#( dynamic: as long as we're together does it matter where we go? | lang / normallyxtrange )
murderousbitcha · 6 years
Who are the people in Faith's life, currently (pick a season / au / verse whatever you want) that matter most to her? Do they know that they matter as much as they do to her? Would she ever admit it, if they don't?
               There a lot of people and verses where this question could be applied to. Each verse is different as is every interaction that takes place within them. But one that will forever stick out and be an ultimate favorite of mine and is Faith’s absolute favorite person is Lang Maddox and verse with @normallyxstrange. It’s a verse and relationship that has been fleshed out for I want to say two years now.
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               Lang means the world to Faith and it’s something that took her a long while to figure out on her own. Their relationship started out rocky because, well, Faith is Faith and that should be enough explaining. But for head canon sake I’ll elaborate. The pair originally met in a foster home after Faith was relocated to Sunnydale, California after the death of her watcher Diana Domer as her parents were nonexistent at that time; her mother died the year she was called and her father was never in the picture. At first the two teenagers butted heads given Faith’s general attitude about being in a new foster home and dealing with her past experiences with them as well; nothing good at all and will save for another day. But yea, she thought this new home was going to be like all the others, thought her new “family” was going to be worse than the last, and on top of all that there was the being the slayer deal. So things were very much complicated in the beginning between Faith and Lang.
               They did however get to know each other, finding out that they lived in the same dark and shadowy world as Lang was a werewolf. So with that knowledge they really got a better understanding of the other and became closer which was great. They both covered for each other when it was needed and over time really became to rely on one another, something that the slayer never had in her life, at least in a long while. So when Lang left it was devastating for her because that stability was no longer there and had been ripped out from underneath her feet once more.
               However it was good that he did leave because I personally don’t think that if he had stuck around it would have taken Faith a lot longer to figure her feelings out for him. Chances are she would have got scared and took off for the hills because that fear of rejection and the feelings alone would have made her run. Something that would have been easier than to face it head on. So with Lang out of the picture for that amount of time, she was able to focus on what she was feeling and really examine why him leaving hurt as much as it did.
               As for telling him how she felt? She told him the minute he came back. Because if she didn’t right then and there she wasn’t going to because again, that fear would have seeped its way back in. Faith, later on in the verse, tells him everyday how much she loves him and how much he means to her because she needs him to know that. Needs him to know that if he were to take off again, she would be there waiting for him or she would go with him.
IMPORTANT NOTE; there a lot of people that Faith interacts with and has relationships with that are extremely important to her but in the event of this blog turning into a single ship blog, Lang and Faith is end game.
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