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Starring Paul Walter Hauser, Sam Rockwell, Kathy Bates, Jon Hamm, Olivia Wilde, Nina Arianda, Ian Gomez, Wayne Duvall, Charles Green, Mike Pniewski, Grant Roberts, Alan Heckner, Desmond Phillips, Alex Collins, Michael Otis, Izzy Herbert, Kelly Collins Lintz, Jonathan D Bergman, Eric Mendenhali and David Shae.
Screenplay by Billy Ray.
Directed by Clint Eastwood.
Distributed by Warner Bros. 131 minutes. Rated R.
Richard Jewell is the epitome of a tragic hero. One day by chance, he stumbled into true heroism. As a security guard at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, he found an abandoned backpack near the soundstage at a celebratory concert. (Uninteresting trivia fact: the band that was playing at the time was Jack Mack and the Heart Attack.) Most of the police and law enforcement thought it was probably just the property of one of the concert goers.
However, Jewell, who had been trying unsuccessfully to get into law enforcement for a decade, was made deeply uneasy by it. The bomb squad was called, and it was a homemade pipe bomb. Jewell helped to abandon the area and helped to save the lives of many people (but not everyone) when the bomb exploded.
Jewell reacted humbly and surprised when he was declared a hero for his part in the affair, saying that it was a group effort. For a few days, he was an international idol.
However, because he was a little odd – quirky, overweight, a bit of a mama’s boy, a law-and-order wannabe, a gun enthusiast, overly solicitous – he quickly became the top suspect in the crime. Within a matter of days, his was in the middle of a media circus and life was destroyed. He was looked at with scorn and derision for the rest of his days. Even after the real bomber confessed years later, probably about half of the people who had an opinion on the matter still thought that Jewell was probably the bomber. (It didn’t help that the real bomber’s confession got much less notice than the lynch mob mentality that came after Jewell originally.)
In an ad for the film, director Clint Eastwood calls Jewell’s story on of the great tragedies of recent years. Eastwood is being somewhat hyperbolic but is not totally wrong. The story brings out the best in Eastwood as a filmmaker – he always has a good eye for true stories but tends to be a bit of a dull storyteller – making one of his best films ever. Unlike museum pieces like Flags of My Father or slightly muddled social commentary like Sully, Richard Jewell feels real, it breathes, and is quietly insightful.
Of course, Eastwood, bless his conservative little heart, must heap all the scorn and responsibility he can on the FBI and the media. This is not to say that both did not deserve to be criticized for their roles in this affair; they do. However, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has had to file a formal complaint for the way that Richard Jewell portrayed the late journalist Kathy Scruggs as a talentless, unfeeling, unethical hack who was more than willing to trade sex for information. Jewell’s real-life lawyer has acknowledged that there was no reason to believe that there was any accuracy to that representation. That is a little tone deaf for a film that is based on the true story of a man whose life and reputation was forever besmirched due to false accusations.
Still, if you overlook this flaw, Richard Jewell is an arresting film; smart, savvy, a little depressing and sometimes surprisingly funny. And the acting is just terrific.
This is particularly surprising because the title character is played by a relatively unknown actor. Paul Walter Hauser is probably best known for his breakout role as Jeff Gilooly’s stupid co-conspirator in another film about a 1990s media circus – last year’s I Tonya. He also appeared in BlacKkKlansman (also based on a true story, hmmm…) and for recurring roles on The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and the Karate Kid spin off web series Cobra Kai.
Hauser’s lack of name recognition is highlighted by the fact that he gets fifth billing in a movie in which he plays the title character; the main character. (I have rectified that slight above, putting him first in the cast listing, where he belongs.) He may not be a huge star, but he nails the role and holds Richard Jewell together. He plays a complicated man and makes you feel for him – you may not always agree with him, but you know his heart was in the right place.
Kathy Bates gets her best role in years as his mother Bobbie; a sweet, smart, loving and protective mama bear whose life is also unmoored as her son is vilified. Sam Rockwell is terrific as Jewell’s flawed but loyal defense attorney – however, he’s just playing a typical Rockwell character, as is Jon Hamm as the single-minded federal agent who is certain that Jewell is the bomber. Olivia Wilde is good as reporter Scruggs as written – but as noted above the character is broadly constructed and a slightly stereotypical archetype.
However, they are not the soul of Richard Jewell. It is the sad, confused face of Hauser when he realizes that even though he has done everything right, in his finest moment he is being vilified by a world which only looks at him superficially.
Richard Jewell died too young in 2007, a man somewhat exonerated but still untrusted and tainted in history. All of this is because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and he followed his instincts and morals. No matter what you may think of him, there are people alive in the world who would not be, just because Richard Jewell was doing his job and did it well.
This movie is worth seeing if for no other reason because it reminds the world of that fact.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2019 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: December 13, 2019.
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definingvalue-blog · 6 years
Architecture Activism & Brutalism. Birmingham Central Library Campaign Case Study (Part II)
Identifying Key Agencies Involved Into Campaign
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(Image 2.1 ‘Campaigners picketing outside of Birmingham’s City Council’)
As soon as the plans to get rid of the building became a subject of public discussion, they were met with strong opposition from a local organisation ‘The Friends of the Central Library’ in February 2007 to ‘bring together people and organisations to highlight the positive features of the Birmingham Central Library, challenge the City Council’s case for demolishing it and promote the creative and sustainable use of the existing building’.[1] Its passionate co-founder and secretary of Alan Clawley was a former architect, social and environmental activist, who unfortunately passed away from cancer in April 2018 after devoting over 40 years of his career to various campaigns in Birmingham.[2]. Despite community based, green design approach for small scale developments that he focused after abandoning his career in housing design for Runcorn New Town Corporation and GLC, according to his obituary he “admired the Central Library’s rigour, austerity and honesty, as well as its ethical virtues of architecture in public service. As a Green Party activist, he was also opposed to the wasteful destruction of a building which could be reused”.[3] It is quite astonishing, that someone so mentally different from bold Brutalist visions of John Madin’s architecture was enthusiastic to protect this visually unforgiving monumental building understanding its social value over aesthetic, and together with C20 Society backed an advisory application from English Heritage for Grade II listing.  
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(Image 2.2 ‘ Alan Clawley was one of the most notable campaigners’)
‘They will regret demotion’ (C. Smith)
English Heritage director of planning, Chris Smith, whose responsibility is to provide consultations to owners, planners and councillors on preservation and protection strategies for buildings of historic importance, personally recalls two attempts for the building to be listed – in 2003 and 2009, although in both occasions it was turned down after strong opposition from Birmingham City Council involving influential political figures and the developer’s backing.[4] Smith stated that ‘people will regret demolition’ as Birmingham has already lost its key modernist architecture with some John Madin’s works earlier, claiming that on his last attempt of approaching the architecture minister Margaret Hodge, she simply told him that ‘I’m not listing that because I’m a democrat. The English don’t like Brutalism’.[5]
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(Image 2.3 ‘ John Madin, the architect of Birmingham Central Library’)
‘(The council) will destroy the civic and cultural heart of the city’ (J.Madin)
The architect of the building, John Madin, who design building in 1969 was also involved into campaign to save his most iconic work until his death in 2012. In his last interviews to Birmingham Post, he was depicted as a strong critic for the new Birmingham library design by Mecanoo Architects calling ‘£193 million replacement as a waste of money and not fit for purpose’ due to lack of natural daylight that previous building was notably criticised for.[6] Madin later stated to the reporter Paul Dale that demolition is motivated by ‘commercial greed rather than genuine concerns about cultural provision’ blaming the council for deliberate neglect and constant refurbishment cost speculations in order to fabricate the argument for a new one in Centenary Square, which would be introduced later.[7] The architect specified that his building was ‘designed with an open flexible plan on every floor with no structural walls to inhibit the free and easy alteration of its layout… to meet any future requirements with regard to technical developments over the 21st century and beyond’.[8]
The attention of various media to the campaigner’s desperate attempts to preserve the building was growing as fast as the degree of hysteria from various local authorities, who chose to back up the council’s plans to replace the library building. The question about the fate of the building triggered by Birmingham Post poll in June 2008 resulted in a fearless debates that spread from popular Post blogs (blogs.birminghampost.net) further polarising opinions among public.[9] For example, Freddie Gick, the chairman of the Birmingham Civic Society, which celebrates and honours the heritage of the city, in response to listing attempt back in 2008 commented that ‘this monumental, brutalist incinerator has no place in the centre of our city, flanked by the glorious nineteenth century architecture and sculpture of our other civic buildings’ blatantly repeating Prince Charles’s infamous review on the building. [10]
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(Image 2.4 ‘ Mike Whitby was the leader of the city council’)
‘The building may be ‘unique’, but it is unique in its ugliness and dysfunctionality, hardly grounds for statutory listing one would have thought’.[11] (M.Whitby)
Mike Whitby, the leader of the city council mentioned earlier, was strongly opposing any attempts to preserve the library especially when the opposition attempted listing for the second time. In July 2008, Whitby has launched an infamous letter to the minister Margaret Hodge with urge to visit the building, which was fully published with its highlighted controversial citations by Paul Dale from Birmingham Post.[12] The original article was since heavily edited in 2013, as the editor’s original extract preserved on Birmingham Press in return was openly criticising the council for rather senseless attack towards the architect, who ‘lives in Hampshire rather than Birmingham’ and demolition of his other ‘non-quality’ buildings in the city to make a support case against listing that indeed raises reasonable questions of his writing manners for such an authority.[13] The Council’s letter is expressing many points that describes the building as unfit for purpose, highlights lack of any significant recognition in architectural discourse, although the most interesting part of it is about criticism of the architect of the building John Madin, who ‘does not have a national reputation and none of his buildings have been listed’.[14] He concludes that ‘building fails to respect its higher quality listed neighbours’ by blocking the view on them and references book Building Jerusalem by Tristram Hunt that celebrates Victorian architecture and openly criticises the demolition of the old library building back in 1960’s.[15] It is quite logical to conclude that this letter is indicating Whitby’s rather personal interest for the new multi million development at any cost by manipulating any known facts in every possible way.
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(Image 2.5 ‘Former head of regeneration & planning expert Clive Dutton’)
Birmingham's executive head of regeneration, Clive Dutton, took a position at Birmingham city council in 2005 after effectively bringing a regeneration plan for West Belfast. In the Guardian’s obituary, he was praised for ‘his ambitious Big City Plan set the direction for the city’s renaissance, and out of it came almost £1bn of new investment, leading, among other things, to the redevelopment of Birmingham New Street railway station and the creation of the Library of Birmingham’.[16] When the local activists attempted to apply for Grade II listing again in 2008, Dutton stated that ‘the council would seek permission from the Government to demolish the building even if it did get listed’, which unashamedly indicated that the deal with city planning authority was reassured already.[17]. While working closely with city council’s leader Mike Whitby, according to the confidential paper leak to he pleaded to obtain the Certificate of Immunity from Listing for the building to Birmingham planning authority, which was later passed to the Secretary of State for Culture in order to prevent any further attempts to jeopardize his ambitious masterplan. According to the Stirrer (now part of the Birmingham Press), who shared the extract from that confidential document, Dutton speculated that the building is:
‘no longer fit for purpose; in extensive disrepair requiring very considerable expenditure; preventing the redevelopment of Paradise Circus which will greatly improve the city centre and prejudicing the continued enhancement and comprehensive development of the West End; not readily capable of adaptation for alternative use’.[18] 
According to architect John Madin, Clive Dutton and Mike Whitby’s contradictory statements that the current library would need £160 million of investment to renovate it up to modern standard were misleading as both never provided any evidence to prove any details of this estimate.[19] In September 2002, the commissioned schedule by Ayoub Khan estimated a minimum and maximum retrofit options for £27 and £37 million respectively, covering new circulation system, roof, extensive external facade works and its maintenance and internal refurbishment, while former city council leader Sir Albert Bore in June 2004 gave an estimated cost of refurbishment as £25 million.[20] Since then, the sum had been increased over six times as the October 2005 scrutiny report issued from the city council meeting projected cost of £120 million pound including £50m for the proposed extension, but it was still less than the budget that city council prepared for the new building.[21] (p.175 report)
And yet, there was no officially disclosed for public feasibility report that either assessed condition of the central library at the beginning of 00’s or clearly investigated the option of refurbishment with justification sheets for projected costs, which ended up varying greatly from £24 to £124 million. The other objective, which makes the council’s official reasons for like ‘in extensive disrepair requiring very considerable expenditure as a reason’ against listing protection particularly dishonest is their own shared involvement in dilapidation of public service building over years with unwillingness to duly invest and maintain it over last twenty years. With an absence of strong case work on the existing building, it was yet granted an immunity from listing on 11 January 2011, without a chance to be challenged by anyone.[22] What valuable lesson that could be learnt from this situation is the need to demand for information transparency during public open consultations or various media platforms on similar campaigns in the future.
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(Image 2.6 ‘Former architecture minister Margaret Hodge’)
‘I am a democrat, and British don’t like Brutalism’ (M.Hodge)
The former architecture minister Margaret Hodge, notably described as ‘a controversial figure for architects because of her dislike of modernist buildings’ by BD Magazine and threatening to revise listing criteria for post-war buildings was another major political figure involved, after being re-appointed as architecture minister in September 2009.[23] In 23 November 2009 she made her final decision live on BBC bus stating that ‘in the end I have to exercise my judgement, there is an insufficient architectural value, insufficient historic importance to say that this building shall be listed’.[24] It is worth familiarising yourself with what Hodge personally considers as good/bad architecture in a quite descriptive article on Building Design online magazine by Liz Bury, to whom she gave a personal tour around her Barking & Dagenham constituency in east London, where modernism is clearly not coming to her personal taste.[25] According to heritage consultant Jon Wright from 20C Society, Margaret Hodge is known for ‘bringing a personal opinion about post-war architecture, in particular, to bear on decisions which should be made with rather more open consideration than she’s giving’.[26]. Indeed, from any logical perspective this situation is mediocre by letting such incompetent people to define the value of subject they may have no other understanding than beyond the look of its facade. The second problem in Mrs. Hodge vision is her disregard to the fact that her own Labour Party government was in power at the time when buildings she dubs as ‘concrete monstrosities’ were built across the country to provide public services for ordinary people at unprecedented before scale, which seem rather worth celebrating as a civic achievement for Birmingham history than a visual damage for the city.
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(Image 2.7 ‘Brian Gambles - the Birmingham head of libraries with new library at the background’)
‘We are cooking city’s heritage’ (B.Gambles)
Brian Gambles, The Birmingham head of libraries, who was also responsible for Central library’s fate, has been actively advocating for the new building since the very beginning of the campaign, motivating it as new social gesture to the public. Being less cynical about his goals back in 2007 to the Stirrer (Birmingham Press), Gambles pronounced that the building is ‘cooking city’s heritage’ with unsatisfactory climate control in old library reserves, while the rest of his concerns were addressing typical wear and tear problems of neglected for years building such as leaking roofs, breaking escalators and asbestos removal that could be undertaken if necessary.[28] He has been a keen promoter of the new library of Birmingham on Centenary square since its approval in 2007 and never skip an opportunity to explain his vision for the library moving from its traditional book provision service to experiential learning center role providing various workshops, classes and public events, ‘engaging people who feel alienated by the current library provision, while making those who use it already feel better provided for’, says Gambles.[29] In April 2009, the design for the new building was presented by Dutch architects Meccano with the chief librarian controversially stating that ‘many of us have the means to buy books…our role will now be less about transactions with users and more about aiding their transformation’. [30] In 2010 Guardian’s interview coinciding with council’s last effort for immunity from listing, he turned on building’s condition once again by declared that ‘It's ugly and unfit for purpose and would cost too much to properly renovate’ demonstrating a piece of concrete at his office allegedly fallen of the facade.[31] After six years of active lobbying from the city council, on 3 of September 2013 the new library of Birmingham project was officially completed and opened with a ‘sense of triumph’ initiating the way to raze the old one.[32] Alike his proponents, Gambles demonstrated a rather subjective position, though his motifs could be possibly justified with enthusiastic idea to get the largest educational, cultural and social hub for the city equivalent in scale to ‘Guggenheim effect’ in Bilbao attracting investment and tourists.
In December 2012, plans to demolish Birmingham Central Library and replace it with a major office development were set to be approved by city councillors planning committee with a figure of Rob Groves, Senior Project Director of the Argent Group, who aims to transform Paradise Circus area with mixed development comprising retail, offices and hotel space.[33] This decision accompanied with a certificate of immunity and opening of the new library officially put an end for any possible scenarios to the old building. Even if the motivation of private developers does not particularly require any comment in this specific context, the agencies involved in enhancing and protecting cities heritage like Birmingham’s city councils and other cultural organisations mentioned earlier should not operate on such reactionary level as with such powerful hands any preservation of modernist architecture in the UK will be in a serious jeopardy.
Reference list
[1] https://ourbirmingham.wordpress.com/central-library/1-the-friends-of-the-central-library-group/
[2] http://brutifulbirmingham.blogspot.com/2018/05/alan-clawley-tribute-by-joe-holyoak.html
[3] http://brutifulbirmingham.blogspot.com/2018/05/alan-clawley-tribute-by-joe-holyoak.html
[4] https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/heritage-expert-claims-public-regret-12118279
[5] https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/heritage-expert-claims-public-regret-12118279
[6] https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/local-news/new-library-of-birmingham-slammed-as-waste-150750?_ga=2.225686362.133968997.1532898749-2144510126.1532596349
[7] https://ourbirmingham.wordpress.com/central-library/1-the-friends-of-the-central-library-group/3-library-plan-driven-by-commercial-greed/
[8] https://ourbirmingham.wordpress.com/central-library/1-the-friends-of-the-central-library-group/3-library-plan-driven-by-commercial-greed/
[9] https://www.birminghampost.co.uk/news/local-news/love-hate-it-city-library-3959551
[10] https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/2184733/Birminghams-ugly-library-gets-protected.html
[11] https://www.birminghampost.co.uk/news/local-news/whitby-tells-hodge-library-unworthy-3957713
[12] https://www.birminghampost.co.uk/news/local-news/whitby-tells-hodge-library-unworthy-3957713
[13] http://thebirminghampress.com/2015/10/the-last-of-the-wreckers/
[14] https://www.scribd.com/document/3940170/Mike-Whitby-s-Letter-to-DCMS-Re-Central-Library
[15] https://www.scribd.com/document/3940170/Mike-Whitby-s-Letter-to-DCMS-Re-Central-Library
[16] https://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/jun/29/clive-dutton
[17] https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/2184733/Birminghams-ugly-library-gets-protected.html
[18] http://thestirrer.thebirminghampress.com/library-1112071.html
[19] https://www.birminghampost.co.uk/news/local-news/cutting-cultural-civic-heart-out-3954128
[20] https://www.birminghampost.co.uk/news/local-news/cutting-cultural-civic-heart-out-3954128
[21] https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/downloads/file/3683/library_of_birmingham_options_october_2005  (p.175)
[22] http://www.birminghamconservationtrust.org/2009/11/23/birmingham-central-library-granted-immunity-from-listing/
[23] https://www.bdonline.co.uk/news/margaret-hodge-is-architecture-minister-again/3149282.article#commentsJump
[24]  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XR5pLmIzqw
[25] https://www.bdonline.co.uk/news/now-thats-what-margaret-hodge-calls-architecture/3109322.article
[26] https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/local-news/culture-minister-margaret-hodge-under-108478
[27] http://thestirrer.thebirminghampress.com//library-2011071.html
[28] http://thestirrer.thebirminghampress.com//library-2011071.html
[29] https://www.theguardian.com/books/2010/mar/07/future-british-libraries-margaret-hodge
[30] https://www.theguardian.com/books/2009/apr/03/libraries-architecture-birmingham
[31] https://www.theguardian.com/books/2010/mar/07/future-british-libraries-margaret-hodge
[32] https://www.birminghampost.co.uk/news/local-news/sense-triumph-library-birmingham-project-5799974
[33] https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/local-news/plans-to-demolish-birmingham-central-library-379029
Image list
2.1 - https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/1024/branded_news/BEA8/production/_86980884_img_0020.jpg
2.2 - https://i2-prod.birminghammail.co.uk/incoming/article14607101.ece/ALTERNATES/s1200/TRMRMMGLPICT000020456998.jpg
2.3 - https://i2-prod.birminghampost.co.uk/incoming/article4710430.ece/ALTERNATES/s1227b/BP2955490.jpg
2.4 - https://i2-prod.birminghammail.co.uk/incoming/article7817474.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/Mike-whitby-birmingham-library.jpg
2.5 - https://cached.imagescaler.hbpl.co.uk/resize/scaleWidth/460/cached.offlinehbpl.hbpl.co.uk/news/RLP/CliveDutton920612-20150608110046870.gif
2.6 - https://static.standard.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2014/06/06/15/8MargaretHodge0606A.jpg
2.7 - https://i2-prod.birminghampost.co.uk/incoming/article5799972.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/brian-gambles-library-of-birmingham-2.jpg
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barbrabatman36-blog · 6 years
My Have problem with Anxiety
Magikarp Jumpmay only perform the trick if you are actually tired ofPokémon GObut still prefer something to fulfill your mobilePokémon repair. After the preliminary confirmation and announcement advertisement in 2013 our experts then got a teaser trailer and some sizzling details at E3 in 2014 as well as more headlines as well as a gameplay trailer at E3 2015. Now I can kind of view the light at the end from the passage and I desire to promote the best off me. I prefer the period wasn't pertaining to a side. Guide this opening declaration arises from is called The Night Circus through Erin Morgenstern and also one that astounded me in so many ways. Smoother efficiency, strengthened structure filtering system, a lot faster filling times as well as no tearing make Xbox One games appear much better. PlayStation Now is a service that permits you to flow particular PS3 games directly to your PS4, yet regrettably isn't suitable along with disc-based headlines. Authors from the book have verified this on the case of the publication, that is a control manual of the year 2011 in Germany. The online crack from the 1st four episodes of time 5, ahead of their air day, also triggered a major problem for HBO. Computer game share a lot in common along with various other activities that are actually gratifying as well as satisfying, however might become harmful in certain situations. When cooking food for buddies, this is constantly an assurance for effectiveness to depend on dishes coming from this wonderful blog post:-RRB- Simply wanted to permit you recognize. Likewise volleyball and also basket round don't stimulate passion in one though these as well are exceptional activities. Appear no further than Wolfenstein 3D if you just recently played the brand-new Ruin activity as well as are actually asking yourself where designer id Software application got its start. 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Like modders, Personal Computer players are rabidly enthusiastic regarding pulling apart conserve video games and also records documents, messing therein, as well as locating inventive ways to cheat or repair damaged documents.
0 notes
rockrevoltmagazine · 7 years
In This Moment - Show Review & Photo Gallery - Portland, Oregon - 10/29/217
In This Moment – Roseland Theater – Portland, Oregon – 10/29/2017
Three of the metal world’s reigning powerhouses, Avatar, Of Mice and Men and In This Moment, recently joined forces to entertain the masses within the cozy confines of Portland, Oregon’s own Roseland Theater.
The event turned out not to just be another celebration of music amongst like minded metal heads. Instead the show provided fans with the unique opportunity to revel in all the bizarre theatrics, quirky antics and over the top showmanship the Half God Half Devil tour has become synonymous with.
The balcony of the venue was packed to capacity while various patrons boozed it up while they peered out at the circus that was about to take place on the lighted stage.
Swedish metal titans Avatar, who brilliantly blur the line between resplendent head banging performance and “cirque de freak show” theatrics, took the Roseland Theater’s crazies on their first evil musical journey of the evening.  Avatar easily managed to enthrall the audience for the entire duration of their albeit brief but polarizing opening set.
When Of Mice & Men came on, the mood within the crowd seemed to simultaneously alter. The over the top theatrics that Avatar are known for were rapidly replaced with the ferocity of a beautifully brutal, raw metal performance.
Phil Manansala, David “Valentino” Arteaga, Alan Ashby, and Aaron Pauley seemingly came to Portland to do one thing and one thing alone, crush the masses who dared to buy a ticket.
The barbarity of the circle pit, as well as the mass of overly enthusiastic crowd surfers, must have proved to all three bands that not all Portland music lovers are hipsters that sit around coffee shops musing about avant-garde bands that only fans of the TV Show Portlandia even know exist.
By the time Maria Brink and In This Moment were set to close the show out, the crowd had already reached a heightened state of palpable anxiousness. 
  The best way to describe any In This Moment’s performance would probably be “Heavy Metal Theater” and the “Blood Legion” clearly came out in full force to support the cause. Countless fans deployed campy costumes, bizarre makeup and freaky masks mimicking the deranged and demented look that has become the band’s iconic trademark.
Initially a gargantuan white curtain was raised in front of the stage.  The mammoth drapery served to conceal the road crew’s nefarious band related activities between sets before dropping to reveal In This Moment to the impassioned screams of their adoring Portland area fan base.
Costume changes, outlandish stage production values and well-rehearsed choreography went on to stimulate all five senses while devilishly immersing every individual in attendance that much further into In This Moment’s dark musical web. 
Midway through the band’s set vocalist Maria Brink stepped behind the stage for one of what would be many costume changes on the evening. 
During this short respite the “Faceless Freak”, bassist Travis Johnson, took center stage. Johnson quickly launched into the bass intro of Metallica’s “For Whom The Bell Tolls.”  Following a few chords by Johnson, guitarists Chris Howorth and Randy Weitzel, as well as drummer Kent Diimmel, joined the fray as the quartet played out a passionate instrumental homage to their Bay Area thrash metal heroes.
After a few minutes of “Bells”, the band shifted gears into another Metallica classic, “Creeping Death,” while a smattering of fans began the requisite and familiar cheer of of “Die”, “Die,” “Die.”
Surprisingly most of audience hadn’t join in en masse with the Metallica inspired incantation.  I guess the Blood Legion in Portland is just slightly less enthused about Metallica than they probably should be, or maybe most of them were just born after 1990. 
To close out the night Brink stepped behind her signature pulpit and donned her “Whore” dunce cap to belt out an In This Moment anthem for anyone that has ever felt powerless or full of self-doubt.
Perhaps the only question Brink and company could have asked the crowd following the three plus hours of musical debauchery and theatrics would have been, are you not entertained?
Based on the reactions of the crowd that all bore witness to Avatar, Of Mice and Men and In This Moment laying waste to the Roseland Theater, it seems as though that may very well be the mother of all rhetorical questions.
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All Writing & Photography:  Terry L. White
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tlwhitephotography/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TLWhitePhoto/
In This Moment – Show Review & Photo Gallery – Portland, Oregon – 10/29/217 was originally published on RockRevolt Mag
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