#'sure you can play a white dragonborn ranger but you get disadvantage on stealth'
stardustedknuckles · 2 years
Every now and then a post floats through the local reddit page with someone asking about any dnd groups that need an extra player, and all I can think is damn - must be nice to have that kind of confidence in your social status. Like, I got supremely lucky with my ND, queer DM who runs on kindness before anything else. There is NOTHING about making a generic post looking for a DM that appeals to anyone with a shred of marginalization, I feel. Not just any game will do. Are they gonna put transphobia in their world? What are their rules about what they will and won’t depict? Do they run games in good faith or are they here to power trip over a bunch of other people who can’t find a better game or don’t know to ask for better? Are they going to randomly spring questions on me because I didn’t look like I was paying enough attention, like it’s middle school or something? And all of that is before you even touch the factor of joining an established group.
I just marvel at the social comfort it takes to go on reddit of all places and ask to be picked up by anyone who could use a player. Must be nice.
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