#(just the thought that fuyu probably got more bad attention than the rest of his peers upon entering hope's peak has me feeling things)
bxbygxngstx · 2 years
“Is the media still following you?”
@cloveredhope | "I know you from the news" Starters
"I don't fuckin' know. They better not be," he replied casually. It wasn't exactly the truth; he had gotten pretty good at telling when people were following or watching him. Being born with a target on your back will do that to a person. He just stopped trying to scare them off every time.
Despite the Kuzuryu Clan being the largest and most feared crime syndicate in Japan, most of the inner workings were unknown to the clean, day world. It would be too easy to get caught if everyone knew everything about them. So, for the longest time, only criminals knew Fuyuhiko was the Clan's heir.
But when he got invited to Hope's Peak as the Ultimate Yakuza and showed up to class, it was more than just his first day of high school. He was also officially making his daylight debut as the Kuzuryu heir. After that first day, on top of the usual media circus that tried to catch a glimpse of any Ultimate, he had more eyes than ever watching him.
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"A well-aimed middle finger and promise to gut them like the fish they are usually dissuades them from further attempts."
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 189: The Worst at Giving Up
Previously on BnHA: Endeavor fucking died you guys. Obviously he’s not really dead (...I think), but like. He lost an eye and is all laid out on a slab of building looking in pretty bad shape. This is bad for a number of reasons. One, he is the current number one hero (and holds that position solely because of his strength, I might add), so the fact that he up and died fighting against this High Heels Noumu doesn’t exactly bode well for the rest of the world. Two, he was just starting to be redeemed, dammit. Although this might still work out for him in the long run in that regard. And three, his kids were all watching, and as conflicted as their feelings toward their father might be, this still isn’t the kind of thing any of them ever wanted to witness. With that said, it feels a bit sudden for the world to just suddenly descend into chaos, so maybe the dude will somehow make a comeback. And Hawks is still there, of course, so I guess we’ll just see what happens, huh.
Today on BnHA: The world watches as Kamino 2.0 plays out before their eyes. High Top Noumu is all “IS THIS YOUR KING?” but then Endeavor fucking leaps at him and shuts him up. Natsuo is all “what the fuck he should be dead” but Fuyu says that Endeavor has always been ridiculously stubborn about giving up. Aizawa comes running into the Heights Alliance dorms to find Shouto already watching the battle along with the other 1-A students. Hawks and the other pros evacuate the terrified crowd as the newscasters all but revel in the panic. That is, until Endeavor’s young fan from earlier calls them out and points out that Endeavor is still alive and still fighting for them. Which is true, despite the fact that he can barely move. But as All for One once said, wounded heroes are the most dangerous, and as Endeavor powers up his flames once again, Hawks steps in to lend an assist, boosting Endeavor’s speed with the help of some of his feathers as the Number One gets ready to turn the High Wire Noumu to ash.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 209 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
for fuck’s sake Hawks
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another pro is reporting to Hawks that High Horse Noumu spewed out nine of these other Noumus in total, so they should split up and take care of the others, and also evacuate the rest of the civilians
and now the rest of the building is coming down and Hawks is glancing back in that direction, again way too casually tbh
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please react more appropriately, Hawks. sincerely, the person who couldn’t stop laughing in the previous chapter
and now we’re cutting back to High Blood Pressure Noumu who’s still all “IS THERE A STRONGER HERO?” while Endeavor lies there still very much dead
and he’s looking around and something seems to have caught his attention but we’re not shown what, or at least not yet
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did Endeavor get back up somehow? or Hawks showed up? or what. COME ON I wanna know dammit
and because there’s always a fucking news helicopter reporting from way too close to the scene whenever the current number one hero is fighting someone super strong and nearly dying because of it, we’re cutting to said news helicopter
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motherfucker so now he’s rampaging, huh? great. that’s just great
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has been.....................
the reporter is saying that this scene makes you remember -- “even if you don’t want to” -- the nightmare from three months ago
and yeah. it really does. and ngl I love that everyone in this universe had that exact same thought. they’re all still traumatized by it. and people were only just starting to get to the point where they could at least pretend like everything was fine, and they were moving on. but then something like this happens and it’s like, fuck, no we’re not fine. we are not fine at all
anyway, but Endeavor’s fingers are twitching! so that’s a good sign there
lol what
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bruh you’re going to cauterize that wound just FYI. I assume you’re doing that intentionally to stop the bleeding, though. which is probably a smart move. but basically this is guaranteeing that the father-son resemblance is going to be closer than ever following this
anyways, I was waiting for him to pull a move like this (which is why I got so excited that I went into a crazed laughing fit). because like it or not, he is our current number one, and he wasn’t just gonna go out in some punkass way just like that. look at what All Might pushed through in order to beat All for One. Endeavor would hardly be able to call himself a shounen hero if he couldn’t do the same himself
he’s launching another fire lance at Heigh-Ho Noumu’s head, but it looks like he dodged and he said Endeavor was too slow
and he’s grabbing onto him again
oh fuck
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not this shit again
fucking look at this!
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also, yeah. at this rate the casualties are going to be really bad. Endeavor really needs to finish this guy off like yesterday
ahhhh we’re cutting back to Natsu and Fuyu
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nothing like watching your estranged father possibly get himself killed on live television to make you realize that you want to sit down and try to work things out, huh. this family needs healing
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but he can’t. that’s not what it means to be the Symbol of Peace
“a hero is somebody who brings reassurance.” I keep thinking back to this quote from Horikoshi now. so this battle is Endeavor’s turn to prove that he can inherit All Might’s mantle, at least for a little while. the people need someone they can believe in. if he beats this Noumu, their faith will be restored in a way that it hasn’t been since Kamino. but if he loses, or if he runs... it’s not just him that loses. the whole fucking world will lose whatever hope they still have left. if their heroes can’t protect them everyone will just be going around living in fear. it’ll be exactly like how it was before All Might
so yeah, Natsuo. he can’t. he’s gotta man up
Fuyu says everyone has things they just can’t accept even if they understand them
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“the worst at giving up” is quite possibly the most positive spin anyone could ever put on Endeavor and his whole deal. wow. it’s both accurate and extremely forgiving, given the lengths we know this man has gone to in order to not give up in the past
but here, it just so happens to be the exact virtue that we need!
so now we’re cutting to the people screaming and running with absolutely no chill whatsoever, which is understandable. but like people are pushing and shoving in their panic to get away
this one hero guy is trying to provide some leadership and telling everyone to stay calm but he’s practically being trampled himself
eh what’s this
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who the hell asked you, sentient camera
but yes. I mean, they’re not wrong
yay we’re cutting back to U.A.
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there are a whole lot more people watching than there were just a few minutes ago. even Bakugou is there. and interestingly, one of the ones watching Todoroki rather than the TV
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were you going to tell him to watch it if he wasn’t?? lol what was your game plan here exactly. just wanted to check in on him before anything else, I guess
(ETA: yeah I don’t think he really had a plan. just “shit I gotta go make sure Todoroki is okay.” and then upon finding him and seeing that he isn’t, “well shit. I don’t know what I was expecting”)
anyway Todoroki is not doing too hot
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poor kid. he has SO MANY ISSUES with his dad, but one thing he never, ever anticipated was the possibility that he could ever lose like this. he wasn’t prepared for this at all
oh shit someone on TV is screaming at the camera person to stop running their mouth
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yo, I really like this dude
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-- oh shit, isn’t this that fan from earlier??
holy shit, I love this kid though?
like, now I’m sad that Endeavor doesn’t have his own OFA that he could pass on to this deserving young fanboy
and now the news is cutting back to the helicopter feed, and fuck if I know why they didn’t do that earlier
High Seas Noumu is flying toward the evacuation area oh shit!
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High Strung Noumu is looking back at Endeavor in surprise and asking if he has regeneration abilities too
lol he wishes
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he is just a tired old man who’s been smashed through 13 buildings today and is in a shitton of pain right now most likely
but! he’s firing another blast at High Road Noumu nonetheless
holy fucking shit Endeavor
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“worst at giving up” indeed
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okay can we pause this for just a second, because I just got to thinking that Endeavor is so fucking strong. and then I thought, we already know it’s basically a given that Shouto is going to surpass him one day. and just. holy shit though. the next generation is going to be terrifying, aren’t they
anyways. go get that bread Endeavor
Endeav is frantically thinking about how to kill it now. “it’s unthinkable that I could capture it alive!”
yeah, um. please don’t tell me that had still been your game plan this entire time up till now
anyway so he keeps thinking he needs to surpass its speed and incinerate it again just like before
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you sure took your fucking time didn’t you
so you’re gonna work together, yeah? Hawks gets him into position and Endeavor takes him out?
Hawks is thinking that no one else out there was truly even trying to surpass All Might except for Endeavor
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him and two little boys who were too young and idealistic and stupid to know any better lol. and they’ll actually end up doing it, too. what a great story. someone should write a manga about that
-- oh shit
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I feel like Hawks actually really admires Endeavor? but in like this lofty, devil-may-care way which is quickly becoming his trademark
(ETA: he definitely admires him. which is particularly interesting coming from someone who wasn’t even a big fan of All Might. more than anything else, it seems to be Endeavor’s tenacity that he admires. his unwillingness to give up even in a hopeless situation. which makes a lot of sense in hindsight, given what we now know about Hawks’s own situation. there’s probably a lot he can relate to there)
oh my god!
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this is one of the best visual metaphors I’ve ever seen holy shit. I’m in love with this panel
just. the chasm between All Might and the rest. and the sad, hopeless Endeavor nevertheless trying his best to build a bridge across with whatever he has. even though it’s hopeless. and Hawks watching quietly in the background
fuck but I love it
oh snap you guys!!
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...except, damn it. you’re still suspicious. idk. I don’t know what to make of any of this to be honest. we know absolutely nothing about what’s going on still, except that High Maintenance Noumu is about to get Endeavor’s flaming fist in his face!! fuck yeah!!! I feel like all of Hawks’s wings would be incinerated and that’s probably really bad! but who cares because it’s really fucking cool lmao
(ETA: well apparently they can grow back quickly enough, so we good. thank you Hawks)
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