mxtcha-tea · 3 years
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—sweets and mangas.
[mains も科ゐ]
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✎not using this one anymore :p
[bulletin board とくサ]
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all works belong to @mxtcha-tea. do not repost or plagiarize.
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redux-pain · 3 years
chapter 06: South End
[NOTE: There’s dialogue in the script of Akira responding to questions about Arthur, the random slasher and the Kisaragi BBS; I don’t know if I failed to pick these up by talking to him too early, or if this was removed from the game. His response about Arthur indicates that he hasn’t heard about the incident yesterday at Seagull.
edit: BBS topic can be picked up by visiting YUZI before South End in this section]
あれ? 西条? お前も映画見に来たのか?
Hmm? Saijo? You came to see a movie too?
I just finished mine.
[AKIRA:] Huh? Saijou? You here for a movie too?
I just finished seeing one.
今週は格闘物やってるから、 暇なら見てみろよ。
でもな…、一部ちょいやり過ぎな ところがあってさ…。
There’s this one about  fighting you should see.
But it gets pretty rough this one time.
[AKIRA:] They have one about martial arts showing this week. You’ve gotta see it if you have the time.
But... it does have this part that’s pretty over the top...
あの動きはまず、人間じゃ どれだけ鍛えても出来ないって。
まあ、映画だし、フィクションだから そこ割り切れば楽しんだけどな。
んで? 西条は映画見に来たのか? 俺に何か用なのか?
That guy’s movements were like some kinda superhuman.
But it’s a movie. That  makes the movie interesting.
[AKIRA:] The moves are stuff no human could do no matter how much they train.
But, it’s a movie. Fiction is fun because it’s nothing like reality.
So? Are you here for a movie? Or do you want something from me?
{TALK first time:
ん? だから俺に何の用だって 聞いてるんだけどさ。
その様子だと映画を見に来たって わけじゃなさそうだよな。
どうした、言ってみろよ。 ほら。
That’s why I’m asking if you need me for something.
There’s no way you came to see a movie, y’know.
What’s wrong? C’mon, tell me.
[AKIRA:] Hm? Yeah, that’s why I asked if you needed something.
I can tell by looking you’re not here to see a movie.
What is it? C’mon, tell me.
{TALK second time:
だから何なんだって聞いてるだろ? はっきり言えよな。
男がグジグジしてるのが 俺は一番嫌いなんだよ。
That’s why I’m asking you! Just spit it out!
I hate guys who beat around the bush.
Say it, dammit!
[AKIRA:] Like I said, what is it? Hurry up and tell me.
There’s nothing I hate more than guys who beat around the bush.
Come on, spit it out!
{TALK third time:
ああ、もう、早く言え! しまいにゃキレるぞ!?
Oh man, help me if you don’t come out with it...
[AKIRA:] God, just say it! I’m about to snap, here!
{TALK fourth time:
頼むから言ってくれ……。 俺も疲れてきたって……。
Please, tell me. I’m tired of asking...
[AKIRA:] Please just tell me... I’m tired, man...
{FAILURE OPTION I saved before figuring out:
何だ? 特に用はないのか?
それじゃ、俺行くわ。 じゃあな。
[AKIRA:] What? You don’t need anything special?
I’ll be leaving, then. See ya.
{INFO (or MEMORY?): Arthur:
ん? アーサー先生か? 最近来てないよな…。
ヤヨイがすごく心配してるしさ、 先生の授業は凄いからな。
先生の授業受けたら、 西条きっと感動するぞ。
まあ、早く良くなってくれると 良いよな。
Hmm? Mr. Arthur? Haven’t seen him around lately.
Yayoi’s really worried. His class is amazing, y’know.
You’d be moved too if you were taking his class.
Well, I hope he gets better soon.
[AKIRA:] Hm? Arthur-sensei? I haven’t seen him [at school] recently...
Yayoi’s really worried. His classes are really something, y’know.
You’d be really moved if you got to take one.
Well, I sure hope he gets better soon.
{ARTHUR second time:
Yeah, I want him to get well soon.
[AKIRA:] I really want him to get better soon.
{INFO (or MEMORY?): Phantom Killer:
通り…、通り魔か…、 ああ、先日出たらしいな。
そんなの警察に任せとけ。 変に首���っ込もうとかするなよ。
T-The Phantom Killer? He apparently left yesterday.
I saw a bit on the news.
So why are you askin’ me?
Leave that to the cops. OK? Don’t go interferring!
[AKIRA:] The... slasher...? Yeah, I heard he showed up the other day.
That’s just something I saw on the news.
So why are you asking me about it?
You better leave that to the cops. Don’t go sticking your nose in it.
{KILLER second time:
I want him captured ASAP.
[AKIRA:] Hope they catch him soon.
キサラギ掲示板か? 俺もたまに書き込んでるぜ。
西条も書き込んでみろよ。 結構レスはいいほうだせ。
The Kisaragi Bulletin? Yeah sometimes I post stuff.
You should try too, Saijo. You usually get responses.
[AKIRA:] The Kisaragi BBS? Yeah, I post there sometimes.
You should try posting too. Some of the replies are really good.
{INFO: LastYear’sIncident
一昨日の事で変に首突っ込みたく なったんだったら止めてくれ!
Why are you asking those  kinds of questions?
Don’t get involved because of the incident 2 days ago!
[AKIRA:] Wha...?!
Why’re you asking about that?!
Are you sticking your nose in because of what happened the day before yesterday? Butt out!
怒りで顔を歪める アキラの心に、 恐怖の思念が渦巻き始めた。
[AKIRA:] I don’t wanna talk about it anymore!
/A Thought of terror whirled in Akira’s heart as his face contorted with anger./
狂気な笑み Insane Smile Insane Smile
心の奥底に封じ込めている 過去の事件を思い出し、 よみがえった怒りと恐怖。
The sealed fear and anger over past incidents that are sealed  away in the mind.
The stirring memory of anger and fear over something that happened in the past, sealed in the depths of his heart.
What a bizarre smile
A bloody hatchet
Mika’s arm bleeding
Here he comes
A bizarre smile
Hunting knife covered with blood
Mika’s arm gushing blood
He’s coming for me
Help me
[REPEATING:] I’m scared
[REPEATING:] Someone help
I cling onto him
He crumpled
He’s down
I lock my arms around him without a plan
Squeezing him tight
He falls
I won
I was just  lucky
I won
It was sheer chance
アキラは軽く舌打ちをすると、 そのまま不機嫌そうに 去っていった。
Akira sucks his teeth as he walks away, looking quite upset.
[AKIRA:] Tch...
/Akira clicked his tongue softly as he walked away, looking sullen./
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