#AND YET ive only just now realised it's a pride and prejudice adaptation?
superangsty · 3 years
bridget jones’s diary
send me a Hugh Grant film and I'll tell you why he was gay in it
okay I'm gonna talk about Bridget Jones AND The Edge of Reason since obviously he's playing the same character.. also might I just say how very iconic of them in Bridget Jones' Baby it was to just say "daniel cleaver? nah he's dead" and then never mention him again.
anyway okay first of all I like when he says "aw fuck me I love Keats" and I like when he calls Michelangelo a poof and I like that Bridget's gay friend calls him cute and also the fact that when he and Bridget were fucking I'm 100% certain she pegged him at least once.
Anyway so like he's definitely bisexual bc in the second film he mentions sleeping with two separate men (though admittedly one of those was meant as a transphobic joke and another as a 'haha all public school boys fuck each other' joke but lets just GO WITH IT okay??). Also in the first film when he and Colin Firth's eyes meet across a crowded room,, I know it's meant to be hatred bc of Cleaver fucking Darcy's wife but that was a Charged Moment and I've been waiting literally my entire life for them to just make a rom com starring the two of them not as romantic rivals but as romantic Leads like i know they're both old and crusty now and Hugh Grant only plays slimy characters these days but I am begging. I am Begging.
I don't have anything more to say but I have two unrelated notes to make about the Bridget Jones films:
Sally Phillips is literally the Only character in the entire film. the Only One except maybe for Colin Firth's bald spot
In the second film when that girl's like 'actually im a lesbian and in love with you' and she kisses Bridget: Bridget was CLEARLY into it and I think she should've just got together with her instead of agreeing to marry Darcy bc quite frankly He Is A Tory and they're broken up by the third film anyway.
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