#🎞. Scarlett's Route
kindan-no-kanojo Β· 9 months
Forbidden Memories will be released on August 7th.
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kindan-no-kanojo Β· 1 year
FV ☯ Rhiannon & Yuuri sprites Preview πŸ‘€βœ¨
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kindan-no-kanojo Β· 1 year
if you ever thought that me, a black butler enthusiast, would add a black butler-esque corset scene to scarlett's route, you were absolutely right
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kindan-no-kanojo Β· 1 year
☯ Route Exclusive
β€”Ghoul!Scarlett Maid
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β€”The bandages are purposefully loose. β€”It is forbidden to escape.
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kindan-no-kanojo Β· 10 months
Kino: I work better under pressure
CG spoiler below cover your eyes kids this looks terrible w/o context
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kindan-no-kanojo Β· 10 months
maniac's banner 🀝🏻 blog's pfp
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kindan-no-kanojo Β· 9 months
Fun fact about Maniac Prologue's CG πŸ‘€
It's a redraw, although the context has been almost completely revamped!
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2021 version
Back then I was already thinking about their relationship and how hard it would be for it to work out. However, I embraced that conflict JKSD and I illustrated a scene I thought of.
I didn't know much about Kino back then. I think I had LE context and some CDs, that's why his reaction is different; he's rather scared about something he should be used to by now and maybe fight instead of freezing.
Scarlett was crying; the trigger was the same (suggesting she'd take a servant role), but this version was much more emotionally impactful for her for other reasons. It also adds to Kino's surprise because it was her first time crying in front of him lol
She was also offended because Kino wasn't as aware of what being a Ghoul meant (which is half true)
It was a more romantic approach as well, so that also added to the emotional part.
Not like they won't get any closer in the new version but I thought of another approach >:)
Back to the art, Scarlett used to have a slit at the side of her skirt (RIP skirt slit 2021-2021)
They were at Kino's home, and Yuuri was the one separating them (by knocking Scarlett out LMAO)
Kino's threat of breaking her neck was in this version too, before the CG takes place. Scarlett takes his hands and brings them to her neck, inviting him to commit once she was done talking ("Talking" yelling)
2023 version
I found it better to work with with a flipped canvas for some reason.
Now, knowing Kino more, I believe he wouldn't let an attack like this slide, especially if they are not close. But they are in front of the people he wants to seems nice and redeemable to, so (?
He acted smugly and trashy as always. Even though he was not scared, he definitely took that personally πŸ—Ώ
Of course he has reasons for everything he does. 2021 me had no idea what she was doing with him
Now this cg version looks more like a mutual attack (or so i hope), bc they are both struggling. Kino holds Scarlett's arm and she holds his as they try not to let the other hit first kinda thing.
I tried to make it more obvious that he isn't struggling too much with her, more so holding back his strength (bc inconvenient timing πŸ—Ώ), with things like his body language and expression being relaxed in comparison to Scarlett's.
Context in both cases differs in many ways, but I wanted to reuse this image because snappy Ghoul >:)
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kindan-no-kanojo Β· 1 year
Forbidden Voracity ☯ Canon verse
While I do my best to follow the canon bits as accurately as I can with my own interpretations, not everything in FV follows 100% the original DL lore as it also has my own original parts that apply to this storyline only (or fill Rejet's plotholes, lol). So I made this to put DL canon and FV canon apart because I genuinely put everything into a blender when I created this story with the few details I had back then lol so this is to avoid any confusion or just to check interesting facts uwu. Here you'll find: 1) Things I adapted from DL lore, 2) DL canon facts that maybe were mentioned vaguely so I'm reaffirming them, 3) Headcanons of mine that I added for lore/character depth (for Kino and Yuuri), and 4) tidbits about Scarlett or Rhiannon that I'm reaffirming.
You're totally free to disagree with my adaptations or headcanons! You can also ask for a specific bit if you want a source or elaboration.
I will update this after finishing each arc to avoid spoilers. So far: Dark is out, and each of these points are referenced within this arc.
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☯ FV Summary
The story is heavily influenced by Lost Eden, Young Blood manga and Kino's Daylight CD.
It isn't a continuation of anyone's route (although there are quite a few references to Kino's); but rather an alternative story of the main plot, more like the 'unseen' part if you will, especially when Kino is the antagonist in another route.
Karl Heinz has passed away, and the Demon World is being ruled and stabilized by one of his sons, Sakamaki Reiji, and Komori Yui.
Here, only some Ghouls hold deep grudges on Kino: the ones who are witnesses or believe in the rumors of his doings. Since most of his victims aren't around anymore, they don't talk about what Kino has done in the past, so younger Ghouls are mostly unaware. In addition, the population is way smaller.
Kino intends to regain the respect and power he has lost after the failure of his intervention in Karl Heinz's Adam & Eve plan. For this purpose, he seeks the 'innocent' Ghouls to, somehow, start over: Ghouls that know little to nothing about him or his past are the most suitable for a starting point, and this is where Scarlett comes in. Needless to say, old habits die hard, and he's getting desperate.
Canon Ghoul summary: At the lowest in the demon hierarchy, usually discriminated against by higher clans. Physically weak, immortal, part of the 'crow clan' for their shapeshifting ability. There are both stable or unstable ones, feed on blood and flesh, very prone to insanity. Highly distrustful, stable ones self-isolate in their Land as no other place would accept them, eventually learned to live in peace by themselves.
☯ FV Canon | Adaptations
Rottenberg > Rotigenberg. Rotten Land > Rotten Fig. The Fig in this story serves little-to-no purpose, so I adapted the name of the Land where Ghouls reside to something more neutral.
Wealthy Vampires used to pick up Ghouls for servanthood freely, as opposed to higher Clans only seeking battle minions.
If a Ghoul is serving a Vampire, merchants in the Demon World are more considerate to them for their connection to the hierarchy.
Kino forces himself to be more polite at times to protect his image, instead of only using tactics such as fake kindness. It hurts him to be nice for too long tho lol.
Kino can use his magic to make himself invisible for a while. [This is half a headcanon, half an adaptation. Sakamakis can do that with Yui, so I assume he can apply it to himself.]
☯ DL Canon | Reaffirmations
The Coming-of-Age ceremony that involved Ghouls is not being held anymore.
Ghouls don't attack other Ghouls on instinct.
Ghouls can be trained for battles if that's what they are needed for, although it doesn't increase their physical strength more than average.
Time in the Demon World passes slower than in the Human World.
Yuuri is not Kino's a servant. He's with Kino by choice, even if said choice hurts him. [I talk about his reasoning here!]
Kino talks to himself, both alone and in company. He assumes no one listens to him. [I reference mutters/whispers using a tiny font.]
Kino only cusses heavily when he's startled or hurt (physically or otherwise).
Kino's senses, especially his hearing and smelling, are very sharp.
Kino hates being taken for a liar, and despises liars just as much. He deems he doesn't lie, and it is half true: He manipulates the truth to his benefit, making it ambiguous and confusing enough for him to play around with.
While Kino dislikes noisy people, he despises silence even more: He plays with his phone to distract himself from stressful situations (often failing) out of habit.
Kino's favorite type of games are Gacha games. He dislikes offline ones.
Despite his laidback, playful personality, in face of great amounts of stress, Kino tends to get very erratic, impulsive, and pessimistic to a catastrophic level: He becomes actively self-deprecating, aware of his own faults, and only sees the worst-case scenarios of a situation, with all odds against him.
Yuuri is Kino's emotional support, though Kino takes his presence for granted.
The small cabin in Rottenberg is where Yuuri and Kino grew up together as children. Whenever it's empty, unwanted intruders tend to get in. [In FV, this was turned up a notch to the point where it needs extra security, considering that Kino's presence has become more and more unwanted.]
☯ FV Canon | Added Headcanons
While it is canon that food and water lacks in the Ghouls' land, I assume that's mostly due to fruits and other foods rotting faster there. Naturally, water and soil are highly contaminated.
Aside from battle training, Ghoul servanthood can involve other tasks, from cooking and cleaning to be in charge of entertainment, or to fully protect the given mansion's safety.
Kino is punny in general [Β«Scarlett's face is scarlet!Β»]
When irritated, as he doesn't really cuss, he'd be angrily punny instead [Β«For stars' sake!Β»].
Yuuri knows about corsetry.
Yuuri dislikes sweets.
Yuuri likes to collect things such as dry leaves or pressed flowers, but he can't do that very often.
Yuuri's visual, more specifically his fashion sense, is based on the assumption that, since he takes care of Kino's finances (which is canon, he even pays for his compulsive in-game purchases), he has good money-saving skills; so, while it doesn't mean that he's wealthy, he may allow himself to look good and presentable, mainly wearing dark tones.
☯ OC Reaffirmations
Scarlett is older than Kino.
Most of Scarlett's old-fashioned clothes and makeup were given by Rhiannon.
The sudden taste of blood triggers Scarlett's Ghoulism. Blood itself boosts her strength for a while, depending on the amount she's taken.
If she puts her mind to it, she can 'hold in' the Ghoul trigger around blood for a while as long as she's aware of its presence beforehand.
The more blood she's exposed to, the hardest it is to control the Ghoulism: both its trigger and its urges.
Fully aware of what insanity looks like, Scarlett is able to fake it.
She uses her Ghoul form by default when in Rottenberg. She is able to hold it in while in the main Demon World as well if needed, but it drains her energy faster and it can show up regardless after a while.
Scarlett loves tiny, shiny and/or colorful things.
Her speech pattern turns considerably more polite when she's nervous in front of people, though she still overlooks honorifics. Other signs of nervousness are stuttering or voice cracks.
Scarlett has a demonic version of hyperthymesia; not only she can recall and narrate events effortlessly, but also, when facing an experience similar to a past one, intrusive memories may come to her mind in the form of hallucinations, visual or auditory. [More about her condition here!]
Scarlett has poor sleeping habits, especially in the Demon World. She's a light sleeper as her servanthood forced her to be alert at all times.
Rhiannon has never bitten Scarlett. Kino has.
Scarlett's blood doesn't taste as repulsive as a Ghoul's when she isn't in her Ghoul form.
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kindan-no-kanojo Β· 2 years
☯ Forbidden Voracity ☯
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Scarlett Wakahisa's story.
☯ Summary ☯ Characters ☯ Masterlist > Warnings, extra posts and more.
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[ Main Prologue ]
Dark ☯ Forbidden Meeting
[ Dark Prologue ☯ Part 1 ] [ Dark Prologue ☯ Part 2 ]
[ 01 ] [ 02 ] [ 03 ] [ 04 ]
[ 05 ] [ 06 ] [ 07 ] [ 08 ] [ 09 ] [ 10 ]
[ Dark Epilogue ☯ ] [ ☯ Choice 1 ] [ ☯ Choice 2 ]
Maniac ☯ Forbidden M̡̖̐eΜ·Ν†ΝŠΝœmΜΈΝ”Ν˜ΘΜΈΝΜžΜ‹rΜ·Μ«ΜƒΝœΔ―Μ·Μ Μ„eΜ΅ΜžΝΝœΝ Ε›ΜΈΜ‘ΜΜ‚
[ Maniac Prologue ☯ Part 1 ] [ Maniac Prologue ☯ Part 2 ]
[ 01 ] [ 02 ] [ 03 ] [ 04 ]
[ 05 ] [ 06 ] [ 07 ] [ 08 ] [ 09 ] [ 10 ]
[ Maniac Epilogue ] [ ☯ Choice 1 ] [ ☯ Choice 2 ]
Ecstasy ☯ Forbidden Girlfriend
[ Ecstasy Prologue ☯ Part 1 ] [ Ecstasy Prologue ☯ Part 2 ]
[ 01 ] [ 02 ] [ 03 ] [ 04 ]
[ 05 ] [ 06 ] [ 07 ] [ 08 ] [ 09 ] [ 10 ]
[ Ecstasy Epilogue ]
☯ Forbidden Voracity
[ ??? END ]
[ Harmony END ] [ Keeper END ] [ Reminiscence END ] [ Lost END ]
[ After Story ]
[ Heaven Prologue ]
[ Heaven 01 ] [ Heaven 02 ] [ Heaven 03 ]
[ Heaven Epilogue ]
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kindan-no-kanojo Β· 1 year
given that i just finished the lineart I kinda got the feeling that I won't finish the CG today but tomorrow instead bcuz I'll be busier than I thought later
so for now have Ghoulett going πŸ₯Ί bcuz she made a big ol oopsie?
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kindan-no-kanojo Β· 1 year
☯ Can the past really be left behind?
I used this picrew to give myself feels 😭
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kindan-no-kanojo Β· 1 year
Behold: Yuuri takes Kino and Scarlett to touch some grass.
Dark Epilogue preview ✨
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kindan-no-kanojo Β· 1 year
κ§β€’βŠΉScarlett’s Route Analysis Graph
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Based on this!
ドS β†’ Sadism 欲求 β†’ Desire 支配 β†’ Dominance γŠθ‰²ζ°— β†’ Sex Appeal / Charm バむγ‚ͺレンス β†’ Violence デレ β†’ Affection
β€» The devilish red-haired Scarlett has strong desires~. This Ghoul lady is very possessive over you. Passionate and mischievous, once you spot her charming purple eyes, you won’t want to let go!
✩. Β·Ν™ *Μ©Μ©Ν™ ˚̩Μ₯Μ©Μ₯ *Μ©Μ©Μ₯Ν™ γ€€βœ©γ€€*Μ©Μ©Μ₯Ν™ ˚̩Μ₯Μ©Μ₯ *Μ©Μ©Ν™ ‧͙ . . Β·Ν™ *Μ©Μ©Ν™ ˚̩Μ₯Μ©Μ₯ *Μ©Μ©Μ₯Ν™ γ€€βœ©γ€€*Μ©Μ©Μ₯Ν™ ˚̩Μ₯Μ©Μ₯ *Μ©Μ©Ν™ ‧͙ . ✩
⨳ With the stats being so similar it was hard to pick one to describe shortly for the text, so I made it a default 'review' sort of thing. Also, I take the 'desire' part as a synonym of 'craving', which doesn't always go towards a sexual route in Scarlett's case.
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kindan-no-kanojo Β· 1 year
last thing i'm commenting about the route for now but i think there will be a total of three (3) bite scenes throughout the whole route?? like yeah, they have to be there but it gets harder when she can turn into a rotten corpse inside out in order to stop you
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kindan-no-kanojo Β· 1 year
Bro if you hate Kino in Scarlett's route for being mean you're not ready to meet Scarlett's former ownerβ€”
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kindan-no-kanojo Β· 1 year
rn im so happy i only do a brainstorming sort of planning (?) for the route's storyline instead of writing it whole because i can change stuff easily and it wont affect what i have already written when i make mistakes/forget my own lore(????) therefore i can overlook that im so STUPID
this comes to my mind because i just remembered that scar's route is supposed to happen after lost eden's events (like literally said that myself dfkg) so that means,,,, karl is pretty much dead lmao. so she wont really meet him again.
now instead of karl i have to use the new vampire king here. aka the new adam.
aka reijiβ€”
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