#('you think you're sooo much better than us' nix after 3 days working on cable management in the broadcasting center like 'ha ha yep')
godzexperiment · 1 year
~the thoughts about nix's choice of weapon consumed me~
the way, nix's default and go to weapon is knives- how his go to blade in most verses is an pocket knife he swiped on his way out.
-it being an close, personal weapon if he does end up having to use it. *in an case throwing isnt viable* (how interesting that can be as it means when he does an first stabbing especially of the fatal sort- it's rather direct contact to add onto the horror of having done so)
-especially that he is not really violent; despite his demeanor. *most verses at least* so the way he is always fidgeting with knives/throwing them is scary seeming to lots but it's usually just him vibing. (it's noticeable when its an stabby type of intent/mood) -certainly something to be said that it reflects, mirrors his inner turmoil (the desire to be known, closeness. the way it's such an personal/close way of hurting or taking another life even if just for him internally. especially that first time.) -just has an fondness for knives; he can't quite explain why things like twirling one between his fingers is mostly an soothing thing etc but it's habitual formed from time up in heaven too so it's not a habit he can break
-which sure he practiced with say like swords at times, but was permitted to mess around with knives so he did just that and it stuck to him *didn't even quite learn/practice fighting techniques for intended purposes it was mostly boredom+self entertainment* -also! the way nix in 'human' verses namely in vega just opting out overall but favoring knives (no memory- but trusty ole pinprick always with him) however proficient at various weapons/lingering micro adjustments ability etc. pretty often only has his issued side arm on to not get in trouble. -^ the real big thing is his ability as an sniper, rather prefers to be super reliable support from an distance. (not as some say cuz he's an coward) it does mirror, reflect the distance he prefers to keep from people. but also that he'll very much protect others just in his own way.
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