#Bobby Yupi
magicinverse ยท 7 months
I want to give a lil bit of Mexican insight!!!
Father and Mother are titles that are exclusive for the people who raised/birth us
It's kinda disrespectful to call someone that when they aren't your parent and your parents are present in your life
Step father is a title that it's really formal but important, a kid usually calls someone step father when they love and care for them, otherwise they are just the husband/wife of your mom/dad
Do people call their step father "dad"? Yes, sometimes when their bio dad isn't present and their step father acted like a dad for them, it happens
Now obviously this doesn't apply to all the families but it's the norm we go by
Roier wasn't wrong to say that Cellbit wasn't Bobby's dad and he was his step father, just like he always makes sure to clarify that Richas is his kid cause he married Cellbit
Doesn't mean they are not family and doesn't mean there is less love, doesn't mean that in their heart they aren't their kids
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