulose derived biopolymers may face a strong competition from renewable fuel and chemical producers as these producers also use cellulose as a source of carbon to produce renewable fuels and chemicals in biorefineries.1 Lignin, the second most abundantly available biopolymer in nature, is currently underutilized in biorefineries by using it mostly to produce bioenergy [1]. The use of lignin to make high value-added biopolymers and cellulose/hemicellulose fraction of biomass (like wood chips) to fuels/chemicals can increase the commercial viability of biorefineries and eventually reduce the feedstock competition with the production of biopolymers (Figure 1); [1]. In this opinion, we discuss a path forward to make effective lignin derived biopolymers with various applications.
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Nurses and their Caring Behaviours: A Study Summary of the International Caring Behavior Index for Nurses Deduced from Different Voices_ Crimson Publishers
Introduction Caring has been the cornerstone of nursing since the time of its conception. It has been the legacy that each nurse has been instilled to all those they have interactions with. Many nursing experts have looked into caring as a science of nursing. It has been well studied by many nursing experts. All of these prove that nurses' best asset is to make others feel that they are 'cared for'. However, very few have stated that behaviors that nurses possess [1]. In a qualitative study that I made, it revealed sets of behaviors that resulted from the analyses of the different responses from participants that included nurses themselves, patients and their significant others, and other healthcare professionals [2-4]. Careful analysis of these data has led to the six (6) international caring behavior index.
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Perform patient-centric care Nurses' goal is the comfort of the patient [5] Focusing on the needs of the patient starts with knowing the patient. This will aid nurses in identifying the unique needs that require more attention. The nurses’ role is to find out and meet the patient's immediate need for help (Orlando, n.d.). Orlando’s theory describes that nurses' use nursing process in order to discover the true meaning of the patients’ behaviors. Patient-centered care requires having a clinical eye which can help identify the salient focus for assessment and plan of care based on the identified problem/needs (fFBRCode_1_ Lanz). The following are caring behavior categories under this theme
Show professional compassion to patients and family Compassion is an expression of sympathy. The nurse reveals this through the regular and continuous interaction with the patients and their family members. Most patients want to feel that they are considered as a family member and not just someone who require medical management. Participant iPTS_Code1_DB stated, "Caring is showing one's love and concern for others and always considering their best interest outside oneself. It always aims for the good of the other person." Participant iPTSCode_1_Penalty said, "...wag maramdaman ng patient na patient s'ya kundi parang sa bahay lang, at home ang feeling" (The patient needs to feel that being in the healthcare facility is like being home)." Treating everyone the way you treat your own family (iRNCode_1_Uk) is a way of showing compassion to patients. In addition, knowing how it feels to become a patient and a family who has someone suffering from any health condition (fFRSCode_1_Araneta) makes a professional nurse more compassionate. Being compassionate to others especially to those who are unable to care for themselves (fRY1Code_1_Mg) really matters. However, rather than being considered like a family member by nurses having to be "treated as a patient who is in need of utmost care, patience, and understanding (iPTSCode_1_Sha) is what matters. Nevertheless, professional compassion is essential in caring for patients and their family.
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Radical Resection HPB Tumors Presenting as Metastatic Lesions: Report of 2 Cases and Literature Review: Crimson Publishers
Radical Resection HPB Tumors Presenting as Metastatic Lesions: Report of 2 Cases and Literature Review by Monika Gupta in Research in  Medical & Engineering Sciences
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60 yr old lady referred to department of GI and HPB surgery for management for GB with ascetic, who underwent diagnostic laparoscopy for supposed to be metastatic ca GB at oncology hospital. Presenting features-Pain and distension abdomen, vomiting, generalized edema for 10 days. Diagnostic laparoscopy and biopsy findings of which were-diffuse ascitis with frozen subheptic region with GB not visualized, was biopsy negative for malignancy (exact site not mentioned). O/E- pt ASA GR3 pedal edema+, ascetic +, abdomen soft no s/o icterus/Lymphadenopathy/peritonitis /Mets Investigations-Hb-9.8gm/dl-, TLC-12700, DLC-N-74%, L-22%, E-2%, M-2%, urea-17 creatinine-0.6, HIV, HBS Ag, anti HCV -ve, serum bilirubin- 0.3, SGOT-98, SGPT-78, ALP-327, alb -2.3 CXR-B/L pleural effusion, tapping done. USG-CBD normal, mass in GB lumen not involving liver, liver normal, moderate ascitis. Ascetic cytologyve CTSCAN - Mass in GB lumen localized to GB wall filling the lumen with no Mets /LNs, ascetic+ ca 19-9 -3u/ml. Management -She was treated for gastritis, hyponatremia, hypoprotinemia with PPIs, high protein diet, albumin infusion &TPN for 7 days. After nutritional build up reevaluation showed serum albumin- 3.1gm/ dl, CECT findings same with resolution of ascitis. The ascitis was a result of hypoprotinemia as ascetic cytology was negative which disappeared after protein replacement. So decision was taken to proceed with diag. lap &radical cholecystectomy. Intraoperative Findings: Diag. lap-no free fluid, no Mets. https://crimsonpublishers.com/rmes/fulltext/RMES.000533.php For more open access journals in crimson publishers Please click on link: https://crimsonpublishers.com
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How to Minimise Mastoid Cavity Problems_ Crimson Publishers
How to Minimise Mastoid Cavity Problems by George MV* in Crimson Publishers: Journal of Otolaryngology
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Abstract Mastoid cavities drain postoperatively occasionally. It may be due to multiple problems like high facial nerve ridge, A deep slump in the mastoid tip, Narrow meatoplasty, Uneven cavity, Residual disease. Here are some suggestions from my side to avoid these problems.
Keywords: Mastoid cavity problems; Facial ridge; Meatoplasty; Residual disease Introduction Canal wall down mastoidectomy is a frequently performed operation for otitis media squamous type which are more likely to go in for complications. It leaves behind a cavity of varying sizes. The main problem encountered is the need for periodic clearance of the cavity as desquamated cells and wax debris etc can get collected inside the cavity. If the cavity is not fully epithelialized, there can be discharge also. Incomplete removal of the disease is another cause for the same. Lifelong care is needed in the maintenance of a well aerated dry cavity. How can we achieve the same is the next question? A well planned and executed cavity is likely to be a small, self-cleaning one. The main reasons for a discharging cavity are
A. A high facial nerve ridge B. A deep slump in the mastoid tip C. Narrow meatoplasty D. Uneven cavity E. Residual disease The extent of the cholesteatoma, the size of the mastoid bowl, and the skill of the Surgeon are the three important factors influencing the creation of a good cavity. For a good mastoid cavity, the following criteria are to taken care of
A. There should be a good, wide cosmetically acceptable meatoplasty B. The mastoid tip should be in line with the level of the external auditory canal. There should not be any residual disease left behind. C. Reduce the size of the mastoid bowl as small as possible by obliteration of the cavity and by saucerization of the cavity.
How to Achieve the Goal A. Make a large meatoplasty flap for covering the mastoid bowl. This can be planned initially before starting drilling of bone B. Start drilling from inside to the outside C. Use posteriorly based periosteal flap for obliteration, especially of the sump in the mastoid tip D. Fully sauce rise the bony overhang E. Use Hypotensive Anaesthesia for better visualisation. F. Lower the facial ridge as much as possible Discussion Mastoid cavities drain postoperatively due to different reasons. The main reasons are incomplete removal of the disease. This may be due to poor execution of the surgery due to various reasons. The second cause may be the drainage through a perforation of the tympanic membrane even though the closure was done during surgery. In the presence of an infection, the graft might have failed. This can be tackled by a cartilage support during surgery or a second look tympanoplasty. Various materials have been used for obliteration of the cavity. Obliteration is done with various materials, like bone pate, periosteal flaps, muscle, cartilage pieces. Recently Bio glass material is also used [1,2]. large mastoid bowl after canal wall–down mastoidectomy not only is typically difficult to clean, but also often produces a repeatedly running ear.6 In addition, a large cavity may predispose the patient to vertigo with caloric stimuli. Different Surgeons use their own decisions in the management of cholesteatoma. Some use the policy of using Canal wall down procedures for all large cholesteatomas (extending beyond the facial nerve canal) whereas only patients with small cholesteatomas have been subjected to canal wall up procedures [4]. A well aerating meatoplasty also contribute a lot in the healing and the maintenance of it. Upper respiratory tract diseases like allergic rhinitis also must be taken care of. If all these results in a self-cleaning cavity, not much care is necessary. If the cavity is a big one periodic instilling of antibiotic, antifungal, steroid containing ear may become necessary and the patient will have to come for cleaning the cavity at least once in a year. 
Conclusion The previously described six steps when utilised can reduce the mastoid cavity problems. This is the opinion of this author. 
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Contribution of Satellite Remote Sensing in Environmental Monitoring at Regional Scales by Stavros Kolios* in Crimson Publishers: Environmental Sciences
Contribution of Satellite Remote Sensing in Environmental Monitoring at Regional Scales_ Crimson Publishers
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Abstract Since its genesis, satellite remote sensing has enabled observations of environmental changes at inaccessible locations, improving tremendously many scientific fields like the meteorology, oceanography, agriculture production, glaciology, geology etc. Using the information collected by satellites, changes in the physical environment can be measured and the information is analyzed to predict future patterns and achieve better environmental outcomes in different areas. Due to its speed and efficiency in information-gathering, the applications of satellite remote sensing are continually increasing and becoming a vital part in environmental resource management process.
Introduction Nowadays, the contiguous increasing improvement of the synchronous satellite sensors and the numerous satellite platforms can provide data and products of high spatiotemporal accuracy and in cost-effective way, which are essential for many scientific fields of interest and especially in the environmental studies. More specifically, the advanced capabilities of the multispectral (or hyper spectral) satellite imagery making possible to monitor spatial patterns and land use/land cover changes using methodologies and spatial analyses, providing useful information even in remotely sensed areas where ground-based observations, are completely absent. It is characteristic that nowadays, a wide range of different sensors operating in many satellite platforms, provide multispectral imagery as well as microwave information.
Moreover, recently there are cases of polar-orbiting satellites which carry lidars [1-3] increasing the capabilities of satellite imagery in monitoring land/ocean/atmosphere. The increasing use of the remotely sensed images is importantly owed to the wide range of spectral regions are recorded, ranging from visible to thermal infrared (passive radiometers), the microwave sensors and satellite lidar/radar technology onboard of some synchronous satellites. These remotely sensed datasets with the companied use of the Geographical Information Systems (GIS), expand the horizon of many scientific communities which are dealing with the environment, their choices of imagery sources and their ability to detect spectral, spatial and temporal characteristics of the examined parameters and phenomena.
Focusing in the monitoring of the land surface characteristics, the modern satellite imageries have been already proven, valuable tools to monitor and mapping changes in a great variety of parameters and phenomena like vegetation quality, forest fires, urban sprawl land use/land cover changes, land degradation etc [4-6]. Furthermore, it must be mentioned that many satellite image products especially of high spatial resolution (finer than 10m), are provided at costs which in many cases are not easy to be found. Nevertheless, up to now, some satellite missions and instruments have already gained the preference of the majority of the scientist in monitoring land surface characteristics and spatiotemporal changes, because provide full image products of high quality and at no cost
Characteristic example in the Landsat satellite series. Especially the latest satellite of this series, the Landsat-8, carries the Operational Land Instrument (OLI) and the Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) which provide freely available multispectral images at spatial resolution of 30m and radiometric accuracy capable to capture accurately, significant land changes at local to regional scales. It is also important to be mentioned, the case of Sentinel satellites, which can provide a huge amount of choices to monitor the environment at different spatial resolutions ranging from hundred kilometers (coarse resolution) to 10m (high resolution)
Another interesting satellite, is the Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) which carries-among others-the Advanced Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer (AVNIR), providing multispectral images of 10m spatial resolution. Conclusively, it can be said that although the abovementioned satellites and sensors are widely used in the international bibliography, consist just some among numerous sun-synchronous satellites which are operating nowadays and can be used to monitor land surface characteristics.
Conclusion Continuing the uncontested usefulness of satellite remote sensing in the environmental monitoring, a new era has already started through the use of modern satellite sensors which provide multispectral and hyperspectral images of continuously increasing spatial accuracy and radiometric quality as well as synchronous microwave and Lidar instrumentation
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The Harmonious Interactions of the Dancer and the Body
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The Harmonious Interactions of the Dancer and the Body by Brandon Monzon* in Research & Investigations in Sports Medicine_ Movement Research
How do dancers efficiently use motion in modern dance to create elegant movement with their instruments? Professor Bill DeYoung is exploring that question. Advances in kinesiology and Movement Research during the last half-century have enabled DeYoung to develop the Aesthetics of Balance Project (ABP). The goal is to help dancers become more aware of how the human instrument works by developing training tools that enable them to identify specific muscle connections to enhance technical performance. The ABP, which is funded by research grants from U-M’s Office of Research and SMTD, comprises two teams. One team is focusing on developing a wearable “inertial measurement unit” (IMU) that provides sound feedback to enable balance training tools for dancers. The other team is developing smart phone delivery of physical therapy exercises for dancers. DeYoung developed the ABP by partnering with physicians, physical therapists, biomechanical engineers, and cinematographers-along with SMTD dance faculty, alumni, and current students.
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Molecular Basis of Neural Memory Defining the Engram_ Crimson Publishers
Molecular Basis of Neural Memory Defining the Engram by Gerard Marx in Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences
A goal of neuroscientists is to identify the causal relationship between the functioning of neurons and the emergence of mental (psychic) states, such as emotions and memories. The notion that the basis for memory was due to physical changes in the brain, was first proposed by Richard Semon (~1900), who also coined the term “engram” to refer to the physical trace of memory. Elements of Semon’s concept are echoed nowadays in descriptions of “engram cells”, neurons which supposedly store and recall the memory trace. But none of these identify the code that instigates the emotive states experienced and remembered by neural systems.
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Engineering Support of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation-Crimson Publishers
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Engineering Support of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation by  Wlodzimierz S Erdmann in Significances of Bioengineering & Biosciences: Crimson Publishers- Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering
The article is devoted to the support by engineering to the one of medical branches, namely orthopedics and its extension, i.e., rehabilitation. Human life gives large amount of congenital disorders, victims of disasters and accidents. In order to execute surgical operation physicians need special equipment. During the operation they apply different devices in order to bring back patients as much as possible to the society. During rehabilitation process people with disabilities use many simple or advanced equipment, facilities, outdoor parks. People with disabilities need to take care of themselves. They want to participate as much as they can in many aspects of healthy members of the society. Here they are helped by simple or sophisticated devices, e.g., orthoses, implants, prostheses, wheelchairs, specially designed sport equipment. Advanced approach to people with disability was presented during “Cybathlon” competition held in Zurich in 2016, i.e., robotic prostheses for upper and lower extremities, exoskeletons and other.
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Specific Anti-Obese Synbiotics to Suit Genetically Different Obese Persons-Crimson Publishers
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Specific Anti-Obese Synbiotics to Suit Genetically Different Obese Persons by M Haridas in Interventions in Obesity & Diabetes
Ayurvedic fermentation as prescribed in classical texts is a versatile and powerful protocol for developing novel, traditional-like medicines. Ayurvedic medication, having a Prakriti (genetic) determinant, needs to be considered suitable for addressing metabolic disorders with immunologic implications, influenced by gut microbiome (as evidenced by the enterotypes). Obesity is a pathologic state on which the gut microbiota exercises influence in inflammatory and metabolic ways. When coupled with reverse pharmacology it would yield highly predictable results. It also bears potentials for redefining the protocol itself to deliver future products. In this article we essay on conceptualising the production and the prospect of developing new anti-obesity fermented nutraceutics/synbiotics to suit the prakriti of obese persons by prakriti-specific gut microbiome.
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The place to Purchase Gwen Stefanis Favourite Pink Lipstick for Solely $6
From her success with No Doubt to her solo profession, Gwen Stefani is iconic for a lot of causes — and her signature crimson lipstick look is one among them. If you happen to’re a fan of the daring look your self however can’t appear to search out the proper shade of crimson, you’re in for a pleasing shock: Stefani’s final favourite crimson lipstick is a $6 drugstore discover.  RELATED: This Anti-aging Serum Is Liable for Jennifer Lopez’s Youthful Glow Stefani has been rocking crimson lips virtually her entire life, so she is aware of a factor or two about creating the proper crimson pout. “My grandma gave me a bunch of colours in my Christmas stocking after I was 18,” she advised InStyle. I attempted one on in my automobile and noticed it within the rearview mirror. I keep in mind loving the way it made me really feel: daring.”  Since then, she has experimented with each possible shade of crimson. “Everybody my entire complete life has all the time requested me, ‘what shade crimson do you put on?’ Properly I don’t put on one shade crimson, . I really like to combine it up,” she shared in a Cosmopolitan interview.   Gwen Stefani’s Favourite Shade of Pink Lipstick Stefani not too long ago launched her higher-end GXVE Magnificence line, which incorporates crimson lipstick, after all, however there’s one drugstore discover that she recommends to copy her signature aesthetic. It’s the Revlon Tremendous Lustrous Lipstick within the Cherries In The Snow shade. “I’m a basic woman; I like that the colour has been round endlessly. It’s that actual old-school crimson,” she advised Elle.  As a Revlon ambassador, Stefani is a fan of the model’s Tremendous Lustrous Lipsticks and has them in many alternative colours, however that one takes the cake so far as reaching a basic look. “I’ve all the Tremendous Lustrous Lipsticks,” she shared with Elle. “This is the reason it’s so enjoyable to work with Revlon; they hook me up with all this wonderful make-up, which implies I get to put on colours I by no means thought I’d put on. You already know what I imply, I’d all the time usually go for a blue crimson, nevertheless it’s been enjoyable to discover all of the completely different colours.”  Why Revlon’s Tremendous Lustrous Lipstick Is a Keeper for Gwen Credit score: Gwen Stefani’s Instagram Questioning what makes a multi-millionaire music mogul gravitate in the direction of a $6 lipstick? It’s all within the method. The Revlon Tremendous Lustrous Lipstick line packs a critical pigment punch with out drying out your lips. The lipsticks are formulated with vitamin E and avocado oil for a buttery feeling that rivals lip balm but delivers high-impact shade. And it received’t cake by means of the evening. Like Stefani talked about, Cherries In The Snow has extra of that blue tint –- it’s virtually fuchsia –- however you would additionally experiment with Definitely Pink and Fireplace and Ice to search out the proper shade in your pores and skin tone.  Goalcast might obtain a portion of income in the event you click on a hyperlink on this article and purchase a service or product. The hyperlinks are independently positioned by our Commerce group and don’t affect editorial content material. Originally published at Sacramento News Journal
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Case of Resistant Epileptic Encephalopathy a Child with Microcephalic Capillary Malformation Syndrome_ Crimson Publishers
Case of Resistant Epileptic Encephalopathy a Child with Microcephalic Capillary Malformation Syndrome by  Sсhugareva LM in Research in Pediatrics & Neonatology 
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The most common causes of the drug-resistant epilepsy in children are genetic damages and congenital malformations of the brain. The microcephaly-capillary malformation syndrome (MICCAP) is an inherited disorder that is most frequently characterized by severe progressive microcephaly, early-onset refractory epilepsy, capillary malformations spread across the body. This paper describes a case of MICCAP in the infant presented with the early-onset drug-resistant epilepsy, microcephaly, spastic tetraplegia, profound developmental delay, multiple small capillary hemangiomas in the skin, hypoplasia of fingers. A novel homozygous mutation of STAMBP gene (c188A>G; chr2:74058171rs781694797) in exon 2 was revealed. The same mutation was found in both parents. The antiepileptic drug combination therapy was given.
Resistant in the treatment of epileptic encephalopathy in childhood in a significant amount due to a mutation of the nucleotide sequence of the genome, or congenital abnormalities of the brain. The literature described a rare microcephalic-capillary malformation syndrome (Microcephaly-capillary malformation, MIC-CAP), manifested from the first month of life by the early onset of treatment-resistant epilepsy, severe progressive microcephaly, spastic tetra paresis, global developmental delay, multiple, small-sized capillary malformations on the body and hypoplastic terminal phalanges Table 1.
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