#...bluesky is referring to the Disney meeting where they pitch a lot of concepts but don't end up doing all of them
lazlolullaby · 3 months
Bluesky Batman beyond
Ok so. The Batman Beyond animated movie + concept art announcement feels to me at least like a last ditch marketing attempt a la "all or nothing". So. While I'm glad there's hype. I am not holding my breath here.
WB has already deleted Batwoman, a Scooby Doo and Krypto crossover, and is just about to decide what to do with Coyote VS Acme. I do not have faith that Terry gets another movie and it survives the tax axe for legal release. I just don't have hope.
(Tho it would be extremely cyberpunk for it to be made, canned for tax money, then someone hacks in and distributes it for free. Like the krypto crossover. Terry would absolutely approve.)
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