#'the soulless are horrifying abominations' maybe to you
aaapplepie · 1 year
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epicsauce · 1 year
pleeease keep talking about toys...i think this is interesting and smth i've never thought too hard about but it makes sense and i like to hear your opinions on modern toys
(ask pertaining to this post)
holy shit okay !! i would love to ramble on so, i shall!
okay im no expert on toy sales history, this is all just observation from my life experiences and i'll try to keep each part i want to go over relatively short!
that being said lets start with a small one that i've personally noticed as a canadian: Kinder egg toys! i remember when they used to come with like 4-8+ pieces, and you needed the included step by step manual to assemble them. they would often come with sticker sheets to decorate them with, and they would often be articulated or be set on wheels or have some sort of fun or movement or general functionality to them:
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dont those look awesome? wrapped in 2 kinds of chocolate, and for only like 2$! i remember they would come in all shapes and sizes, all sorts of animals and vehicles and sometimes freaky little abominations, as you can see above, and sometimes even puzzles! they were such a special treat as a kid.
but kinder eggs now? come with a maximum of like 3 pieces that just snap together (usually the front and back of the toy, and then the platform they stand on). and thats all they mostly are now, stiff toys that stand on platforms wahhooooo yippeee
idk just look at the quality difference from the old ones above compared to some of the new ones:
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like..... these are..... nothing! literally nothing. just a figure snapped to a pole/platform and thats it! not very interesting for more than 3 minutes max.
now i know what you're thinking: "not ALL of the old kinder toys had to have been bangers" and you'd be right, some were lame as hell, but even the lame ones from before look more intricate than the ones we have now, like can you see what i mean, just detail-wise?
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it just feels so cheap and shitty, i could go on and on but more is explained later. point is, it sucks.
anyway that's a very small example and we can move onto bigger and better ones, and maybe even one that everyone else might have noticed by now; McDonald's toys! remember when they were actually toys?
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and not just stiff figurines?
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(the minions franchise was like CRACK for companies who love making profit off of nothing but stiff rounded plastic. probably the cheapest form of "toy" i can think of)
and yeah, again, its not like there werent figurines back in the day too, there's ALWAYS been lame as hell mcdonalds toys, but looking among many modern mcdonalds toys, you dont see anything as cool as the old ones. literally every major modern movie/franchise right now is nothing but figurines. the most recent actually interactive mcd's toy ive seen is when they collabed with hasbro games
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again, companies just seem to be pumping out quantities over quality.
but why?
well, for starters toys are becoming cheaper (both in price and quality) because prices have sky rocketed and stores are forced to only stock cheaper things, therefore the cheap things sell the most, and then more of them get made, and statistics get fucked, etc etc the cycle repeats.
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but toy companies know one thing, and that's that things that are "cuter" always sell more. "cuter" being used with vitriol because their idea of 'cute' is 'more glitter and sparkles and rainbow colours and obnoxiousness' oh, and dont forget the huge soulless bug eyes on all of them!
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i know that people love these things, but theyre so..... uncanny. their stare is piercing, their stance is so stiff, i always felt bad actually playing with the only one of these i had growing up, and not just because it freaked me out, it just genuinely didnt feel good to play with.
and i knoowwwww people are obsessed with these things, but come on, you have to admit theyre SO unoriginal! theyre just cookie cutter shapes!
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these things are horrifying and, at best, belong on a shelf.
these "beany boos" are so woobified and almost feel like a flanderized version of a stuffed animal, and they've completely taken over "beanie babies", which were wonderful soft little things that actually had movement and weren't stiff to cuddle! I also feel like they're almost trying to copy what webkinz was, in a way, as some of those were stiff too (but still loveable and not burdened with an uncanny, vacant stare)
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anyway this is getting insanely long and im sorry but i feel like im going insane every time i see new toys nowadays. the like.... "cuteification" of everything is driving me insane, and the fact that they are simply just lower quality than what we used to get, because of prices rising and causing easy-to-make things to become more and more popular.
examples to further prove these points:
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extreme woobifying or "cuteification" by almost completely removing all horse anatomy in favour of thin limbs, heavy makeup eyes that are now on the front of her face, and modern influencer eyebrows. on a horse.
and the extreme-simplifying of toys can be seen quite well on those mini polly pocket sets!! see this one here?
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almost allllll of those little plastic things could be rotated or rearranged or moved or fucked with in some manner, it was awesome. i loved these miniature houses they always came with so much shit. wanna guess what the newer ones look like?
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you guessed it, like shit!!
man even beyblades used to come with like, all sorts of different pieces both metal and plastic alike, and you had to assemble them yourself and you could interchange pieces to obtain a different weight which would affect your attacks against other beyblades, etc etc:
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and looking at them now? they seem to be mostly made of- yep, you guessed it, hard cheap plastic.
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anyway holy shit i literally reached the 30 image limit on a single post tumblr really said thats ENOUGH !! i cant believe i just spent that long talking about the worlds most pointless thing but at any rate i hope you enjoyed it and i hope you see my vision. because like i said im not insanely knowledgeable on any of this in particular, but its hard not to notice the decline in quality of all of todays modern toys.
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goffilolo · 5 years
Demise!Izuku as a Youtuber?
Yep! You heard me right. Demise server is a strange little land, full of strange little ideas, unfortunitely this one idea in particular wasn’t so little. So without further ado here’s all the shit we came up with in the server in regards to izuku as a youtuber within demise!au:
If Izuku was a YouTuber can you imagine the fucking chaos dumpster fire his channel would be
He's be like an edgy twink Jenna marbles(edited)
Doing Me time every damn day
bandit is jennas dogs
tenya is julien
He'd have weird ass videos like dipping bandits feet in red pet dye then putting a sign on him that says "you pet and you'll meet the last person who dared to"(edited)
And he's also make videos about him breaking into UA and interrupting classes and stuff
"hey gamers, today we're breaking into UA to see my boyfriend and read all of my friend's secret files"
And a video just of him filing Aizawa in weird places and at the end putting him on an inflatable mattress and watching him float away 
He wakes up in Canada
They don't know how or why
He just attaches a go-pro to trash bandit and let's him run wild. He probably has a seriesJust letting him loose in weird places
DONT LET TRASH BANDIT EAT AIZAWA'S SLEEPING BAG AT 3AM | VERY SCARY"hey guys so today ill be doing the 'How many bottles of quil can i steal before i get caught by Tsukabitch' challange. feel free to make a video of your own!" 
He probably dyes Bandit according to holidays and puts him as the profile picture. The kicker is, he only does it for holidays that his country doesn't celebrate
Like 4th of july
And Canada day
"Hewo soulless fuckers it is me your overlord, King of the soulless fuckers. Today I'll be going up to people in the streets and telling them that I killed God and Satan. But y'all know me, that's not enough. So I'll be asking them which one I killed first and if they get it wrong I take a shot of quil. The quil I'll be taking is the plain ol kind so don't worry your little marshmallow heads about it." 
He only makes text posts in OwO speak this just makes me realise demise!izuku would make a great youtuber
He would twitch stream all the time doing the weirdest shit for hours on end
"what is up gamews! today i wiww be weviewing the new game cawwed life! i have been pwaying it fow about 16 yeaws now and i have to say it's pwetty bad my guys!"
I feel like he'd be absurdly popular and whenever someone mentions him and they look up the channel they are like "wth have I stumbled upon?!"
I'm just imagining what his front page would look like
The seasonal trash bandit profile picture, the banner would be a flaming hellscape with people he dislikes burning and trash bandit looming on low opacity in the background 
(He made it so that only people who view it on TV get the full experience.)
He probably has his own segment on buzzfeed unsolved
Not talking
Its about him
The intro video would just be him staring into the camera while mixing together a horrible concoction of quil then downing it without breaking eye contact(edited)
His about section is written in 3 different types of code and it's all in owo if you manage to crack it
i love demise|!izuku as a youtube cryptid
Clown Speak and OwO speak mixed together
I feel like in the beginning Izuku was this obscure YouTuber that you only find out about if someone in the know tells you about it until a bigger YouTuber found him out on a deep dive video and just couldn't stop watching yes
i imagine once he gets big people from react channel would invite him to react to videos of people reacting to his videos 
What if in one of his videos he started acting like his old self just to freak everyone out. He didn't say anything about it instead he talked about hero analysis with a bright smile and trail off into muttering a few times only to blush when he realized it. He have his hair in a ponytail with only bangs framing his face and some messy pieces falling out. Also her be wearing something plain but like old Izuku, maybe hero merch or something. The comment section was just people flipping out and shit
He never acknowledges the video after he made it
No matter how many comments he gets he acts like it doesn't exist
omg you know wha tthat would actually allign with the demise and canon swap places for a da
yand you know what that gives me a lot of feels
the millions of subscribers get to see the old izuku
Maybe after a milestone he would post a video he made in middle school of him analyzing a quirk in video format to make sure it wouldn't get destroyed
And he put a couple videos of younger him after it
But it starts being supporting Izuku
And his present and past self and stuff
PEOPLE MAKE FAN ART first Its all full of trash and memes
What if that picture of canon Izuku meeting demise Izuku was a fan art someone made of his old self meeting the new him 
Kids from his class kinda Piecing together they really screwed up?Some even sending in apologies, perhaps
For mental health day I could see him posting a serious video about what he went through and his time in the mental hospital 
And on national stop bullying day he would talk about his decade of abuse including the details of how the school and teachers fucked up and everything aboutbakugou
izuku using youtrube for shitposting and advocating
And for mothers day he features both Rei and Inko?
Endeavor exposure video
What if Rei helped edit or something?To help pass the time for her
Give her something to do
People love the mysterious editor
I feel like villains watch his content like maybe Dabi
rei and fuyumi sometimes make appearances
Dabi just shows up in the videos
Quickly become faves
I feel like Dabi would become a fan and start crying after seeing his mom happy in one of Izuku's videos
"...and this is rei, my hospital mom and this if fuyumi, her daughter so like my sister she helps me keep my shit together and sometimes gives me quil.." 
dabi crying from seeing his mom happy in some lunatic's youtube videos
“...and this is shin, dont let the looks deceive you this man went to jail"
Shin comes in and covers the cameras a lot
“and this is the local florida woman and her alligator
WHAT IF BNHA VERSE HAD QUIRKLESS AWARENESS WEEKizuku would go ape shit during that week
"who needs a quirk when my dad gave me a gun!"
He would give axe sharpening tips
"Remember kids! Society won't help you, so you gotta help yourself!"
he would make 'how to cook videos' except it would only be quil combos
What if one day he just put quil in the ovenand pulled out a muffin
Remeber, don't try this at home kids." makes A horrifying quil combo "rememer never ever do this even if you have a quirk that allows it." downs the horror concoction
"so today were gonna do my boyriend does my makeup challange and since both me and tenya are dumb and know nothing i borrowed my mums makeup..." 
It’s a given he’s gonna do makeup tutorials. The real question is would they be good or absolutely horrendous?
good or horrendous? Both
Amazing makeup at horrendous things? Hmmm interesting
“Hey guys today I’m turning myself into a real like eldrich abomination with the help of eyeliner and glitter!”
izuku has a whole playlist of videos dedicated to tenya and UA
theyre all jsut shitposty compilations of some footage when tenya isnt looking
Even tho it looks like he couldn't give a fuck he is very selective with which footage makes it online. He's very careful at how much is revealed and makes sure no students or secret identities would be in danger with his content
izuku isnt stupid...hes jsut having a good time
Sneaking into UA highschool by hiding in pro hero eraserhead's sleeping bag | NOT CLICKBAIT
Izuku would totally play carefree and childish games while just being Izuku
Like his animal crossing series
Fucking legendary on his channel in terms of gaming
izuku's sims lets play
it's like a 10 generation long telenovela lowkey based off the todoroki family
He has no straight sims, he recreated UA and class 1a in sims
the wedding of sim izuku and sim tenya is like the biggest party in the sim neighbourhood
He creates endeavor just to lock him in a room with 50 ovens
Omg his draw my life has got to be super depressing
He'd be super blunt and monotone during his whole draw my life going through all of the abuse and bullying that he went through because of his quirklessness and also his suicide attempt and all that jazz(edited) 
izuku would paint on a potato
Izuku would make a get ready with me where he does something totally batshit crazy then ends it with "Ah. Yet another day in my life."
Izuku meets Marie Kondo
“Only keep what brings you joy”
“Well this gun from my father sure brings me joy”
Knifemaking videos but with axes
Izuku decided to do a wardrobe tour and like 4 things were bloodstained which he never addressed. The most popular comment was what happened, which of course he never answered.
Izuku does these new year (like all of the questions from last year) or milestone Q+A’s/AMA's which are basically people just asking a bunch of the things he wouldn't answer or address before. A lot of his viewers write down and timestamp when he does something and doesn't address it. If you don't you'll never hear an answer.
He has his boonk gang phrase which is probably like Bandit gang or some shit like that, which he shouts while breaking into places. UA dorm rooms, UA facility office, UA, Hero Agency’s, Endeavour's bedroom (Don't ask), etc. 
He has a variety of videos where he does things from different communities. For example he has a few hair tutorial and following hair tutorial videos. Same for makeup.I feel like Izuku would also have some dresses and slutty Halloween costumes that be put on in a video all while looking like someone who just had finals and was studying for 4 days straight beforehand.
At like 4AM a thought hit Izuku to have Trash Bandit meet Kouta for the first time and learn what his sheep talks about and what he has to say. Needless to say he took his camera, went to UA, stormed the dorms, went up to the shy kid sheep in hand, looked him dead in the eye, and asked “What is my sheep saying.” bandit speaks and Kouta goes from confused and slightly scared to disgusted and horrified. What did Bandit say? Who the fuck knows…
Izuku loves analysis and while he doesn't do it for heroes anymore when he misses it too much sometimes he does it with tv shows or other things.
Idk what yet but Izuku is weirdly good at something and only showed it on camera once. (He's casually known to be a good artist) Whatever he's good at he did it once for a video and it's in one of the most popular compilation videos of him. 15 minutes of Izuku being a cinnamon roll.
Izuku has a shit ton of videos featuring the UA kids. He has some playlists dedicated to certain ones even if all you see is the back of their head.
Any proceeds Izuku manages to get (he is popular but he gets demonetized a lot) goes to different charities for the quirkless.
He made only 1 serious cooking video on his birthday, but instead of using a knife he used an axe.
He has a video called “My sharp things (tour)” where he just shows off all of his knives and axes and shit along with a massive pair of scissors he got Momo to make.
Izuku makes videos of himself destroying endeavor merch while staring at the camera.
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