#But with Improved Media Literacy Skills and the hindsight of knowing more about Luffy's backstory
moongothic · 2 months
I do kinda wonder, considdering how much Luffy hates being alone... On those first levels of Impel Down, did Luffy stick to Buggy as if they had been glued together, not because he trusted the clown (let alone liked him), but because Luffy hates being alone and being with Buggy meant he wouldn't be alone?
Like think about it, Luffy didn't give a damn when he ran into Buggy, it wasn't a Happy Reunion like it was with Bon-chan
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"Oh, it's Buggy" vs "You're alive!!"
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And while we know Luffy is at least A Little Stupid, Luffy does have pretty good instincts when it comes to making judgements about people, and he has emotional intelligence when needed So between Luffy not really liking Buggy when they reunited in Impel Down, and Luffy even currently thinking Buggy is a loser, it seems unlikely to me Luffy like, wanted to team up with Buggy when they ran into each other. But Luffy did understand he'd have a hard time getting to the bottom of Impel Down by himself, and he knew Buggy would be mostly harmless in this situation. If anything, the clown could maybe help him along the way, even if only a little. And yeah, at least he wouldn't have to be alone if Buggy came along.
I think that might be why Luffy decided to give the treasure map to Buggy
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Like yes, Luffy may have been naïve to think Buggy wouldn't ditch him as soon as he got the map instead of keeping his end of the deal, but also. Maybe for Luffy the risk of getting ditched was a better option than not trying and being alone anyways.
Maybe Luffy chose to give the map to Buggy because of that, so he wouldn't be stuck alone.
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