#A friend came up with 'Hannya' and 'Honnari' as potential names for her
sou-ver-2-0 · 3 months
Happiness, Sadness, and now Anger?
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I've been discussing with friends that this upcoming Strawberry Floormaster Lady could have an emotion pun name--an "anger" name to match Sue Miley/Hoemi's happiness and Tia Safalin/Hannaki's sadness. If Nankidai continues this trend, he'll probably start her name with an "H" sound too.
This theme would also match how our Obstructor Maple cycled through three emotions, one at a time. Happiness, sadness, anger.
I like the idea that the prominence and fates of the three floor master women could represent which primary emotions Sara is feeling. In the beginning she is happy with Joe; in the middle she mourns him; in the end, she's tempted with revenge...?
All three women have survived to the final chapter, so if they each symbolize an emotion, their fate could reflect the tone of the story's ending. Maybe Sara could kill her chance of happiness (Miley) in favor of revenge (Strawberry Lady), or something similarly symbolic.
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