#( i saw you had a OP verse but :o I stuck Sanji in his BNHA verse if that's okay~ )
devilslcg · 6 years
❤ — @decayingquirk / starter call
Sanji didn’t mind when his customers decided that they would rather linger than leave after a meal, seeing as how some of them stuffed themselves silly. A little quiet could do a full person some good, give them time to digest. What annoyed him were the people that came in, sat down and ordered nothing at all. Anyone looking in through the large windows would see the place was packed and move on thanks to that one stranger that wanted to loiter.
There happened to be a stranger just like that sitting in the dining room. Sanji had come in and out of the kitchen several times in the two two hours, and each time he found the odd, ratty man sitting in the same seat he had been in five minutes prior.
Annoyed, Sanji approached the table.
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“Are you gonna order something, or am I gonna have to kick you out?”
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