#'hairstyle' shaped helm. and its this specific pull. they name whag it is on her page. but like. why does she have a hair style at all....
istherewifiinhell · 2 months
Actually. One last thing. The copangda tf show also has. I feel like its FAIR TO SAY. A real. Slap some japanese aesthetics on these characters problem. [Two of them are from comics and. You know. American comics] and i wanna be able to say hey. This feels. Bad? The harsh samurai dude teacher gimmick. And. Hey maybe the woman looking like that. And her swords. AND being. [Child show] sex pested by the annoying dude. But like shes so cool and confident good humour rebuffing him. Is like. Also bad?
But also cause i dont know know where tf critical talk happened and u cant look it up cause all you get is movie stuff [for the dude. They did robot yellow face. Btw. In those movies] or comic fans who arent Misogynists fighting for their lives [cause. You know. 2013. Woman in comics] and its like yes. Okay. But i have this other concern?
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