deeppink-man · 20 days
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Tae baeksan
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I actually am trying to remember is you answered this already. But do you have any characters that are essentially “Bakugou but done better”?
I have but it’s been so far back that I can’t even find it 😭. Seriously, why does Tumblr’s search system when searching for stuff in your own blog suck so much?
So Katsuki’s archetype is basically smug prick who learns to be a better person. These characters have similar arcs to Katsuki, but are obviously done way better:
- Superboy/Kon-el/Conner Kent (DC Comics): Easily the best example of this trope, and I’m not saying that cause he’s my favorite character of all time. Going from a smug kid who thought he deserved to be called Superman to someone who carved his own legacy and became a hero who inspired many. His story’s a very powerful one that I love. If you haven’t followed Superboy’s journey in the comics, seriously consider doing so. I can’t express how much I adore this character.
- Teddy Jin (Weak Hero): Another fantastic example. His change doesn’t feel forced, he faces consequences for his actions, and even learns that there’s more to life than what he initially thought. If you haven’t read Weak Hero, I’d really recommend doing so. It starts slow, but once it picks up its pace, it’s a great read, especially if you were a former/current bully victim.
- Ryu (The Boxer): Easily one of the best characters who follows the same archetype as Katsuki. As a character, nearly the exact same as Katsuki, where he’s gifted and as such, bullies those who are weaker. He gets a much needed reality check right off the bat, he faces consequences for his actions, is humbled, and even delivers a heartfelt apology to his former victim by only using the two words “I’m sorry”. For him though, it works because you can see that he’s actually sorry and the apology had some fantastic buildup to it. If you haven’t read The Boxer, please do. It’s a fantastically written WEBTOON with a lot of heart and you really grow attached and invested in the characters that show up in the story.
- Tony Stark/Iron Man (MCU): Goes from doing whatever he wants to realizing that his actions have consequences, so he does his best to be a better person.
- Dr. Strange (MCU): Learns what it’s like to suffer, ends up being more grateful for the things in his life, and learns that you can’t control everything.
I also wanna give a mention to Wolf Keum from Weak Hero. Though I wouldn’t say he’s from the same archetype as Katsuki, they do share similar traits. Both are unapologetic assholes who love fighting. However, where Wolf succeeds and Katsuki fails is that the narrative agrees that Wolf is an unapologetic asshole whereas MHA constantly forces the idea that there’s some good in Katsuki. Except for a fight against the MC, Wolf’s fights are against other assholes, and as such, it’s really fun to watch him be the adrenaline crazy fuck that he is without the narrative trying to tell us that he’s good. He’s one of those characters where he’s clearly bad, but who gives a fuck? In MHA, the narrative wants us to think there’s some good in Katsuki and that he’s going to redeem himself, but when he does shit like bully Izuku or brutally beat his classmates, it doesn’t come off as charming or endearing. It’s just outright vile.
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dramaism · 1 year
han so hee's recent ig update:
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i can't defend her anymore...
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jongnorp · 1 month
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You've got the keys, unlock your new world!
born in the heart of seoul and raised by his mother’s younger sister (minjee) after his mother passed when bae was around four. his dad was never in the picture and his maternal grandparents died before he was even born so the only person who would take and raise him was his aunt, saving him from foster care. to this day they are still best friends, living in the same apartment that he’s been in for the past twenty one years.
bae found his love of fashion from his aunt, who used to make all of his clothes and was the one who taught him how to sew. he now rarely buys anything brand new, preferring to scour vintage shops and thrift stores to supplement his clothing each season. 
currently he runs an online vintage shop, reselling any cool pieces he finds thrifting (and doesn’t keep for himself) and also clothes he reforms himself. the shop has really taken off in the past year and he currently has a little office space (not in his apartment anymore, much to the joy of his aunt) he works out of. in his spare time he creates entirely new pieces, spending most all of the money he makes at the fabric store
his ultimate goal in life is to be a fashion designer, aspiring to see his original designs walking down a runway one day. for now though? he is okay with his designs being mostly worn by his friends and occasionally seeing them on random people walking down the sidewalk.
personality. bae is a ball of energy. period. he is always on the go, always finding a new thrift store to explore or fabric store to raid. in his mind bae will rest when he is dead and he takes that to HEART. the type of person who lights up a room and commands attention, even without realizing it. bae is friends with all walks of life, loving have people around him but if you do even one thing to break his trust? you’re out of his life without even a second thought.
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justanotherking · 2 years
Hear me out y'all, I just realized something
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Change my mind
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mdruey333 · 3 years
did you guys see the latest chapter of ‘the boxer’ 🧍‍♀️
it made me so emotional for no reason
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rippeds0cks · 2 years
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These inverted hand diamond push-ups are KILLIN me. Anything for big boobs tho. My bodyfat% has gone up slightly cause of my shitty eating but I’m getting it all back on track today. I love the boxer so much it’s so good. I’ve been fast passing it since chapter 40 and it’s never once disappointed me. I highly recommend you read the boxer. Decided to buy some masks so I don’t have to keep scribbling out my face so I’ll see how those go once they arrive. Not much to talk about today I guess
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hallvcination · 3 years
long post incoming...
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nyxesss · 4 years
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I think I just found the new love of my life
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shui-xi · 7 years
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blockbhive · 6 years
uk_530 별이를 너무 사랑하는 이산이와 나를 너무 사랑해주는 율곡이 백범이 독도 #하이롤러애견카페
uk_530 Isan, who loves Byul very much and Yoolgok, Baeksan, and Dokdo, who all love me very much #HighRollerPetCafe
Translation by beesubs
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deeppink-man · 18 days
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endalaust00 · 7 years
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Baeksan with flower
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lifeunderthewaves · 7 years
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High in the sky .. by smoothy Yang Baeksan Sunset !!
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Chapter 2
 "Yaakk, Bae Suzy kenapa kamu sore-sore gini malah mau beranjak tidur? Ini masih jam enam sore nak, cepat bangun dan berdandanlah yang cantik." Ujar nyonya Bae Hyemi yang sedikit kesulitan membangunkan putrinya Bae Suzy. "Eohh, eomma aku capeekk banget setelah seharian bekerja, aku ingin istirahat eommaa." Rengek Suzy kepada eommanya. "Andwee, pokoknya kau harus bangun sekarang juga, karena kita akan kedatangan sahabat lama keluarga kita. Jadi, kau harus berpenampilan yang cantik dan jangan sampai memalukan orang tuamu. Sana cepat bersihkan tubuhmu itu." Ujar nyonya Bae sambil menarik tangan Suzy agar bangun dan segera menyeretnya ke kamar mandi. "Ahh kenapa eomma jadi menyebalkan begini? (sambil mengacak rambutnya kesal)." Segala omelan dilontarkan Suzy di dalam kamar mandi. Beberapa menit telah berlalu, akhirnya Suzy keluar dari kamar mandi setelah selesai membersihkan tubuhnya. Suzy melangkahkan kakinya ke sebuah almari yang cukup besar dengan desain eropa tempat dimana ia menaruh semua pakaianya. Dia mempertimbangkan pakaian mana yang akan ia kenakan sekarang, sehingga dia mencoba satu persatu semua pakainya dan pada akhirnya pilihanya jatuh pada pakaian berwarna pink. Setelah dirasanya semua sudah cukup, Suzy berdiri di depan cermin besar yang memperlihatkan semua lekuk tubuh indahnya. Suzy terpesona dengan tampilanya sendiri, memakai pakaian pilihanya tadi dengan balutan make up, ditambah berbagi assesoris yang telah melekat pada tubuhnya, dan rambut yang dibiarkan terurai. Sehingga, membuat semakin mempercantik tampilanya malam ini. "Apakah ini diriku?" Tanya Suzy kepada dirinya sendiri seolah tidak percaya akan apa yang dilihatnya sekarang di depan cermin. Keluarga Bae menyiapkan semuanya dengan begitu antusias dan senyuman selalu terpancar di wajah mereka. "Eommaa, appaa. Emang mau ada acara apa sih? Kok kita harus menyiapkan begitu banyak makanan?" Tanya Bae Kyungso (adik Suzy) dengan raut muka yang kebingungan. "Ahh kau sudah datang ternyata, kita bentar lagi mau kedatangan tamu istimewa. Jadi, cepat sana ganti pakaianmu, aku beri waktu lima belas menit untuk kau ganti pakaian." Ujar tuan Bae Junsoo. "Yaakk.. Appa. Kenapa waktu yang diberikan kepadaku Cuma sedikit?" Rengek Kyungsoo kepada appanya dan dibalas dengan tatapan tajam dari Tuan Bae. Akhirnya, mau tak mau Kyungso menuruti apa kata appanya sebelum hal yang tidak dia inginkan terjadi. Tuan Bae Junsoo dan Nyonya Bae Hyemi masih sibuk mempersiapkan semuanya sambil dibantu oleh para pelayan rumah mereka. Tak berkunjung lama bel rumah mereka bunyi. "Ahh itu pasti mereka." Ujar tuan Bae dengan antusias membukakan pintu rumah mereka yang cukup besar.   "Waahh benar dugaanku ternyata ini benar-benar kalian yang datang. Aku merindukanmu sobat." Ujar tuan Bae sambil memeluk sahabat lamanya tuan Byun Baeksan. "Aku juga sangat merindukanmu sobat (membalas pelukan tuan Bae), apa aku dan keluargaku tidak diperbolehkan masuk ke dalam rumahmu?" Ujar tuan Byun dengan wajah yang berbinar. "Ahh mianhe Baeksan-ah aku sampai lupa, ayo silakan masuk! Kami sudah menyiapkan banyak makanan buat kalian." Ujar tuan Bae sambil mengajak keluarga Byun untuk mempersilahkan mereka masuk dan mengantarnya menuju ruang keluarga. Dan disana beberapa makanan sudah tertata rapi di meja yang telah disiapkan oleh keluarga Bae. "Ayo silakan duduk." Ujar nyonya Bae Hyemi yang dijawab anggukan oleh keluarga Byun. "Ohh Baeksan-ah, apakah ini putramu?" Tanya tuan Bae. "Iya Junsoo-ah dia putra semata wayangku, tadi siang dia baru datang dari Amerika." Jawab tuan Byun. Sedangkan orang yang sedang dibicarakan hanya mengulas sebuah senyuman tanpa berkata apapun. "Siapa namau nak?" Tanya tuan Bae kepada Baekhyun. "Byun Baekhyun imnida (sambil memberikan hormat kepada tuan Bae dan nyonya Bae)." Jawab Baekhyun sopan serta memberikan senyum hangatnya yang semakin membuatnya tampan dengan berbalut kemeja putih yang terlihat pas ditubuhnya. "Waahh dia sangat tampan Baekson-ah, seperti waktu aku masih muda." Ujar tuan Bae dengan penuh percaya diri yang ditanggapi dengan tertawaan oleh kedua keluarga kecil tersebut. "Ternyata kau masih sama seperti dulu Junsoo-ah selalu percaya diri (sambil tertawa mengejek), ngomong-ngomong kemana putra dan putrimu Junsoo-ah?" Tanya tuan Byun. "Ohh itu dia kyungso putraku adik dari putriku. Cepat sini nak, beri salammu kepada keluarga sahabat appa." Ujar tuan Bae yang disusul dengan ucapan salam dari kyungso untuk keluarga Byun. Mereka semua berbincang-bincang dengan begitu bahagianya, sedangkan Baekhyun dia mulai merasa bosan dan memilih untuk bermain ponsel. "Ah tunggu dulu, dimana putrimu Junsoo-ah?" Tanya tuan Byun. Belum sempat tuan Bae menjawab, terdengar suara high heels yang sedang menuruni tangga. Semua mata menoleh ke sumber suara tersebut dan mereka semua terpesona ketika melihat seorang wanita bagaikan dewi menuruni anak tangga dengan begitu anggunya. Baekhyun yang sedari tadi memainkan ponselnya terdiam membeku terpesona ketika matanya memandang wanita itu (Bae Suzy). "Kenapa tiba-tiba tubuhku berdesir hebat seperti ini saat melihatnya?" Batin Baekhyun tidak mengerti dengan perubahan dalam dirinya. Setelah sampai di ruang keluarga, Suzy memberikan salam hangatnya kepada keluarga sahabat lama appanya. Dan sontak Suzy terkejut ketika mengetahui siapa tamu istimewa keluarganya yang tak lain adalah keluarga Byun dimana tuan Byun Baeksan adalah direkturnya sekaligus pemilik perusahaan Taesan Grup tempat dimana ia bekerja. "Waahh ternyata kau Suzy-ah putri dari junsoo, kalau aku sudah tau sejak awal aku pasti akan sangat senang. Kau wanita yang tidak hanya cantik tapi juga giat bekerja, tidak salah aku milih menantu." Ujar tuan Byun tanpa dosa yang membuat dua insan Suzy dan Baekhyun dibuat terkejut olehnya. -TBC-
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hannie-dul-set · 4 years
reading the boxer on naver webtoon with my minimal korean bcs i can't wait for the rest of the episodes to come out :'))
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