#(Ina and the Vindellian forces he's fought beside)
can... can I know more about captain jag 👉👈
Definitely! You all are free to ask me about my OCs at any time! YES-- even my Clone OCs.
Captain Jag is a Clone Captain in the 165th Battalion, which is stationed on Vindell under the command of Jedi Commander Re'os Sann, a Jedi Knight who was knighted early in the war.
He was assigned to Re'os and their late Master's battalion early in the war when Re'os was actually still a Padawan. He considered himself something of a mentor to Sann, especially after the death of their Master, and eventually something like an older brother (despite Sann actually being older).
Jag tends to be level headed and rational. He's very much a "cool under fire" kind of person. He likes to think things through first; weigh all the options. A General like Anakin would have given him an aneurism.
He has lost a lot of brothers. And while he doesn't let it show, he's angry about that. He doesn't blame the Vindellians or his Commander. He thinks they do the best they can. The Vindellian people have shown him and his brothers lots of compassion while the planet itself seems merciless. He knows the locals have lost a lot too, with their casualties even higher. But he still harbors resentment for the war and a disillusionment with its "progress." He blames Republic leadership and, after all he's heard from Re'os, the Council too. He blames the senators, and especially the Chancellor. And overall, he blames the Seps.
Jag will fall to the effects of the chip in the first chapter of Reconciliation, but with much confusion and a lot of hurt. The chip would re-arrange the way his anger and resentment manifests so that he unconsciously takes it out on those he trusted and respected the most.
He's not the one who targets Sann, and somewhere in the back of his mind, he was glad for that. That's the same part of his mind that was screaming that something was very wrong when he turned his sights on an interesting target: Ina Velos.
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