#((for emily and wilhelm; even though a siren's biggest weapon is in many ways their voice; and wilhelm knows that))
theheadlessgroom · 1 year
“It’s okay,” Randall assured her gently, seeing how unsettled she was by all the attention being on her all the sudden, while Wilhelm found himself smiling as he looked between his wife and son, saying, “That’s...that’s incredible! She must have the memory of an elephant-better than an elephant, even! A-And that sound, it’s...it’s...!”
“Beautiful,” June finished, trying to settle down her excitable husband so as not to ruffle their guest’s feathers (or scales, perhaps, would be the better comparison) too much, her too noticing how nervous she was at having an audience-to try and calm her, she gave her an honest applause, saying, “You have a very lovely voice, Emily.”
“Y-Yes, you-you do!” Wilhelm stuttered out, smiling to her as he paid her this compliment, saying, “I, uh, I’m not much of a singer myself, I just play this...”
“Oh, Wil, you’re a lovely singer!” June replied, kissing his cheek as Randall, smiling as well, encouraged, “Why don’t you show her your voice, Pa, I’m sure she’d like to hear it!”
Although Wilhelm good-naturedly protested, he just couldn’t say no to his family, and so, he smiled lightly to Emily as he once again began to play, his low, warm voice filling the room as his fingers ran along the strings:
“…Well, I'm sorry for the things that I told you, but words only go so far, and if I had my way, I would reach into Heaven and I'd pull you down a star  For a present, and I'd make you a chain out of diamonds, and pearls from a summer sea, But all I can give you is a kiss in the morning and a sweet apology...”
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