#Bc it's not on the same scale as the harm in Gaza
sweetdreamspootypie · 6 months
Ah yes
Ye olde call out post for someone [checks notes] talking about antisemitism but not making any public posts discussing israel, zionism, or Palestine
How dare you not performatively beg to be seen as a 'good jew' and how dare you call yourself a Jew without amending a required 'antizionist' label to yourself every single time you refer to yourself
Especially in [checks notes] posts where you discuss the inherent issues or requiring Jews to label themselves as 'good' before being allowed the conditional acceptance of talking about their own experience on their own blog.
I am someone who is willing to talk about my my thoughts and feelings about the state of Israel. I've got a post in my drafts that is 10 paragraphs long that is just the contextual preamble trying to get to the point of talking about one thought I had while at a community event.
And I'm a blog with 3 active followers, and I'm at the beginning of my explorations of how all the concepts relate to me as an individual
Of course a Jewish blog with a large following might not make public posts about current events
On the other hand you could say oh but posting about it is the /least/ you could do
How do you know they aren't posting elsewhere? How do you know they aren't doing other actions?
And I can't stress them enough
One of the screenshotted posts calling them out for being an eevil zionist
Was them talking about the antisemitism they experienced
While at a protest march for Palestine
Hear ye hear ye add the Jew to the block list for the crime of not calling themselves an antizionist while actively on the ground protesting for Palestine and realizing there were Nazis around them
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henrysglock · 8 months
Hi can you plz help me to understand. My feed is mainly talking about Palestine, showing the atrocities happening, wanting Palestine to be free and I agree the Palestinian civilians should be safe and the bombings and attacks should stop. But I’m failing to see why people aren’t caring about the Israeli civilians as much? They are also being killed, many innocently at a music festival only to never return home again. But it’s like no one cares about them bc they’re they enemy! But they’re not they’re innocent people. Just like the Palestinian people are. And I kinda get the war between both but also what happened was over 70 years ago most of the people living there now weren’t there 70 years ago so why should they still be talked about as though they’re the enemy when living in Israel is all they’ve known? It shouldn’t be just swept under the rug no and I know everyone isn’t just going to stop and make up and hold hands singing songs but It’s 100% the governments problem I just don’t understand why people now are failing to sympathise with the Israeli victims? And why some Jewish people/celebs are being made out to be bad people just bc they speak up on what’s being done to their fellow Jews? Not sure if you’ve seen Brett’s ig but he’s been very vocal and if I’m honest does seem quite extreme but ppl like Noah just seem like he’s upset and worried and doesn’t want harm to come to either side but ofc he’s going to show support to Israel when he’s been there to learn more about his religion? Idk what to believe in terms of news anymore bc some seem very pro-Palestine and others pro-Israel and some switch between both every other day. It’s just all very confusing but it has made me a little sad to see not many people talking about the innocent Israelis who have lost their lives and are still in the middle of all this too… sorry if this is too much I just needed to say it to someone :/
Okay, anon, I think I know where the disconnect lies: scale.
1,400 were killed in the attack on Israel, and that’s a horrible thing. Loss of civilian life is never a good thing.
However. Over 5,000 and counting Palestinians have been killed by the Israelis just since the Hamas attack. That’s not including the 70+ consecutive years of occupation and mistreatment continued mistreatment enacted on them by the Israeli government (It’s not something that “happened 70 years ago”, anon. It has been constant). They have been and are being driven out of their homes; their lives, livelihoods, and land are being stolen out from under them. 70 years’ worth of children have been and are being murdered or left as orphans.
Here are some numbers just since 2000:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
And there is no “both sides”, here. There is no “war”, Anon, because Palestine has no army, while Israel is backed by the governments of most western countries, the US army included. They have the backing of the most powerful army in the world…against a people with no army. Palestinians, anon, are defenseless. Israel is bombing their hospitals and schools. It’s an unceasing massacre. Gaza is an open-air prison. The Palestinians cannot escape the violence.
So yes, it’s deeply unfortunate that Israeli civilians were killed, and I sympathize with those who were hurt by that attack, emotionally and/or physically…but they are not victims of genocide, here.
Palestinians are.
That is why we’re more vocal about Palestine, anon. The scales aren’t even close to the same.
This isn’t even going into the fact that Hamas was founded and funded to destabilize Palestine. To quote Avner Cohen, an ex Israeli official: “Hamas, regrettably was Israel’s creation”. Meanwhile, the current PM of Israel, Netanyahu, has said “Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering hamas and transferring money to hamas. This is part of our strategy—to isolate Palestinians in gaza from Palestinians in the west bank.”
Israel’s blood is on its own hands.
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