#(but the pattern name lotus petals would have been more plausibly a vid it's just not what I wrote down)
inimitablereel · 7 months
tell me about lotus logo, for the wip game?
That's the one thing I put on the list that isn't a vid (because idk it's a WIP, it's fannish...)
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I've been very slowly working on a geek along blanket for the past idk two years, and I figured if I was going to make a fandom blanket I want to include my fandoms, not just the ones that happen to be on their website already. This one isn't my design, it's a pattern swiped from one of the untamed scarves that were going around tumblr a while ago and scaled to the dimensions of geek a long squares. This is my 12th of 24 blanket squares and so far 5 of them are from the geek along website's patterns.
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