#Because that's what Jeff Davis does with TW damn the man
locitarose · 7 years
I know I’m being baited, I KNOW THIS, but I don’t care. Because while I’m the type to have a slash OTP, het OTP, and an OT3, I always get torn between Stydia and Stallison and Sterydia and Scileson (or whatever they’re called) but Sterek has never had any competition even if I’ll read other slash pairings in the fandom. I got in to the show because of Sterek because one of my awesome friends sent me fic and I was basically Sterek trash from that point. With a side of shipping Stiles with all my faves pretty much. I’m not even sorry because he’s so damn shippable.
So I’ve been there from partway through season 1 (thank goodness for the internet or I’d have had to catch up after season 1) for all the baiting and back and forth. Which means I know that’s what’s happening.
But Derek Hale is going to be back on my screen so I don’t even care at this point. 
Yes, yes, I DID shriek when I saw him show up on screen. Look at him and Stiles (FBI AGENT STILES, SHOUT OUT TO ALL THE PEOPLE WHO WROTE THAT BEFORE IT BECAME CANON), fucking carpooling to Beacon Hills together, omg.
And Jackson is back! Chillin’ with Danny’s murderous ex but okay. Whatever. Jackson is back from London! (But also, did he just decide to go back to high school? Because he looks like he’s legit trying to replace Aiden in the twins’s intro shot from 3A when he and Ethan are walking down that hall, just saying.)
Now, where are Cora, Isaac, and Danny? I need them back too!
Also, if they could find a way to bring back Allison, Erica, and Boyd, that’d be super fantastic.
Sorry, Ethan, I don’t care about your douchebag of a twin coming back.
Also, I hope Gerard finally bites it. I have a recording of Another One Bites the Dust READY TO GO, GIVE ME THIS OPPORTUNITY.
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