#( a post-tfs dlc but clem's a npc and she gives aj quests ALGJAGGALJGALGAJGALJGAAGLJGAGALJ )
agirlinhell Β· 5 years
AJ: Hey, Clem, is it cool if I go out?
Clem: Sure, have fun, kiddo.
AJ: Cool!
Clem: AFTER I get names of everybody that you're going with, where you're going, what time you're leaving, what time you're coming back, social security numbers, I need passports, home addresses, phone numbers, Facebooks, Instagrams, Twitters, area codes, proof of income, credit scores, ID's, licenses and registrations, did you clean your room? Take out the trash, do your homework, do my homework, walk around the school for a patrol, kill some walkers, take Rosie out for a walk, highfive James, give Sophie a hug because she deserves it, do your piano lessons with Louis, elbow Marlon in the balls 'cause his lyin' ass took my Oreos, karate chop a melon with your bare hand without Violet's help, go and make some bombs with Mitch, help Ruby with replenishing the herb stock, write a journal entry in Aasim's diary, get ingredients for Omar's new recipe he wanted to try out, kick walker Abel right in the face, take Epona out for a ride, feed the fish, take the bar exams, pick up Lee who's getting better from his coma, go sailing with Kenny, help the Garcias, play baseball with Javi, cut your hair short, try on my hat, pick up the CD's I ordered, go grocery shopping at The Commonwealth in Ohio and get my prosthetic leg while you're at it, take Tenn to Disneyland and give me a hug before you go, you better bring your ass home before the streetlights come on 'cause if you don't, I'm gonna come looking for you and I'mma beat yo ass and then I'll take Disco Brocolli and squad away.
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