#'omg you feel the same! i wasn't sure but i'm so happy!' *TURN* *CRUNCH*
sodaspringz · 2 months
finally asked out Harvey of pelican town, i went in with this huge barrel of flowers and placed them lovingly next to his couch only for him to accept my confession and then immediately stomp them into the GROUND
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luvring · 2 years
Hi bestie it's me again!!!!!!!!!! after finishing chap 13 and locking myself in the shed in fear of punching a hole through my wall again, i would like to humbly ask for some rime angst bec i am in pain and misery and i dont know how to cope without hitting my head on rhe wall and screaming about roadkill 😎
note from nia: omg...hey :smirk: i see we did not choose happiness,, only violence . the pacing is. funky to say the least ...guh
Rime didn't lose everything with his death.
He kept his wit, his skills, his memories, his name. And maybe he was only a ghost, a messy copy of who he used to be that lost the feelings that made him human. But the ones that he could never seem to get rid of were those for the man who sat diagonal to him, laying against the chest of someone else.
He remembers when that was his place, his lover that laughed against his skin while holding his hand. But that was all a long, long time ago, even if he hated to admit it. So Rime stands up, garnering the attention of the others in the room. "I just need some air," he rolls his eyes coolly. He doesn't note how Felix stares at his figure walking away or the way MC nudges him with a look of concern.
And he almost laughs at the overcast weather and the way the wind nipped at his skin. It was only fitting, really, with the way he stood alone, watching as leaves fell and were swept away just as quickly.
He isn't outside for long before he hears an oh-so-familiar voice behind him, "Are you alright?"
Rime doesn't need to turn around to recognize the concern in Felix's question. "As alright as I ever am," he breathes out. "Shouldn't you be inside with the others, lover boy?"
Felix looks down at the leaves he crunches as he walks, situating himself a few feet away, "Very creative. You came out here and MC agreed it'd be best if I was the one to check on you."
Them again. It was always them, wasn't it?
"Well, tell them that I'm no cause for concern. I just couldn't stand all the noise," Rime responds.
Felix quirks a brow, realizing that Rime was hiding something, but chooses to stay silent. There was no need to push him, not yet, at least. He can't remember the last time it was silent of all things with them together—there was always some sort of teasing or banter. And while Felix was a fan of quietly, peacefully existing with someone else, something felt wrong this time, he notes.
For a while, the only sounds are leaves rustling, the occasional muffled laugh from inside, and Felix shuffling to get comfortable. "Are you happy?"
Felix blinks before scrunching his brows as he turns, "What?"
"Are you happy?" Rime repeats. "With...them."
"I—" Felix hesitates. He wasn't stupid. He knew what Rime was really asking. And maybe it was the way Rime seemed so...vulnerable looking at him. But in the span of a few seconds, the years they spent together flash before Felix's eyes. The way his body was always warmer, how Rime would hold him when it was cold. How he'd wake up with a blanket covering him, knowing that he had fallen asleep without it on.
But just as quickly, they're overtaken by the times he had spent with MC. The way they dragged him in front of the fire and wrapped him up "like a burrito," with a grin on their face. How they would blow on his tea and bring it to his lips when he was too tired to do it himself.
He couldn't seem to find the right words, or any words, really. It was still a little too much sometimes, just seeing them in the same room. But taking a deep breath, Felix finally nods, "Yes, I am."
Rime clenches his jaw. He wasn't sure what he expected to hear—what he wanted to hear. It wouldn't be fair to wish Felix wasn't happy. Deep inside Rime knew that it wasn't his fault, that he deserved happiness (especially more than he thought himself worthy). But wasn't it just as unfair that Felix was happy while he had to suffer? Why did he have to come back only to be thrown away? Wasn't death enough?
A gust of wind blows, sending a chill down his spine before he manages to speak again, "I never stopped loving you, you know." There's a deep, heavy silence that follows Rime's voice. It sits on his chest, making it hard to breathe. Not fair, not fair, not fair. It wasn't fair—though he wasn't sure for whom.
"Well, neither did I," Felix replies softly. Evading as always, Rime notes.
They both stare ahead, and Rime wonders what Felix would do if he could read his mind. If he'd feel any regret or remorse. In a voice quieter, weaker than any he had used in a long time, he smiles pitifully, "It's not the same way, though."
And it feels like a millennia before Felix speaks again, and part of Rime wishes he hadn't, "No...not the same way."
"...Then that's all there is to it, Felix."
Felix purses his lips and is about to speak again when the door behind them opens. "Felix! Rime! We're about to go out for food before Sage starts moping even more and breaking things." Both of them shoot their heads towards MC's voice. They hear Sage yell something from inside that makes them playfully roll their eyes.
Felix offers a small smile, "Be right there, love."
Rime glances at him after the term of endearment, his stomach twisting as he turns away. MC hums in acknowledgment, frowning when Felix motions for them to leave Rime be. He holds up his hand—5 minutes and he'd be done. They nod, and Rime can feel Felix's gaze after they walk back inside.
But he's fast, he speaks before Felix has a chance, "Go...please."
"Please" wasn't a word common from Rime. He never had a reason to use it, Rime would smirk. It felt foreign now.
So despite the itch to stay, Felix complies. He stares at Rime's back for a moment before turning and finally walking away. Before he walks inside, Felix speaks softly once more, "I'm sorry, Rime."
Rime only continues to silently stand in the same spot, thinking of the life he'd never get back. That life was for someone else now. And he thinks to himself, then, with no company but silence, maybe he was always meant to be alone.
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#also bc at this stage we're sort of in-between boyfriend-girlfriend and engaged?? like...we've decided we wanna get engaged but it's not
My Top Posts in 2021
It’s Just A Spark Ch. 7 - Maybe Definitely
Hiccup sighed and threw a glance at the clock, mindlessly clicking around in his opened document. 22:35.
He'd been trying to finish up his report for more than half an hour, which was significantly exheeding his usual set time of fifteen minutes.
"You're still here?" a voice behind him intoned and Hiccup turned around to see Snotlout enter the room and place his helmet on the desk next to his.
"Yeah," Hiccup mumbled, feeling the effect of his extra strong tea earlier wear off slowly but surely. "I wanted to finish today's report. Which I did. And then I thought, I still haven't written the report for yesterday."
"Woah, what's up with Mr Too-fast-for-deadlines?" his cousin asked, looking sincerely surprised. "You okay?"
"Yeah," he repeated, dragging a hand through his hair. "Just … busy."
"Ooh, right, your girlfriend."
Hiccup's head shot up, glaring. Snotlout shrugged.
"Gobber told me. Well, technically, your dad told me. But Gobber told him so basically it was him who told me."
"Doesn't anything regarding my personal life stay personal? And she's … she's not my girlfriend."
"You showed up to her workplace with lasagna you made specifically for her because it's her favourite food, Hiccup. That is such a boyfriend-thing to do. Though I guess it's very you. Most people wouldn't bother."
"How did you even-"
"Hey, don't blame me for being your cousin! Things get around, okay? My dad was out getting coffee, saw you, told your dad who told him that-"
"Alright, alright," Hiccup interrupted him, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I get it. Note to self, never tell Dad anything concerning Astrid again if I want it to stay between us."
Snotlout laughed and good-naturedly nudged his cousin's arm.
"Come on, Hic, I don't mean any harm. Neither does he, you know that. He's just excited for you."
Hiccup sighed. "I know."
"I'm too, by the way," Snotlout mumbled. "It's kind of really cool seeing you this happy."
The auburn-hair man stopped and finally smiled at his cousin. "Thanks, Snotlout."
Snotlout sniffed, trying to shake off his earlier sentiment. "Yeah, whatever. Just go to sleep before I knock you out myself."
Hiccup grinned and got up. "You sound just like Gobber."
"Shut up."
He laughed.
The doorbell was ringing, making Astrid jump. She rarely had any visitors at a time like this. Maybe it was just Ruff who had forgot her keys again, needing a place to crash.
She opened the door.
It wasn't Rachel.
Hiccup, his forest-green eyes dark and his hair messy as if he'd run his hands through it countless of times.
He opened his mouth to speak but stopped and took a step closer.
"Hiccup, what-"
She was silenced by his lips suddenly crashing down on hers. Astrid stumbled back, shock fading as his hands cupped her face, hers suddenly tangled in his hair, pulling him down to her.
They stumbled into her flat, her back hitting the wall of her hallway with a low 'Thud'.
All she felt was his calloused fingers on her skin, leaving invisible imprints, his lips - oh, God - almost desperately pressing to hers.
"What took you so long," she gasped into the kiss and fisted her hands into the material of his shirt, pulling him closer still.
His breath was hot against her skin. He smelled of toothpaste, making her smile against his lips. Hiccup pulled away, frowning shortly.
"I don't," he kissed her again, gently this time. "Know."
Her hands wrapped around his neck as he continued working his lips against hers, chasing sparks down her skin. He was pressing her against the wall, not an inch left between their bodies as she lightly pushed her tongue into his mouth. Hiccup groaned and let his hands wander to her waist. Ever so slowly he brushed her tongue against hers, making her knees weak.
"Hiccup," she gasped against his lips, tightening her grip around his shoulders -
Astrid opened her eyes, her racing heart the only sound in her dark bedroom.
Heat crawled up to her face as she realised what had happened.
"Oh, God," she groaned, hiding her burning face in her hands. "Oh my god …"
It had been a dream. Of course it had been a dream. Hiccup wouldn't just barge in like that and start kissing her, he'd … he'd … oh, what did it matter what he'd do, when she was the one dreaming about it! Not only dream but also enjoy the idea of it …
"God, what is wrong with me?" she mumbled into the emptiness of her room, almost swearing she could have tasted the toothpaste from his mouth.
Alright. So it had been a couple of days since she'd last saw him, so what? So what that she couldn't walk past that café anymore without thinking about Hiccup drenched in sunlight? So what that he'd held her hand on the table and hadn't let go even as his friend had asked for their orders? So what that she hard trouble keeping him out of her mind and found herself craving his company? That didn't say anything.
Astrid sat in darkness and realised that there was no turning back now.
He'd been tired all day and now he was in bed and couldn't sleep. Typical.
Hiccup groaned and turned around to face the wall, careful as to not disturb Toothless who had curled up around his legs - well, leg and a half.
It had been days, and yet he couldn't stop thinking about their visit to the café.
Astrid had introduced herself to Fishlegs as his date - which was true, they were dating.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Snot's words were still ringing in his ears.
'That's a very boyfriend-thing to do.'
They were only dating.
He wanted to be more to her, still. He wanted to keep doing these things simply because it made her smile. He wanted to make her happy.
Hiccup closed his eyes, trying not to think about how he'd give up eating anything else than ice cream for his lunch breaks if it meant he got to see her laugh at him with cream on his chin.
Hiccup awoke by the sound of his phone ringing.
Groggily he reached for it and slurred, "'llo?"
He immediately sobered up and sat up. "Astrid, hi, Astrid, hey … Astrid."
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, just, uh … just woke up."
He started fumbling for the bottle of water somewhere next to his bed.
Astrid gasped on the other line. "Go back to sleep! I'm sorry-"
"It's okay. Really. I should've gotten up anyway." He smiled.
"Oh, okay. Listen, I was just wondering if - you have time somewhen this week, maybe on Friday?"
It had been three days since he'd last seen her.
He didn't really miss her per se. It's just that he'd sometime like to have company, hers to be specific. He simply didn't like her absence at times. His heart jumped as he realised that this was quite literally the definition of missing someone.
He didn't even pretened to think about it and quickly said, "Yes! Friday. Friday's … yeah."
She chuckled and after a small pause softly said, "I've missed you."
His heart skipped a beat.
"You too," he rasped out. "It's weird to think it's only been a couple of days, huh."
She laughed lightly. "Yeah. I think I set a new record for not setting my stove on fire."
He hummed. "We should celebrate that on Friday."
He imagined her lean in and smirk. "Define 'celebrate'."
"You want the oxford-version or mine?"
Astrid laughed. "Come on."
"Alright, so, I was thinking you, me, non-frozen food …"
"You had me at 'celebrate'. We could cook together."
He grinned and peeled himself out of his covers. "Not sure if I'm willing to take that risk."
"Says the fireman with asthma," she retorted dryly and Hiccup laughed.
"On the other hand, I've missed Toothless too," she grinned audibly. "So I'm coming over."
Hiccup chuckled and quickly strapped his prosthesis back on.
"Okay, so same as last time? Or earlier, if you want."
He could hear her grin. "Someone seems to be keen on spending time with me."
The answer came easy to him in full sincerity as he softly replied, "I am."
She paused. Maybe she'd be blushing. God, she was endearing.
"I'll be earlier then."
Hiccup grinned and strode through his room towards the drawer. "Okay. Any ideas on what we'll make?"
She hummed thoughtfully. "How about something you like?"
'I like you,' he thought but kept his mouth shut, pulling out a fresh pair of socks and screwed his eyes shut at the thought.
"How about sushi?" he managed instead. "It's pretty easy once you get the hang of it and practically impossible to burn."
"Oh, yes! Sushi's great, let's do that. And, um, if you want we could get the ingredients together? You know, so there's no room for any misunderstandings."
Hiccup felt his face heat up. Going Grocery-shopping together. Another thing people who were "just" dating didn't usually do.
"Y-yeah," he croaked. "Let's. I'll, uh. See you on Friday, then."
"Great, see you!" Astrid grinned audibly. "Just don't get into any danger until then."
He chuckled. "I'll be careful. Bye."
She bid her goodbye and hung up, leaving a still slightly flustered Hiccup standing in silence, mismatching socks in his other hand.
He stared down at the screen where her contact was still opened.
He'd taken the picture of her during their second date. She was grinning freely at the camera, her eyes sparkling in the low light of his living room, her freckles looking like faint paint splatters on her fair skin.
His useless heard sped up at the memory.
Slowly he set the phone down, let the socks fall and slumped back onto his bed, fisting his hands in his hair.
She was magnetizing.
And he was utterly, hopelessly captivated by her.
10 notes • Posted 2021-04-23 08:00:30 GMT
It’s Just A Spark Ch.15 - Two Minutes
The streets of Berk were never really empty. Something was always going on somewhere. This particular morning, a fireman was being dragged over the cobblestones by his barking dog.
Hookfang came to an abrupt halt in front of a small cafè, panting, wagging his tail. Snotlout stumbled to a halt, following his dog's gaze -
He gasped and ducked behind one of the flower pots outside of the building, heat crawling up his face as he realised exactly whose cafè this was. A heartbeat later he realised what had just happened and he spit out a curse through gritted teeth, angry at his reaction and stepped back into the open.
"Scott, hi!"
Fishlegs waved and grinned at him, and Snotlout wished he a) wasn't there and b) couldn't feel his heart race up to his throat at the sight of his cousin's friend.
"Hey, wha- what are you doing? I mean, I uh, saw you closed up the shop like a week ago, was everything okay?"
Fishlegs sharply sucked in air through his teeth and sheepishly looked to the side. "Yeah, I probably should've told you guys. Don't worry though, nothing bad happened."
"Oh … okay."
"It was actually - hang on, I'd like you to meet somebody!"
Scott smiled and nodded but the only thought running through his head was 'Please don't be a girlfriend 'cause that would be actually worse than if you had a boyfriend which would at least mean you're gay, please don't be a girlfriend, please don't be a girlfriend.'
Fishlegs reappeared, and for a second, Snotlout stopped because he didn't see anybody accompanying him - then Hookfang started to pull on his leash and the fireman's gaze fell down. There, next to Fishlegs, cowered a small brown basset breed, timidly shying back from the larger dog.
Snotlout's first thought was, 'Oh, thank God.' And then, 'That's a really cute dog.'
So he knelt down, pulling Hookfang back.
"I got her from a death row animal shelter," Fishlegs said softly and watched Snotlout's head snap up, smiling hesitantly.
"It was love at first sight, really. The rescuers said she was really anxious and didn't let anybody near her, but when I walked up to her, she started wagging her tail at me and even let me feed her. I just had to take her with me - but well, now she's really anxious when I'm not there, so I had to close up for a few days until she got a bit used to my flat."
Snotlout nodded, slowly offering the dog his hand - she shyed back. He threw Fishlegs a quick glance, who smiled at him, and then got back up.
"So why'd you open the shop back up now?" he asked and Fishlegs shrugged.
"I missed work. And until she eases up a bit I'll just take her to work with me. You know, chill out a bit. She can get used to seeing people, all in a non-threatening environment."
"Good idea. Hey, if you need help with anything, just tell me, yeah? Hooky and I are always glad to help," Snotlout mumbled, trying to act as nonchalant as possible.
Fishlegs grinned. "That'd be nice, thanks."
They stood in awkward silence for a while - 'or maybe it isn't awkward and I'm just thinking it is, ugh, why did I even come by here-'
"So, uh, can I get you anything? You know, since you're here?" Fishlegs asked and Snotlout stopped, surprised. Maybe it wasn't awkward after all.
So he shrugged and said, "I mean, I could go for some afternoon waffles before work."
Astrid inhaled deeply and opened up her laptop, determination written on her face.
'Alright,' she thought, staring at her screen. 'Time to finish this. It's just you and me now, buddy.'
Her finished CV stared back.
Astrid cracked her fingers. It was almost perfect. Emphasis on almost. Which meant it wasn't perfect. Which meant-
Astrid screwed her eyes shut, forcing her train of thought to stop.
"You know you're good, you know you're good," she ground out through gritted teeth, knocking her fists against her forehead as if physically willing the mantra into her head. "A resumé alone isn't going to make them hire you. That's on you," she repeated Hiccup's words and rubbed her eyes, exhaling slowly.
Then she yanked her hands away from her face and set them down on the table, opened her emails and typed in the address of the school office.
Snotlout had followed Fishlegs back inside and was now pretending to greatly care about where he would sit, when in reality he just wanted to spend a bit more time watching Fishlegs work.
"You sure you don't wanna sit outside? It's a beautiful-"
"No, it's really hot, in here's better," Snotlout said too quickly, his voice maybe a little too loud. Fishlegs hesitated but then shrugged and pointed him towards an unoccupied table.
"Hey, isn't that Hiccup's date from a couple weeks ago?"
Snotlout hissed and pulled Fishlegs behind a flower pot. The other man let out a low yelp.
"She's his girlfriend now," Snotlout explained and stole a quick glance at the young woman, who was typing something on her laptop. "They got together like three days ago - which he didn't tell me until yesterday, so I'm a bit bitter about that - but they had their first kiss like yesterday and - God their children are gonna be beautiful, what the fuck- he is so head over heels, it's disgusting, but I'm really happy for him, so it's okay."
Snotlout stopped, realising this was all maybe something Hiccup should have told his friend in person and when he was ready, so he quickly added, "But you didn't hear this from me."
Fishlegs turned to look at him. "Hear what?" he grinned, nudged his shoulder shortly and then made his way to Astrid's table.
For a few moments all Snotlout could do was look after him, having stopped functioning.
"Good afternoon, what can I get for you?"
Astrid looked up at the sound of a familiar man's voice and smiled when she recognised him.
"Hi! A latte would be brilliant - and you know what, while I'm here, some of your chocolate ice cream because it's to kill for."
Fishlegs laughed. "Good choice. And thank you, I'm glad you like it."
Astrid shrugged and grinned. "We should both thank Hiccup for that one, he introduced me to your cafè. We haven't had the chance to come by again though, and he'd mentioned you were out of town for a few days."
"So you guys are still going out?" Fishlegs - Christopher - asked and Astrid couldn't help but remember the first time her and Hiccup had come to The Cone Cove
"Let's see if I can manage to properly eat ice cream this time," Astrid commented lightly and pushed the door open.
It was a small, light-flooded place with plants over plants hanging from the ceiling and placed around the corners.
"Hiccup!" a voice called out and Astrid noticed a large kind-faced man emerge from behind the counter. Quickly she let go of Hiccup's hand, only now registering that they had still been holding hands.
She watched Hiccup grin and be engulfed in a large hug by the blond man who seemed to be about their age, maybe a bit older.
"It's so good to see you! You never stop by these days."
Hiccup rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, I'm sorry. I've been a bit busy these days."
He tried stealing a quick glance at Astrid without either of them noticing - neither of which failed to see.
His friend's face lit up in a smiliar manner to Tuff's, Astrid realised and remembered Hiccup had been as hopeless as her.
She extended her hand to him. "Nice to meet you. I'm Astrid, Hiccup's …" She stopped, suddenly uncertain. What exactly were they? Was she his date? Did that imply that he was also dating other people? They were exclusive, weren't they? They were romantically involved, even though that sounded a lot like something that happened only shortly in a passionate affair. Girlfriend also did not apply.
"Date," she finished, shooting Hiccup a look who only shrugged helplessly and looked as though the only thing he wanted right now was for the ground to swallow him immediately.
The other man didn't seem to notice her pause and embarassment and shook her hand. "Likewise. I'm Christopher - or Chris, however you want."
He clapped his hands. "So. I'd recommend you this beautiful little table over here, the oleander is blooming just nicely this year."
Hiccup smiled and followed his guide. "Thanks, Fish."
"Hang on, I'll get you the specials card, too."
Christopher disappeared, a cheery smile on his face. Astrid took a seat and smoothed her hands over her skirt.
Hiccup chuckled. "Fishlegs, actually. Another weird nickname. We met while fishing when we were young. Both of us got forced by our parents to go fishing with them, and, well, let's just say we spent the day more with hunting trolls and learning about the forest than fishing. But it stuck with us."
She hummed, resting her chin on her hand. "Are you close?"
"We're still really good friends, but not as close as we used to be. Work's sort of getting in the way. But we still meet up sometimes."
His voice sounded rough, almost, a bit hoarse she noticed then. He sounded exhausted.
"Ruff and me are the same, honestly. I don't know just when we got so busy. And I don't want any friendship to feel like a chore."
"Right. That's understandable."
He locked his eyes on her again over the menu. Astrid pretended not to notice.
"Is the coffee as good as his ice cream?" she asked, quickly scanning her options.
"I don't know, I don't drink coffee."
Astrid gasped, mockingly in shock. "How do you survive?"
"On water and tea, usually."
Hiccup had leaned forward, leaning on his forearms, grinning his lopsided grin at her and suddenly she wasn't so keen on focusing her attention on the menu in her hands anymore.
In the end she decided to just get a chocolate sundae and set the menu down, letting her eyes wander over his face again
"Yeah, we, uh, we're actually a couple now," she heard herself say.
"Congratulations," Christopher smiled. "I'm not surprised though, from the way he looked at you. Anyways, I'll be right back with your order, it was nice to see you again!"
"Likewise," Astrid replied smiling and then returned her attention to the email she was writing - well, at least she was looking at it. The rest of her was still caught up in another sun-flooded memory.
"Look what the cat dragged in!" Hiccup grinned at the sight of Snotlout entering the fire department in his usual state - fifteen minutes late, a to-go coffee cup in his hand.
His cousin sat down, setting the cup on the table.
"Okay, so, first of all, before you judge me, Mr 'I got an entire day off so I could get laid'-"
he ducked away from the rubber that came flying at him and continued completely unfazed, "guess who's back in town and has a dog."
Hiccup gasped. "You're kidding! He got a dog?"
"Yes," Snotlout confirmed, grimly staring at him over the rim of his coffee. "Which makes me, like, seventyone percent more attracted to him, which I hate."
Hiccup looked at him and could already tell Snotlout was going to despise his next question.
"Why don't you just tell him?"
Snotlout gawked at him. "And ruin my carefully crafted reputation in this city? Are you insane?"
"Have you ever considered that maybe he … feels the same way?"
"Wait- did he say something to you?"
"No. I'm just saying you could be missing your chance and it might be too late in a couple-"
"Okay, okay, calm down Romeo, just 'cause you got a girlfriend now doesn't mean you can start giving me actually helpful dating advice, okay?"
Snotlout interrupted him but grinned and nudged his cousin's shoulder, leaning back while taking another sip of his coffee.
"Appreciating it, though."
Hiccup snorted and leaned back.
"Hey, just 'cause I got a girlfriend doesn't actually mean I know how I did that."
Hiccup sighed, rubbed his burning eyes and threw his arms over his head, stretching until he heard his back crack.
'That sounds very unhealthy,' he thought, slowly rotating his neck and letting it hang backwards until some of the tension subsided. His gaze fell on Snotlout next to him, who had curled up on the couch and was snoring loudly. Hiccup grinned and carefully got up, trying not to disturb his sleeping cousin and tiptoed to the door of the common room, up the steps to the headquarters.
He started when his phone in his pocket rang, checked the screen and grinned at Astrid's face on the caller ID.
"Hi," Astrid's voice greeted him and he felt a wave of warmth wash over him at the sound of it.
"Hey," he answered softly and sat down on his chair.
"What're you up to?"
"Work, as usual," he leaned back. "I'm on call response."
She let out a small chuckle. "So you had to pick up?"
"Of course, I'm just doing my job here, it's not like Snotlout's been asleep for the past hour and nothing is happening and I'm bored out of my mind and have been wanting to talk to you the whole day."
Astrid hummed, grinning audibly. "Of course."
She paused for a second and then asked, "So would it be okay if I came over for a bit? It's - basically too late for me to be asking this, I already got the tea and am literally two minutes away."
Hiccup sat there, stunned for a second, the only thought occupying his mind right now, 'God, I love you.' but he bit his tongue, and instead said, "That'd be great! Text me when you're at the gates, I'll come down. Don't wanna wake Snotlout."
Astrid nodded, biting down a grin. "Okay, see you in two minutes," she whispered.
Hiccup closed his eyes, his heart fluttering.
Two minutes.
10 notes • Posted 2021-05-05 13:33:49 GMT
It’s Just A Spark Ch.16 - Collision
"Hey," she whispered into the semi-darkness of the corridor and squeezed past him, balancing the two cups on the paper tray she was holding as she pecked him on the cheek.
"I didn't know you were still up," he grinned and closed the door with a small Click.
Astrid shrugged and grinned up at him. "Figured I'll be able to sleep in tomorrow anyways."
Hiccup chuckled and gestured over to the plank bed, taking one of the steaming cups she offered to him.
"I got you peppermint, hope that's okay," she murmured and grinned even wider as she watched his face light up.
"That's perfect," he mumbled, taking a big sip after he'd sat down, closing his eyes as he leaned back against the wall. "Just what I needed. Thank you."
His hand found hers on the thinly padded metal.
Astrid hummed and let herself fall against him.
"Is it dumb that I've missed you?"
Hiccup shook his head and pressed a light kiss on her temple.
"I've missed you, too. So maybe we're both a little dumb."
She snorted and closed her eyes.
"Yeah, maybe."
Hiccup took another sip and wrapped his free arm around her.
"Tell me about your day?"
"Well, I had work until - three, I think? Gothi almost threw me out, she keeps trying to get me to do normal things on Saturdays, but I'm convinced she just wants some alone time with the gang," she chuckled. "So I went to The Cone Cove, I was craving some ice cream, took my laptop with me - and I, well, I finished my CV yesterday night and sent it off today."
Hiccup pulled away for a second, searching her gaze.
"You did?"
Astrid grinned and nodded. "Yeah, just typed it up in ten minutes and sent it. It was funny, 'cause I was stressing about it so much, but as soon as I started writing it, it was fine."
Her smile widened as he pressed a kiss on the top of her head.
"'m proud of you. Knew you could do it."
"Yeah, now all that's left on my agenda is hope they accept me and then stress about actually teaching," she replied, scrunching her nose at him.
"That's the easy part, yeah?"
He cracked a grin at that and Astrid couldn't help but laugh and wrapped her arms around his middle, leaning back into him.
They sat in silence for a while, his ribs rising and falling underneath her steadily. Astrid closed her eyes, feeling only warmth and comfort, trying to match her breathing to his own, thinking she couldn't imagine her life without him anymore.
A whole month, and she still couldn't believe how they had ended up right here, right now, in this moment, and she didn't really care as long as they just kept doing it.
A month ago she'd have laughed at the idea of being this close to someone, this comfortable with someone, but maybe that was the thing - Hiccup wasn't just someone.
She had let her guard around him down a long time now, or maybe she had never guarded anything at all. She'd never needed to, with him. There had never been any need for carefully constructed sentences, or to act like she was untouchable, unattached.
She could just be with him, no questions asked, and it was enough to simply be herself.
He hummed, his fingers lightly drawing circles on her shoulder.
"I'm really glad I set my kitchen on fire two months ago."
His fingers stopped and their eyes met; Astrid sat back up, and watched a grin blossom on his face.
"Me, too."
And then she found herself gravitating towards him again, he was almost magnetising. She watched him stop, still smiling lightly as she let herself lean in closer, closer still-
Their lips met. Astrid's eyes fluttered close, his hands slowly slipping around her waist, ghosting over her ribs as she leaned in. Her own hands found his face, her fingers tracing his jawline, and she couldn't help but smile into the kiss as he hummed and drew her closer still, shifting slightly in his place.
They parted for a second as he caught his breath, leaning his forehead against hers.
"You okay?" Astrid whispered, ghosting her lips over his and he nodded, a slow smile blossoming on his lips.
"Yeah," he rasped back. "Never been better."
He was grinning, and for a breathless second their eyes met, and maybe it was the way he looked at her, or maybe the fact that they sat this close, or that her rising and sinking ribs under his fingertips felt like the realest thing he'd ever touched, but then they collided again, all slowness gone.
His fingers were caressing her back as she slowly pushed her tongue into his mouth, drawing a hum from his lips, his fingers sinking themselves into her skin.
Astrid wasn't thinking - by the way Hiccup was running his hands along her body, pulling her in, brushing his tongue against hers, he wasn't either - the only thought in her mind right now was that they weren't close enough, and suddenly she was lightly pushing him back, and then she was on his lap, her knees digging into the plank bed, leaning into him, locking her arms around his neck. Hiccup let out a low hum of surprise but stilled his hands at her waist and back.
Her whole body was on fire; his hands and mouth adding to the flames. He broke away suddenly, making her whimper shortly, but then she felt him sloppily kiss his way across her jaw, down to her neck, her collarbones, her hands were fisting themselves into this hair in an attempt to keep him there, his name escaping her lips. He was whispering something back, the words getting lost in her skin as he kissed his way back up again. Astrid let herself fall into him, his heart beating against hers before she kissed him again and gently bit his lower lip, swallowing his low gasp.
His hands found her waist again, the rest of him completely lost in their kiss as he shifted, sinking back, Astrid's own hands on his chest pushing him down.
And then suddenly everything was going way too fast, and too slow at the same time, Hiccup felt like he was lost in a haze, her weight pinning him down on the shabby plank bed that had long nights and aching muscles written all over it but suddenly made him feel like he never wanted to get up again, and her hands were in his hair, her tongue in his mouth and he wasn't thinking about anything else than her skin on his, colliding with him again and again and he was burning up-
"Astrid," he gasped suddenly, sitting back up again. "We should stop."
Astrid nodded, her expression almost fazed. "Yeah," she agreed, equally breathlessly, her hands on his shoulders; their eyes met.
Hiccup's hair was a complete mess from the countless times she'd fisted her fingers into it, his mouth hung agape as he looked at her, still trying to catch his breath. Astrid's braid had come partly undone, her fringe hanging into her face - her cheeks were flushed, matching her puffy lips.
There was a moment of silence between them, a mutual realisation of what had just happened, and they couldn't help but grin at each other, laughter soon bubbling up between them.
Hiccup shook his head, still laughing, and let himself fall back again, pulling Astrid down with him.
"That, uh," he mumbled. "That … happened."
She muffled her laughter in his chest and nodded against him. "Yeah."
"You okay?"
She nodded again. "You?"
"I feel like I'm drunk."
They laughed again and he pressed a kiss into her hair, wrapping his arms tighter around her. And in this moment - this incredibly light and drunken moment - the words almost slipped from his lips. But he bit his tongue, swallowing the words and kissed her again instead.
10 notes • Posted 2021-05-30 09:26:17 GMT
It’s Just A Spark Ch.18 - Home
(TW for this chapter: mentions of blood/violence and mentions of homophobia coming from an abusive father)
It still baffled Astrid how different a place could look by night compared to how it did by day. There was something about the narrow, empty streets of Berk drenched in moonlight that made her feel calm like no other place she'd been to before. Not even back at Puffin Point she'd felt this kind of serenity.
Astrid unlocked her front door and took a deep breath at the sight of her dark and empty flat. It smelled like home. She'd left a place she'd called home out of habit and had arrived in Berk with an odd sense of belonging as soon as she'd set foot outside the bus station into the busy street. She hadn't ever been able to explain it, but something about this place made her feel like she wanted to stay - so she had done just that and made Berk her home.
And despite everything that had happened to lead her here, she'd never regretted it. Her keys landed on the small table next to the entrace, followed by her phone and wallet. Her shoulders were aching as she painstakingly shrugged out of her jacket, the crammed-up three hours of sleep on a frail metal bed she'd got now properly announcing themselves. Astrid grimaced and rolled her shoulders back and forth a couple of times before she peeled herself out of her clothes, threw them into a corner and put on her pajamas. She forced herself to a trip to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face and then - finally - dragged herself back to her bedroom. She'd be able to catch a couple hours of sleep before work. Another three, maybe. Three and a half if she was really lucky and fell asleep right now immediately.
The song she'd set as an alarm tone got gradually more annoying with each and every passing morning. Today, the very thin line between 'strong annoyance' and 'burning, all-consuming hatred' had been finally passed. Astrid forced her eyes open and angrily glared at her phone, only to find the display telling her it was 7 am as if it was mocking her.
"Shut up," she growled into her pillow and hit snooze, turning back around and cuddling into the warmth of her blanket. Why was it that beds were only ever this comfortable when you had to leave it within five minutes?
Said five minutes passed. The alarm went off, once again. Astrid hissed and tried to fight the urge to press the snooze button a second time. She failed.
"Excuse me, I'm looking for the cat section."
Astrid's face lit up at the sound of the voice behind her and she turned around, to find Hiccup grin at her, hands in his pockets. She mirrored his expression and decided to play along.
"And are you looking for something specific, sir? Anything I can help you with?"
"Oh yes, actually, now that you mention it - I was looking for my girlfriend. About as tall as you, blonde hair, breathtaking blue eyes-"
His voice trailed off as Astrid, now laughing lightly, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him gently. Hiccup chuckled into the kiss and pulled her in by the waist, flush against him and found that he still couldn't stop smiling, even after days of having kissed her for the first time, somehow still not believing his own luck as his other hand gently cupped her face.
After a few seconds Astrid suddenly pulled back, a frown on her face but a glint in her eyes, her hands stilled on his chest now.
"Hang on - was that another asthma joke?"
Hiccup's grin told her everything she needed to know, so she rolled her eyes and kissed him again.
"So - fancy some non-cardboard ice cream?" she asked after they'd parted (and remembering they were still very much in public), grinning up at him.
Hiccup frowned, smiling apologetically. "Actually, I just dropped by to ask if you're free tonight and would mind cutting my hair? Technically I'm still on my shift, just took a little break."
"Oh," Astrid paused, her expression slipping for a moment, but then shrugged and smiled again. "Sure. I'll be home, just drop by whenever you can, yeah?"
"Amazing," he grinned and pressed a quick kiss on her cheek. "Thank you."
Her hands rested on his chest again as Astrid got on her tiptoes to be on the same level as him. "Anytime. Now go, the city of Berk needs you," she quipped, maybe a bit more dramatically than her smile would make you think. Hiccup rolled his eyes but leaned in for a last kiss and hugged her shortly.
"I'll see you later."
Hiccup was still grinning to himself, warmth deeply settled in his chest as he lightly pushed the door of the common room open.
"Hey guys, sorry I-"
He stopped abruptly as he saw Snotlout and Gobber, huddled together on the sofa. His cousin sat there, completely motionless, his head buried in his hands. The other fireman was speaking in hushed tones. Within a heartbeat Hiccup was at the sofa, his eyes searching Gobber's.
"What happened?"
The older man's eyes were dark, but he didn't speak. Instead Snotlout pulled his hands away from his face, almost mechanically, gaze still cast on the floor.
Hiccup's blood froze when he saw the bloodied bruise across his cousin's chin and cheek, his nose crimson red with not-yet dried blood.
"Oh, my God," he breathed out and sank down onto the floor next to him. "What happened?" he repeated, urgently.
Snotlout turned his face away again, baring his bruised cheek.
"Scott, what happened?"
There was an edge to Hiccup's voice now, and finally Snotlout turned to face him and spoke, his eyes dark.
"My Dad."
Hiccup's heart stopped for a second, a curse escaping his lips.
"Fishlegs and I have been texting," Snotlout's voice was hollow as he spoke. "Dad must've got to my phone while I was in the kitchen.
Hiccup's eyes grew wide, his heart painfully seizing, already know what exactly had happened and - more imortantly - why it had happened.
Snotlout nodded grimly and shrugged slightly. "Next thing I know, he's screaming - things and he-" he stopped, his breath hitching in his throat as he fought the fresh tears that were gathering in his eyes. "Threw me out."
The moment the tears were spilling over, he hid his face in his hands again, his shoulders starting to shake violently. Hiccup and Gobber exchanged a short look and a wordless conversation, and then Gobber abruptly got to his feet, his expression grim. There had only been a limited amount of times Hiccup had seen his uncle this furious, and yet dangerously quiet, his fists clenching and opening again as he stood in the middle of the common room. His voice was shaking with held-back rage as he spoke.
"I'm gonna go and pack a few things for you, son. You're staying with your uncle and me."
Hiccup opened his mouth, the words 'Let me go with you' on the tip of his tongue, but Gobber just held up a hand and added, "You're staying here. That bastard wouldn't dare to pick on someone his own size, I'll be fine."
Hiccup gave up quickly, knowing there would be no deterring Gobber in a moment like this, so he nodded firmly and sat down next to Snotlout.
"You're on call response until I get back," Gobber added, addressing Hiccup once more. The younger man nodded a second time.
"We're here," he said, maybe more to Snotlout than to Gobber and slowly, carefully as to not to startle his cousin, laid an arm around him as he silently shook with quiet sobs. "We're here."
"I got you some tea."
Hiccup carefully set the steaming mug down in front of his cousin, who had gone back to staring blankly at the floor in complete motionlessness.
He'd let Hiccup tend to his wounds, and the young man had been relieved none of Snotlout's open bruises had required any stitches. He sat back down next to him and after a moment of silence, quietly said, "Don't let it get cold."
Almost automatically, Snotlout reached out and took a sip from the hot beverage, clutching it tightly with both hands as he continued his staring contest with the floor.
Hiccup knew he couldn't force him to talk about anything that had happened. But right now, he wasn't even sure if it was a good idea to even go as far as ask.
Several minutes passed.
"I'm not a piece of shit, am I, Hiccup?" Snotlout's voice was hollow when he finally spoke to the ground. "Just because I'm bi. That doesn't make me a bad person, does it?"
Hiccup's heart broke a little. "Of course not," he said, his hand back on his cousin's shoulder. Snotlout shook it off reluctantly, tears gathering in his eyes again.
"So why did he say that?"
"Say what?" Hiccup probed gently, now keeping his hands away.
"That I'm not his son anymore," Snotlout choked out, eyes desperately glued to the floor. "Why would he say that?"
"I don't know," Hiccup admitted a moment later, his heart aching for his cousin who looked so young and afraid. Looking at him now, the burly young man who carried himself with confident bravado seemed more like a little boy, cowered together to make himself as small as possible. Fragile. Snotlout seemed fragile right now, and Hiccup didn't know what to do.
So he let him cry, let him lean against him and cry into his shoulder until his tears had subsided and his breathing had calmed down again.
"Do you want a sip of water?" Hiccup asked once Snotlout's shoulders had stopped shaking. The dark-haired man wiped his nose with his sleeve and nodded, almost sheepishly. Hiccup nodded and carefully got up and went into the kitchen to fetch a glass of water.
Upon his arrival he found Snotlout staring down at the ground again, resting his chin on his hands now. He shortly looked up as he heard Hiccup enter and tried a small smile.
"Thanks," he muttered as Hiccup handed him the glass and quickly emptied it, now for the first time realising how thirsty he was.
They sat in silence for a while.
"It's like I came to my senses, you know," Snotlout said then, his head in his hands again. "After what you said. About not saying anything. Fishleg's amazing, I'm not the only one who sees that. So what if somebody else does - say something. And then he'd fall for that person. Not me. So I-" he paused, still not looking at Hiccup. "So I texted him again. And we've actually agreed to meet up, after my Friday night shift. Proper dinner as well, restaurant and everything, no alcohol this time."
With this, he finally looked at his cousin, shooting him a small, unsure ever-faltering smile. Hiccup returned the expression and gently nudged his shoulder.
"See, knew you could do it," he paused for a moment, then his grin widened. "Look at you, going to candle light dinners with the guy of your dreams."
Snotlout let out a weak laugh, pretend-pushing him away lightly. "Alright, don't get too excited. Just because I took your advice doesn't mean it was very good, okay?"
"Sure, Snot, whatever you say," Hiccup grinned, making him bark out another hesitant low laugh.
"Shut up."
Gobber returned with clothes and a dark expression.
"Right," he let the pile of clothes fall onto the coffee table and turned to look at the two younger men. "I've phoned Stoick, you can sleep on the sofa until we've cleared the spare room out for you."
"Thank you, Gobber," Snotlout mumbled, a strange mix of relief and shame written over his face. "I'm really sorry for-"
"And you're not finishing that sentence," Gobber interrupted him sharply. "There's nothing to feel sorry for, son. You're welcome to stay at ours for as long as you need and want." His expression softened with every word he spoke, and finally, Snotlout smiled up at his mentor, the shame slowly vanishing.
"Thank you," he repeated, louder this time and - for the first time in hours - got up from the sofa, looking a bit sheepish. "Now I just need a toothbrush."
"I've got a spare one in my bathroom locker," Hiccup offered, relieved at the sight of the smile on his cousin's face at his words.
"Right - it's settled then, I'll get a bag for your things," Gobber decided, rubbing his hands together and giving Snotlout a quick pat on the back before he left.
Snotlout sat back down next to Hiccup, smiling softly to himself.
"Love that guy," he said, weakly pointing to the spot where Gobber had just stood. "And you too, by the way. Never said that, I think. I know I'm always acting like … you know."
"Like you're fearless and untouchable and don't need anyone?"
Snotlout snorted, side-eyeing Hiccup sheepishly and nodded. "Yeah, more or less."
Hiccup shrugged lightly and grinned. "It's okay. Thank you for saying it. And I'll be here for you, okay? Whenever Gobber and Stoick are maybe a bit too much - so maybe after, I don't know, two three … hours or so - you can come crash at my place, yeah? We'll watch those Keanu Reeves movies you like so much."
Snotlout looked at him, and for the first time this evening, felt completely calm and only grateful.
"Yeah, that'd be nice."
11 notes • Posted 2021-08-02 21:54:38 GMT
It’s Just A Spark Ch.17 - Anchor
A loud, blaring sound tore through the silence, abruptly waking Astrid from her sleep. She sat up, the mist in her head slowly fading as the noise continued.
She felt Hiccup move next to her and scramble off the plank bed, cursing under his breath.
"That's an emergency," he said then, throwing her an apologetic look. "I'm on call and response duty."
It took her a couple of seconds to understand, but when she did, Astrid nodded. "Okay."
Hiccup sighed and stepped closer to her, helmet already in his hand.
"I'm sorry."
She shrugged. "It's not your fault."
He did not look convinced. The young woman smiled at him in the dim light and kissed his cheek. "It's okay, really. Now come on, I'm waiting for your response to the call, don't waste that time with me."
"No time spent with you is wasted," he mumbled reluctantly, but got up when she laughed and pushed him away, pulling her up with him into a kiss.
He couldn't help but linger for a couple of seconds, but forced himself to let go of her.
Astrid looked up at him, her smile sobering him up.
"Don't get fried."
"Okay, guys, what do we got?"
Scott and Gobber briefly looked up as Hiccup strode into the room, slipping his gloves on. The three men exchanged a brief glance, and Gobber gave them both a short nod.
"A boat down at the docks caught fire, they don't know if anyone's still on there," Scott caught him up as they rushed towards the exit to the garage. Hiccup nodded sharply at his cousin.
"Right, let's go."
They saw the smoke minutes before they arrived at the docks.
Hiccup's heart sank at the small crowd of onlookers and stopped the engine.
"I'll take care of that and check for injuries, you get the hose ready, if anybody's inside I'll beep you," Hiccup directed Snotlout, who nodded and together they got out of the fire engine.
Hiccup scanned his eyes over the small crowd and quickly spotted Mulch, who was trying to usher people away.
"Hey, Mulch!"
The older man's head snapped up and within a few steps Hiccup was next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder.
"Do you know what happened? Is everyone alright?"
Even as he spoke, he could tell that whatever Mulch was about to tell him - it wasn't anything good. His face contorted.
"I wasn't on the boat, but I think someone's still on there - I just - I'm sorry, I tried to get everyone away, it spread to our boat after I called you."
Hiccup nodded, patting his shoulder. "It's fine, Mulch, you did good. Hey, Scott!"
Scott caught his eye and nodded when Hiccup waved towards the burning boats and then himself, signalling his intentions. Snotlout nodded, unlocking the engine and pulled the fire hose out. His shouts for people to clear the path and make way for him to get through to the hydrant were drowned out for Hiccup over the numbing buzz of the fire as he walked closer to it.
He lowered his visor and stepped inside.
The fire was biting at the wood, licking at his own feet as he tried to find a path through the flames and the smoke, desperately trying to make out any movement or figure through it all.
"Hello?" he called out, crouching below the already low deck above him.
"Is anybody here?"
A deep, rasp sound made him stop. It was faint, but distinctly different from the buzzing and crackling of the fire.
"Hello?" he shouted again, louder this time, listening carefully.
There it was again. Hiccup moved towards it, or at least to where he thought it was, and there was no room for any doubt through the rush of adrenaline and the blur around him, so he crawled closer to where the sound was coming from, and a second later he saw a figure slumped on the ground, unmoving.
His stomach dropped but his legs carried him towards the body, and then everything was happening almost automatically.
His mind was racing by the time he was out of the boat again, completely unaware of the state of the person he was carrying.
He stopped near the fire engine, dropping to the ground.
"Snot - oxygen, I need a bronchodilator ready!" he ground out, laying the person - who he now recognised to be a young man, not much older than him, younger even, a boy almost - down on the ground, quickly checking for pulse and breathing before he got him into lateral recumbent position.
Within a few moments Scott was at his side and laid a hand on his shoulder.
"You good?"
Hiccup nodded grimly, his eyes fixed on the unconscious young man as he reached into his inner pocket.
"I'm waiting for the phlegm. He needs to cough it out. You called the meds yet?"
"Yeah, they're on their way, should be two minutes away now."
"Good," Hiccup ground out, tearing the lid of his asthma spray away with his teeth.
Breathe out. Press. Inhale. Hold breath. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Exhale.
He closed his eyes, his body relaxing as he felt the weight on his chest lighten and finally disappear and drew a couple of deep breaths.
The young man on the ground rasped out a deep, heavy cough, gasping for air.
Hiccup nodded, placing a firm hand on his back to keep him from rolling on his back.
"It's okay," he murmured. "You're okay. I got you."
Hiccup allowed himself a moment of rest as they watched the ambulance drive away.
"He'll be fine," he told Snotlout, but maybe said this more to reassure himself. His cousin only nodded and gave him a short pat on the back.
"You good?"
Hiccup nodded in affirmation. "Yeah. Let's get back. Can't wait to get the report on that one done."
Scott shot him a grin and shook his head as he got behind the stirring wheel. "I'm not saying I don't admire your drive to write a mandatory formality for the sake of bureaucracy at 4 am in the morning, but I sure as hell don't understand it."
Hiccup laughed and leaned back, watching the water shimmer under the moonlight as the waves hit the shoreline.
He thought of how fragile the boat's floor had felt beneath his feet. It was then he really realised, maybe got a full grasp on it - that really, his profession was dangerous. And not only that, it would have an effect on the people in his life if something happened to him. He thought of Astrid and how he couldn't predict anything. He could spend any moment with her and it could be their last one.
His gaze fell into his lap and he realised he'd pulled out his phone. He clicked on her contact, smiling at her profile picture for a second before he typed, 'good morning! Just wanted to let you know we made it out okay, i hope you made it home okay and slept well!'
Hiccup locked his phone and put it back into his pocket, exhaling slowly.
Thinking about it like this made everything seem incredibly, terribly fragile.
But maybe, just maybe, it also felt like now he had an anchor. Someone to check in with after a mission, outside of work. He closed his eyes, letting the sudden wave of peacefulness wash over him.
He found himself almost drifting off then, just now fully realising the exhaustion settling in his bones, so he allowed himself to close his eyes for a bit until they were back at the department.
Back at the headquarters Hiccup beelined to the bathroom, indulged in a ten-minute shower, watching the grime wash down the drain, and - for good measure - washed his face with hard soap.
"You want a tea, son?" Gobber asked him as he found him sitting on the sofa in the common room, vigorously rubbing his hair dry.
The young man looked up and smiled. "Yeah, thanks."
"So," Gobber intoned conversationally, shifting from one foot to the other. "Astrid left a little while after you got called out."
Hiccup hesitated. "I thought she'd gone straight home. She stayed with you?"
His mentor shrugged. "She came down here and we sat for a bit, had a cup of tea together and talked for a while. She's a nice young woman."
He kept eyeing him from the side. Hiccup knew there was something Gobber wasn't telling him and furrowed his brow in almost-annoyance.
Gobber paused, then sighed and sat down next to him. "Listen, boy," he started, hesitating for a second. "I don't need to tell you our job is hard - and dangerous."
Hiccup snorted, taking a sip of his tea. "You can say that again."
"What I'm trying to say is," Gobber continued, still looking at him from the side, somewhat concerned almost. "Our line of work isn't exactly hazard-free. You know that. But I don't know if Astrid quite knows that." He held up his hand as a sign he was not finished yet when Hiccup opened his mouth to protest.
"Just make sure you have that conversation with her. There are stakes for you, being on the job, but there's also going to be something at stake for her if she's going to be in a relationship with you. You need to be aware of that, both of you."
Hiccup stayed silent for a few moments, staring into his mug.
Then he finally admitted, "You're right. I thought about that on our way back here, after the mission. There's no - I never know what could happen." He looked up at Gobber, and the older man was taken aback by his expression. Hiccup looked terrified.
"What if she isn't willing to take that risk? Realise that being with me is a risk?"
Gobber hesitated, but then put a hand on his shoulder, offering him a small smile. "With the way she looked when she was talking about you? Not a chance."
Finally, Hiccup smiled and took another sip of his tea. "Yeah," he murmured. "I hope you're right."
17 notes • Posted 2021-08-02 21:50:49 GMT
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