#... yes. Yes it is. And Durge calls Sarevok “uncle”. Ok let's not add that to this rn.
y-rhywbeth2 · 1 month
Something that's been bugging me about an inconsistency between some of the stuff Sceleritas says about how Durge was born (plus what they say):
"Bhaal became impotent two hundred years ago, before the time of Sarevok... I don't even know how I was conceived." - Durge
"My simpering lordling, you failed the entrance exam your august Father shed his very seed to prepare you for." - Sceleritas
"Bhaal gave out all of his seed long ago, in the time of Sarevok. You were not conceived. Bhaal sculpted you from a drop of his own gore." - Sceleritas
"This door will open only for one grafted from Bhaalian seed." - Sceleritas, referring to Durge with that description
"I was sculpted from a slice of Bhaal's own dead flesh. I have no birthday." - Durge
*Each piece of the body Bhaal sculpted is sacred. Waste it not. Cherish it. Savour it.* - The Urge/Bhaal
Consistency would be nice. I mean I suppose shedding "seed" to create the duel between Orin and Durge could refer to Sarevok (which doesn't work because Plan A (Bhaalspawn Crisis) hadn't failed yet so there was no need for Plan B (Durge)) but otherwise:
Assuming that Durge isn't being lied to, which they likely aren't because then they'd need to have been conceived prior to 1359 DR as a regular Bhaalspawn, and that clearly doesn't work because Durge can be a dragonborn and those didn't exist on Toril back then at all and that rules that out -
What, did Bhaal carve off a chunk of his own flesh and fornicate with it to produce a child with himself?
...Oh no.
It must be just the writers not communicating! Everything. Is. Fine. (...and that is most likely the actual answer, I suspect... but those lore inconsistencies now exist in BG3 canon to annoy me and Bhaal would.)
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