#(<- discovered neos from alphys' undernet profile)
the-meme-monarch · 1 year
Hey, we all agree that frisk/chara/kris uses they/them, ofc, and 'headcanoning' them using he or she is rlly weird and ungood, but I wanted to know your thoughts on the hc that kris uses they/it, or at least doesn't mind it/its pronouns.
(pls let me know if this is a bad or insensitive thing to ask!)
yeah i think they/it kris is good!! chara actually also uses they/it (asriel calls them they, Chara calls themself "the demon that comes when you cal its name" and during the story of the first fallen human a froggit calls them it, and i believe the rest say they)
i just have beef w people using he or she on them bc the game goes Out Of It's Way to not use gendered pronouns/titles, and They Are Their Own People outside of us as the player, and projecting a binary gender/pronouns on them Anyway is misinformed at best or transphobic at worst
and ive been trying to be more specific abt just "don't use he/she" and not "use they/them only" bc i think it/its and neopronouns Are Very Cool and Not Gendered
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