#Adalynn's dress is actually nice i wasn't expecting it to look this good
fundielicious-simblr · 7 months
(Adalynn's POV)
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I love weddings, but family weddings are just that much more special since it means our family is growing. Lana has been such a darling since we met her, and we thank the Lord that she's now officially part of the family. The wedding itself was beautiful, the Lord was the at the centre of it all, represented by the large cross that Lana had hung up between them.
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This is probably going to be the last picture of the boys before their new sibling gets here, this baby is due to arrive in the summer and after easter, we've not got many opportunities to dress up and take group pictures. It's also quite an uphill climb to get all 8 kids looking at the camera at the same time, as evidenced by little Titus doing his own thing.
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Kyleigh and I managed to get our picture together, the third time we've been pregnant together. This will be her 11th child whereas this will be the 9th babe to join our family, we've just been so blessed to be able to have been given the responsibility to birth and raise all the children that we've had (and any more that the Lord wills for us to have). My mother always gets so excited when we send these photos to the family group, she's always said that God is so good, and all the kids are a perfect example of it.
The first time we were pregnant at the same time was when I was pregnant with Aaron (#3) and Kyleigh was pregnant with the twins Rose and Violet (#4 & #5), additionally, Valentina was pregnant with her 2nd child and Madelynn with her first. The second time that we were pregnant together was when I was newly pregnant with the twins Caleb & Jonah (#6 & #7), and she was pregnant with Preston (#9)
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I love getting to see my sisters again, especially the ones that I don't see as often, of course we video call here and there as well as chat, but it's not the same as getting to chat and catch up in person. I'm so far the only sibling that lives without a sibling neighbour, Amira and Zoe are both in Windenburg whilst Maggie and Reece (and therefore Stacie) live in San Myshuno. We tried to make plans to visit each other, or maybe take a sister trip somewhere when we're free, which may not happen before this baby is born, so maybe we'll have to plan for next summer.
Seeing my cousins is also great, we all grew up very close and now we still try and keep those bonds steady even though we live far away from each other. Valentina is actually coming to see us once this baby is born, her brother Carter lives close-by so she's going to kill two birds with one stone. It was also great seeing both my sister Priscilla and my cousin Kristyn, they both live in Oasis Springs so they were local for the wedding and helped Lana with some of the planning logistics. Kristyn is also pregnant, she's halfway through her pregnancy with her second child who they found out is a baby boy!
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