#((i know i probably would've had my own quibbles; but i was still excited and...now i'm not!))
theheadlessgroom · 1 year
At that comment, Randall’s smile turned to a toothy grin: Oh, wouldn’t that be wonderful, if he’d finally managed to chase the devious diva off for good at last? No longer would the Disney Opera House and those under its illustrious roof have to be terrorized by La Constance, having to put up with her seemingly never-ending reign of terror! No longer would Emily have to fear for the safety of her career, because her predecessor wouldn’t be there to challenge her! The opera house could be peaceful at last!
“Perhaps the Ghost has finally frightened her away!” he proclaimed proudly, puffing out his chest at the thought of causing the diva to take flight and leave for greener pastures. “Perhaps she’ll finally leave us all alone and go bother someone else-though to be honest, I wouldn’t wish her on anyone!”
If this was the case, he pitied whoever else got stuck with her, provided she didn’t decide to just rest of her laurels and hole up in her apartment, being wined and dined by men foolish enough to open their pocketbooks so her...he doubted she’d do that, though, she couldn’t bear to be out of the spotlight for too long, so he could see her packing her bags and fleeing to some other opera house, where the poor players and stagehands had to put up with her...maybe, if they were lucky, it too was haunted by an opera ghost, who would chase her off too...
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