#''Graphite 3/5 of these are literally your mutuals' fics'' AND WHAT OF IT? THEY WRITE WELL
ranboo5 · 3 years
hello!! I was wondering if u had any fic recs? I'm having a hard time finding good fics if possible around c!techno or the other syndicate members even if it's outside of the syndicate context but with those ppl? I saw in your intro post that u asked for recs so hopefully you've gotten some if not don't worry about it! ty ty
I got a few yeah! Here’s just what comes to mind  
- Sheltered; oneshot. Techno-centric, peerpressure duo propaganda feat. Philza Minecraft, largely about Technoblade Tries To Deal With Friendship Emotions; I think about the Ranboo characterization in the ending scene regularly  - Understanding Technoblade: Philza’s Observational Study of Piglin Behaviors; multi-chapter, ongoing. Set in the same ’verse as the above and also peerpressure propaganda, though more Philza POV; the characterization is again fucking delightful, and the general premise is heavily geared around figuring out communication, which is always a plus  - To Perish Twice; multi-chapter, ongoing. Fantasy AU; plot is based loosely on the characters and premises introduced in canon but is REALLY far removed, and generally less consistently fucked, which is pretty pog, and also delightful, emotional prose and electric character dynamics. Also the source of my favorite screenshot: 
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- The Ink Like Tracks In Your Skin series; a collection of oneshots. All focused on the Syndicate, and a loose AU/extensive headcanon exploration about tattoos and punk culture in relation to the Syndicate and reclaiming personhood and autonomy. The best phrase I can think of to describe this is “philosophically beautiful,” which doesn’t make any sense but like. Just. It will if you read it -- it’s fantastic character study. You Will Cry  - The Orphan’s Path series; a couple of oneshots, two finished multi-chapter fics, and another ongoing multi-chapter fic, with all the oneshots/chapters tending shorter and digestible. Also very fictionalized and excellently worldbuilt, boldly saying qpr Techno and Philza rights, and equal parts hilarious and emotionally impactful  - Call This World Home; multi-chapter, completed. The best way to describe it is with the premise: Dream is teleported out of prison by DreamXD and trapped in a 50-block forcefielded area in the Arctic commune. The Ranboo and Technoblade characterization is absolutely fucking fantastic, and the worldbuilding around Dream, DreamXD, and the server is as well. Character study/appears to be gearing redemption arc wise but like, really well done
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