#Arthur is on his slow burn path to the lesson of 'you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain'
post-it-notes7 · 7 months
You said that Arthur and Nonsurat created the GSA, and then Dragato and Falspar joined as generals. Is there a timeline you have in mind for how the GSA formed and worked until it fell?
I've got a loose timeline that I stick to regarding it, though it would probably be a little too convoluted to present all at once, so for now here's some related fun facts! (not necessarily in chronological order)
Arthur (and Nonsurat) created the latest iteration of the GSA, arguably both the most successful and most tragic one the galaxy has seen emerge.
The GSA Arthur lead was very small at first; he began to build it up by traveling around in search of other star warriors and making connections with those who were sympathetic enough to lend help. He had an extensive list of locations he would go out scouting on his own as the army began to grow. Because of this, the GSA had many smaller, make-shift bases hidden on planets, designed to serve as both safe houses and the foundations for larger bases if they ever needed to rapidly move locations. (The majority of these were destroyed in Nightmare's ambush)
Garlude was a longtime member of the GSA, and had fighting experience prior to joining. She initially served as a young trainer for new recruits, through which she met Falspar and Dragato.
Nonsurat was in charge of the GSA's archives, a collection of all their gathered information that included known star warrior abilities, monster catalogues, and even old fables Nightmare had tried to vanish from the galaxy's collective knowledge. (It was considered destroyed in the final ambush.)
Arthur was initially against appointing more generals, preferring to keep everything on his plate to assure the best effort possible was being put into leading the army at all times. The larger the GSA grew however, the more impossible that became, and he eventually caved and began seeking those who might fit the position.
Nonsurat has always been Arthur's first general, while Falspar was officially appointed the second. Soon after, Dragato was chosen as the third.
Garlude was offered the position prior to both of them, but turned it down, wishing to remain closer to the other star warriors and more active out in the field.
Meta Knight joined the GSA in what would be considered its later years, though he both fought during, and greatly contributed to its peak years when the glimmers of a potential victory began to appear in what had long since been a doomed war from the start.
From the very start, even before the GSA, Arthur sought the Star Rod.
That's all for now, thanks for the ask anon!
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