#((a nice seafood-y sandwich mix; that tends to appeal to me; but again; i can understand why it wouldn't be your speed!))
theheadlessgroom · 4 months
Kiss me? She wants to kiss me?
This took Randall by surprise-which, in hindsight, it shouldn't have, since Emily seemed unabashedly smitten with him, in a way he'd never known any woman to be with him. Most women wouldn't look twice at him, he wasn't exactly New Orleans' most eligible bachelor...but that just didn't seem to matter to Emily. She was head over heels for him, it seemed-and the feeling was mutual.
And even though this was only their first date, he felt comfortable with this request-were it anyone else, any other girl he was going out with, he'd think this was all the set-up for some great big prank, some sort of practical joke cooked up by his co-workers...but this was Emily asking him this, and he knew she would never be so cruel. He couldn't explain how, he just knew, in his heart of hearts, that he could trust her.
And so, it was with trembling lips and a pounding heart that he gave his answer, trying his hardest not to stutter as he gave his breathless answer:
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