#'We're so sorry this is happening because otherwise you're such perfect health it's obscene' so yay i guess???
astramachina · 6 months
Fellas (and other folks on T with a history of bad periods), I am here to say that even if HRT has killed your period, please be aware that lack of pain due to absence of bleeding does not mean your internal issues have gone away. I feel like this is obvious, but uhhhh as someone who's been in the hospital for the past 24 hours and had to go into emergency surgery and they only thing they're able to do is "control" my insides until they can "somehow minimize the damage before committing to a full hysterectomy"??????
Yeaaaaah. Get that shit checked out, ASAP.
I went to urgent care cause I thought I got real bad indigestion following Thanksgiving dinner. The doctor there legit thought I was having heart issues and sent me to the ER. The ER thought my gallbladder exploded. In truth, my endometrium has wrapped around said gallbladder, making my life hell. It's also all over the place. I have to start a six month treatment that will nuke what remains of E in my system so that they can suck everything out. Just. Ugh.
Not how I wanted to start the holidays.
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