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This is not an item, but here is my beautiful crested gecko. Her name is Cresty since she is in fact a crested gecko.  I know many people do not find any reptiles cool, so that is why I chose Cresty as something that is not seen as cool. These types of geckos are actually very interesting because they do not need any heat to live. They are very tropical lizards, which means they thrive in temperatures from 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit. The most important aspect that these lizards need to survive is moisture. Every day I go to Cresty’s cage and I spray water on the sides and on the tree she has to climb, keeping her comfortable in her habitat.
These lizards are the only ones of its kind that cannot grow its tail back. These species of lizards, as you can see form the picture, have beautiful tails that are usually lighter than its whole body. The only reason Cresty still has her tail is because of all the attention I give her. In a natural habitat, if Cresty was shown something that scared her, her tail would fall off due to fear. In other caged environments, crested gecko tails can fall off do to the same kind of fear or from stress. These creatures are very calm and love to be at high surfaces. They are very intricate animals and hard to understand, this could be why not many people will think Cresty is cool at first sight.
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This is one of my favourite photo which I think is cool, but someone think it is not impressive. This picture records the first day I was in Sahara desert. It was took after long march from Marakesh to Sahara desert. I slept in the bus and when we arrived in Sahara, I opened my eyes and felt that everything liked a dream. I saw my traveling companion who came from all over the world were happy and cheerful. They enjoyed the beautiful landscape in front of them. In that moment, I seemed to gain the unprecedented warm and peace. Then I took this picture which I considered as deja vu. In Sahara, I had a miracle travel with my boyfriend. We happened to the big storm in Sahara and we saw the most beautiful starry sky in our life. We cannot forget the night in Sahara forever. This picture always reminds me the miracle experience in Sahara. It is one of the coolest travel in my life.
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andrewlsy · 5 years
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     Considering a sauce as cool stuff is strange, but this spicy sauce is definitely something cool for me. It is a glass bottle that contained a reddish-orange blend packed with dried chilies and spices. Most people in the west have never eaten or even known about this sauce. This sauce is called Lao Gan Ma, which is a brand of chili sauces made in China. It is very popular in China, which 1.3 million bottles of the sauce are produced daily. In China, you can find Lao Gan Ma in every kitchen. When I first came to the USA, I am unable to adapt to American food. Once, I found Lao Gan Ma in local Chinese Supermarket. I am not a good cooker, but this chili sauce saves me. The one reason I love this chili sauce is its taste. Lao Gan Ma is not like other spicy sauce. It’s crunchy, a texture it owes to an abundance of dried chilies that are fried and crushed. What I do is adding spicy chili crisp on the fried rice and stir to make a delicious meal. I often order a noodle without spicy sauce to go and eat it with Lao Gan Ma. I am addicted to this sauce, and it is indispensable for me.  Why do I think it is so cool? Because It can turn any food delicious. 
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supermonstar-blog1 · 5 years
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The Thing that I think it’s COOL
This is a mango desert Tai Mang Le (Too Much Mango) that I had in Wuhan, China in 2017.  It is not only cool by its appearance, but also by its inside. It was served in 800 ml (about 28oz) giant cup, and there are even some other things above the cup size. The cup contains mainly the mango juice ice-shake with some cream above, and above the cup is the sticky sweet rice which surrounded by full of the real mango. To make this dessert would take three or four real mangos. The first and second mango would be through into the juice extractor as the basement of the mango ice-shakes. The third mango or the fourth mango (depend on the size of the mangos) would be slide into pieces and put like a flower in order to contain the sticky sweet rice that above the ice-shakes.  All of these steps need the cook's patience and carefulness to not make any mistake in each step since even a small mistake would mess up the whole performance of this work. I remember that we can clearly see the process of making this dessert because there are glass doors outside the kitchen. When it comes to my hand, I am not only surprised by the size of this dessert, but also the taste of that. The taste is not simply sweet and the different layers of ingredients totally make the mango become unique since it can be drunk with a straw inside, and also can be eaten with the spoon that above the cup. All in all, I still can feel the happiness that this dessert gives me only by looking at this image, and this is the coolest dessert that I have ever seen.
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jellyjelly-things · 5 years
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This spring break, I visited machu picchu in Peru, South America. It's one of the seven wonders of the world, which is pretty cool. Machu picchu, the "lost city" of the Inca empire, rises 2,400 meters above sea level on a steep, narrow ridge between senile and youthful peaks, the most inaccessible peaks in the andes. In the Inca language, machu picchu stands for "old mountain top". Machu picchu is 120 kilometers from the then capital city of Cuzco. Hundreds of years ago, there was only a narrow Inca trail between machu picchu and Cuzco. Today, when visitors arrive on tour trains, they are struck by the prospect of machu picchu sliding down a steep, uninhabited ridge on which the incas built their city.The fun is in exploring the route to machu picchu. Because when we go to machu picchu, we first check into the city of cusco, and there are two routes to start from cusco. The most popular route is from Cuzco and then transfers to aguascalientes by train, and then the last 8 km or so by bus to machu picchu.It's so cool to finally see the magnificent architecture on a hiking expedition in machu picchu!
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These buildings are where the ancient inhabitants of the amazon river lived. The transportation is not convenient, the water and electricity are not available, in many people's eyes, this kind of life style is not cool in the 21st century, even very backward. But I thought it was really cool. I lived in a hut in the amazon jungle for three days. This is very cool, in the absence of electricity and the Internet, the communication between people is closer, every night did not stay up late but go to bed early. During the day we ventured into the jungle, caught piranhas, saw monkeys and sloths in the trees, and pink amazon dolphins in the river. This is so cool !!!!
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blog-ty-phillips · 5 years
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This is my superhero belt. It’s most definitely not considered fashionable, and anyone besides me that is past 5 years old probably wouldn’t be caught dead in it. Let me give you a little back story about how I came to own it. When I took a trip to tour colleges last summer, I forgot to pack my normal belt. We ended up at a Target, so I decided that I would buy a belt to spare myself from having to pull up my pants every two seconds for the next week. However, all of the adult belts were $20 and up (mind you I already own two perfectly good belts at home). So I decided to buy a kid’s belt to save myself some money. When I got back home, I found myself wearing it as a symbol of confidence on days that I felt sheepish or doubtful. The fact that superheroes were literally supporting me gave me the little extra boost I needed to get through the day. And to add to it, similar to a superhero’s secret identity, nobody even knew that I was wearing it. My belt may not be a Louis or Gucci belt, but it served and continues to serve me well.
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veroperezblogs · 6 years
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When my mom asked me what I wanted for my 17th birthday, I just told her to surprise me.
This was certainly a surprise.
I don’t know what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn’t a glass ball filled with tiny shrimp. Her excitement as I opened the gift only confused me even more, because what on earth could be so cool about… whatever that was? She must have seen my puzzled expression, because she immediately began to explain her reasoning behind thinking — “Ah, yes. I know what my daughter would like for her birthday: a ball with shrimp in it.”
This glass sphere, she told me, is called the Ecosphere, and it has 8 incredibly tiny shrimp inside of it along with algae, bacteria and other microorganisms, a fake sea fan, decorative shells, and lightweight gravel. Because it can’t be opened in any way, the Ecosphere runs on energy. Indirect light and carbon dioxide in the water — mainly given off by the shrimp and the bacteria — enable the algae to produce oxygen. The shrimp then breathe it in and eat the algae as well as bacteria in the water. Meanwhile, the bacteria break down the shrimps’ waste into nutrients that the algae uses to grow. Now, tell me that isn’t cool. It’s a self-sustaining ecosystem! The coolest thing is that the idea came from two scientists and was further developed by NASA, who saw it as an opportunity to study the Earth’s biosphere and to conduct research on the construction of space stations to explore our solar system. In the simplest terms, this sphere represents our planet on a tiny scale: we are the little shrimp, forever as dependent on the organisms around us as they are on us. But maybe the absolutely coolest part is that I can’t forget to feed or water it. I have killed many plants and fish in my days, but the Ecosphere is so low-maintenance not even I could manage to kill it (hopefully).
I don’t care that most of my friends look at me weird for being sort of obsessed with Jacques — as I lovingly call all the shrimp after the character in Finding Nemo. Now, the Ecosphere sits proudly in my bookshelf as the little shrimp swim happily in their glass home.
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topher7774777-blog · 6 years
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This is my Champion crewneck sweatshirt. Champion used to be cool when my dad was growing up, and then it sort of dropped off a little bit. However, Champion is making a comeback as I see more people wearing it. I love this sweatshirt and I have always considered it “cool” but then again, my opinion would only matter if I am, myself, “cool” as the laws of cool say. Champion has become cool once again because only a few people wear it. If everybody started to wear it, then it wouldn’t be cool anymore according to the cool laws. People are wearing it because of the vintage aesthetic aspect of the brand. It has a sense of style that was once cool in the past and now is becoming cool again, or already has become cool, because of the people that wear it and the way they wear it (with other “cool” articles of clothing).
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These are my crocs, which many people consider nerdy. I think they are cool because I like them a lot and there are plenty of “cool” people who wear them. To be honest, I’m not sure I am considered cool, but regardless there are still a lot of cool people who wear them. A lot of people say they are not cool because a lot of uncool people wear them, which puts a negative connotation on the brand. I think that just because uncool people wear them, shouldn’t mean that things can’t be cool. A lot of cool people do wear them, and there is a gap between the uncool people and the cool people who wear them. So, in this case crocs are cool or uncool, depending on context. If you are a cool person who wears them then they are cool, but if you aren’t cool then you wearing them makes them uncool, just in that certain situation. Regardless, when cool people wear these shoes they are cool.
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Dave Grohl, lead singer for the Foo Fighters, is one of the most recognizable rock artists of the last decade. He has taken what it means to be a rock star to an entire new level. He can play the guitar and play the drums, his voice is electric, and he and his band sell out venues all the time. But I am selecting this item, a poster of a young Dave on a motorcycle. He is not holding a lighting bolt, he is not sticking up a very nice finger so I decided to cover it with that. Anyways, most people ask me who is on my poster. Or they say that “that’s who my dad likes” or “classic rock is whack”. People do not listen to the kind of music I enjoy. People my age like the electronic music that is produced from a computer. My love for rock music is probably my most unique quality. I think that bands such as the Foo Fighters, The Dave Matthews Band, and The Red Hot Chili Peppers. But people just don’t anymore. They find it un-cool. But they are wrong, there is so much history in rock music, so much passion. My music is cool, and my music makes me who I am. And I’m proud of that.
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cloudysunshine · 6 years
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Something I own that people may find uncool are my point 03 black pilot pens. Most people don’t think twice about the pens they use, but for me this is vital. The gentle and thin lead of the pen keeps my work neat and organized. I also think pilot pens are cool because they have such a vast variety of colors. They have the basic colors, red, blue, green and black, but they also have cool colors like pink, maroon, purple, light blue, orange. People might think that pilot pens are uncool because they probably have not used these pens. I started using these pens when I was in sixth grade, initially I started off using the basic colors with 07 lead. As I grew older, I learned that there were different leads. When I started college, I learned about the 05 lead, and that was life changing. The precision of my notes were beautiful. Fortunately, my ink ran out and I went to buy more pens, and I discovered the 03 lead. When I speak to my friends they think 03 is too thin, but they have not evolved to understand how clean and precise the 03 point is. When everyone gets on the pilot 03 lead bandwagon I will be off to the 0.001 lead. 
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marianaarcaya · 6 years
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ccccccheryl-blog · 6 years
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belosigrid · 5 years
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This is a mini notepad that can get from any bookstore, or website like amazon, eBay, etc. Very normal, not cool. I also think in this way before, however, I changed my mind after using it, and now I want to persuades you to believe that it’s actually cool. I can still remember the first time I used it was in a café, I was reading a traveling magazine, and many places in the magazine attracted me, so I wrote them done in this notepad. After that, I regarded this notepad as my wishing lists, I gradually form the habit to write done the specific information and my personal feelings about the countries, cities, specific stores, hotels, restaurants, even the clothes, daily uses, etc, which I like in this mini notepad. I like to “collect” these interesting, fancy, unique places and objects, although I can’t actually own them, at least they belong to me in this notepads. Some of the places and objects has been ruled out, since I finished them up or for some reason that they don’t attract me anymore. So, this notepad isn’t cool enough for itself, but it becomes super cool since I use it in a cool way, and I highly recommend you to use this normal notepad in your cool way, and please share it to me!
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allllicat · 5 years
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To most people, this may just look like a door covered in stickers.  But to me, each sticker brings me back to a different memory of the past 7 years of my life.    In 2012, I  moved to Miami, and humbly taped on a psychedelic poster to the center of my door. At the time, I thought it was the coolest poster, and my “edgy” fourteen year old self was content with just that.  I also always had a box full of stickers from events and brands, but I just never knew where to put them, until I met my friend Tiffany.  Her room was full of stickers, lights, posters, and tapestries, and I thought it was the coolest room I had ever seen.  So, one day when I got home, I  fished out my sticker box, and began stickering my door.  I really underestimated the amount of stickers I had,  because only a quarter of my door was covered.   But, over the past six years, I’ve gone to  countless shows, events, and ordered a ridiculous amount of clothes (hehe), to a point where I  have so many stickers, that I'm trying to conserve door space.  
I think the coolest thing about my door  is the left side where all the wristbands are hanging.  One of my favorite things to do is attend music festivals. So far, I’ve attended 20 music festivals, (3 rap festivals, and 17 electronic music festivals).  For every big festival I attend, I will always hang my wristband or ticket on my door.  Most people wouldn't really find this cool because it’s just some stickers and old tickets.  But it truly means everything to me.  I always promise my parents that when I move out, I am absolutely taking the entire door with  me. 
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I think my bookbag is pretty cool even though some people may think it is not. When people think of bookbags, they might think of school. A lot of my friends don’t use them and are usually unprepared. But you can put so much in your bookbag. If you have class, you will be prepared. Or if you are going on a trip, you can pack your clothes in your bookbag. There also so many different types of book bags. You can have super plain ones or really fancy ones. There are bookbags from all different types of brands. They can be expensive like Gucci or MGM or ones you get from Walmart. Mine is from my school and it can represent that I am a football players because we all have them. People might also think it is uncool because it is Adidas but I think it would be more cool if it was Nike. However, it was free so that is even more cool because I did not have to pay for it. It also has my name on it and that makes it stand out. Not many people walk around with an official sports tag on their bookbag with their name on it.  
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mitchhens · 5 years
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This is my longboard that I got between the fall and spring semester. It’s made by the company “lost” which is mainly a clothing and surfboard company. Around 2013 lost decided to do a promotion called “kampus kruisers” and the idea was that lost would make a bunch of skateboards with different college logo’s on them and all the new kids going to those colleges, suddenly in need of convenient transportation around campus, would buy their board. Long story short it flopped with lost getting 9 colleges on board and selling hardly any. One of these colleges was NYU which is near my hometown. Fast forward to Christmas break when I was looking for a skateboard for the spring semester and I find this guy on Craigslist who says he used to work for lost and has like a storage unit full of these things (NYU ones) and he’s basically trying to get rid of them. I paid 10$ for the board and another 7$ for a can of white spray paint to cover up the NYU logo but what I came out with was a stylish purple longboard that got me where I needed to be, and many would pay in the triple digits for (based on looks and the fact longboards are really expensive not build). The board itself is heavy because it’s poorly made with inefficient materials and hardly turns, but it’s still faster and easier than walking, there’s probably a couple hundred of these in existence, and it cost me about the same as my average chipotle order. Taking all of this into consideration,I think, is enough to consider this board cool.
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