#﹙✧﹚― ɪᴛ's ᴄʜɪɪ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ( ooc. )
goldguile-a · 5 years
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claude whistles and hums to himself whilst walking around the monastery, both as a student and as an adult
that’s it
that’s the headcanon for the day
this comes entirely from watching joe zieja play 3h, yes--
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heartswayed · 5 years
you know i’m thinking about it and sakura is probably the only one of the royal siblings that has never pissed celi off in some way.
i’ve talked about xander, and ryoma can be painted in a similar light. ryoma wins with celi because where xander feels like the most rigid brick wall she could talk to, ryoma is more flexible... though she’s worried it’s because he’s so desperate to have her back he’ll just go along with whatever she says if it means she’ll stay in hoshido.
camilla is overbearing and clingy, hinoka let so much of her life revolve around finding araceli and bringing her home-- she feels like a possession rather than a person.
leo and takumi are colder and more abrasive in nature-- things that aren’t so bad on their own, but give it 300 years and you really want to start throttling them sometimes-- takumi has the added bonus of his yelling at celi right before the branch of fate. 
elise... is consistently rude to sakura in that conquest dinner scene in izumo. it’s small, and elise definitely makes up for it later by being kind to sakura during the latter’s imprisonment, but every time araceli hears elise tear sakura a new one for just saying hi, she gets up from the table and leaves without a word-- though you could definitely tell she is angry. she used to scold elise publicly for being rude to sakura. she’s lost the energy in later loops.
sakura... has done literally nothing wrong. precious baby angel. must protecc.
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arenablessings · 5 years
Anyways lms for a oneliner from líf or slídr bc im. really really feeling them!
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tag dump 01.
﹙⋆﹚― ᴋɴɪɢʜᴛʟʏ ᴅᴜᴛɪᴇs ( ic. )
﹙⋆﹚― ɪᴛ’s ᴄʜɪɪ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ( ooc. )
﹙⋆﹚― ᴀᴡᴀʏ ᴏɴ ᴀ ᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ( queue. )
﹙⋆﹚― ʟᴇᴛᴛᴇʀʙᴏx ( asks. )
﹙⋆﹚― ʙᴜʟʟᴇᴛɪɴ ʙᴏᴀʀᴅ ( prompts. )
﹙⋆﹚― ᴍᴏɴᴀsᴛᴇʀʏ ᴍᴜʀᴍᴜʀs ( dash comm. )
﹙⋆﹚― sʜᴇɴᴀɴɪɢᴀɴs ( dash games. )
﹙⋆﹚― ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ ᴏғ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴇsᴛ ( promo. )
﹙⋆﹚― ᴄʜɪɪ’s ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴏɴ ʜᴇʀ ʙᴜʟʟsʜɪᴛ ( self promo. )
﹙⋆﹚― ʟᴇᴠᴇʟ ᴜᴘ ( headcanon. )
﹙⋆﹚― ᴛʜᴇ ᴀsʜᴇɴ ᴅᴇᴍᴏɴ ( character study. )
﹙⋆﹚― ᴘᴀɪɴᴛɪɴɢs ( gallery. )
﹙⋆﹚― sᴛᴜᴅʏ ɢᴜɪᴅᴇ ( reference. )
﹙⋆﹚― ᴡᴀʀ ᴅʀᴜᴍs ( audio. )
﹙⋆﹚― ᴋᴇᴇᴘsᴀᴋᴇs ( saved. )
﹙⋆﹚― ғᴜᴄᴋ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʜᴜʀᴄʜ ᴛʙʜ ( crack. )
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goldguile-a · 5 years
i need to leave for work in 15 minutes, but have a one-liner call for when i get home? <3 it’ll likely be pre-timeskip or heroes!! 
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goldguile-a · 5 years
> rereads the wiki to double check something
> nader's and judith's profiles have been updated
> visible confusion
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goldguile-a · 5 years
☜ & ☞
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okay so ship Number One that i have here so far is dimitri and claude and mmmmmmmmmmmm i love them??
the ship mainly exists in a pre-time skip, blue lions, as well as a ‘fifth route’ verse since uh, dimitri’s doomed in everything not blue lions??? the slow build from acquaintances to friends to testing the waters with dating as they open up to each other in the school phase is… good… unfortunately they’re unsure if it can last given the political aspect of their positions, but they’re happy for now and that’s all that matters. they’re enjoying their youth! 
then edelgard starts the war, they’re separated, and claude spends five years thinking the man he loves was executed for regicide. when he finds dimitri again, almost everything claude fell for is so far buried that he might as well be a different person… and he barely acknowledges him, so hellbent on his revenge and taking down edelgard. he doesn’t give up on him, though. not while there’s a chance he can be helped. ( and he does believe in that with all his heart– blue lions’ route proves it. )
the reconnect after byleth pulls dimi back from the brink is also good… realizing the other never let go of those feelings even though it’s been five years and starting over to build something that lasts !!! look nox it’s just. IT’S GOOD… 
a ship i do want, though? hmmm… it would take a lot of talking and plotting for me to want to go for it but claude/byleth is valid and good? i’m a little salty they went the chrom route and only let you marry him as f!byleth, but it’s still a valid ship. 
@noxloved | meme.
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goldguile-a · 5 years
somebody motivate me to make claude’s icons
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goldguile-a · 5 years
while there’s too little evidence to prove godfrey von riegan’s death was premediated, looking into the situation and their general disposition towards him has given claude enough reason to believe that house gloucester is responsible-- especially in the golden deer route, when it’s him and his class that participates in the death toll paralogue. 
he believes lorenz is entirely innocent in the scheming, though. lorenz would never sacrifice commoners to achieve his goals-- it goes entirely against his principles of nobility. 
as a result, whenever representatives of house gloucester are in derdriu for conferences, claude is very careful with all food and drink in his estate. he would not put it past them to try and poison house riegan... or worse, frame him for trying to poison the other lords to finally usurp the ruling power. 
a book in the library in garreg mach states that godfrey had a daughter, but that she is presently unaccounted for. i’m choosing to ignore the ‘unaccounted for’ bit. claude’s cousin is alive and well in house riegan, but she is also a very young girl and crest-less. their grandfather did not want to make her his heiress for these reasons, but godfrey was killed before he could produce a second child. claude gets along with his cousin, acting sort of like a big brother figure to her as she is too young to be prejudiced against his heritage.
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heartswayed · 5 years
friendly reminder celi vastly prefers ryoma to xander
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goldguile-a · 5 years
yeets another oneliner call here bc im gonna try and write tonight.....
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goldguile-a · 5 years
golden deer spoilers under the cut but it both makes me laugh and gives me feelings so here it is
claude was present when introducing nader to holst, in order to mediate. thankfully the two hit it off by swapping war stories and drinking... and had claude stay with them to join in, leading to what would be the worst hangover of claude’s life. he jokes that he’s never drinking again after that night, but to see a noble from fodlan and the king of almyra laughing and joking and telling stories together... he’d willingly give himself alcohol poisoning to bolster even more friendships, if this is what it’ll take for the walls to start breaking.
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heartswayed · 5 years
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i said to myself that i wasn’t going to do this but then i actually had a good idea for it so here we are! have a celi 3h verse and tag drop???
i thought about doing a ‘born in fodlan’ verse, but nothing i thought of was really gelling with me-- so this is going to be yet another outrealm verse. rather than ascend the throne of valla after anankos’ defeat, araceli leaves fateslandia altogether, never to return. she heads for the dragon’s gate with the yato, her dragonstone, and most precious keepsakes in hand. with no set destination in mind, she passes through. wherever she ends up will certainly be better than the war torn continent she’s leaving behind... right?
she steps into fodlan, ready for an adventure and a new beginning... only to be thrown into utter chaos. bandits are besieging a nearby town, and unwilling to let innocents be harmed araceli throws herself into the fray to protect them. unfortunately, their sheer numbers are a bit much to handle on her own so soon in a foreign land... but thankfully, byleth and their chosen house were sent to deal with these bandits. upon clearing the ruffians out, celi expresses interest in the monastery and explains she is... admittedly rather lost.
upon returning to the monastery she will take up a position with the knights of seiros after telling her story and sharing her wish for a fresh start. from there, she will be recruitable. that said, she is loyal to the church for giving her the opportunity to start anew in their ranks. it goes without saying that she will not be swayed from that... and thus is not available in the black eagles route.
her strengths are in swords, faith/reason magic, and flying. she has weaknesses in heavy armor and bows, as well as a budding talent in lances.
should she survive the war, she will continue serving the knights of seiros for as long as she lives, completely content with her new role in life. she’d be romanceable by both byleths. while her dragonstone will hang from her neck like a pendant, she does not transform. in fact, upon certain suggestions she changes her hairstyle to better hide her long ears...
(◈)▸ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇᴅɢᴇ ᴏғ ᴅᴀᴡɴ. ( verse: three houses )
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heartswayed · 5 years
sb talk to me abt celi letting go of her anger towards xander and working to forgive him bc while she's very justified in being resentful and bitter she's also??? clinging to those negative feelings way too much?
early revelation is fueled by celi being angry and jaded but she needs to learn to let go and xander is a wonderful place to start...
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goldguile-a · 5 years
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———  BASICS! ♡
NAME! ♡  peppermint PRONOUNS! ♡     she/her ZODIAC SIGN! ♡    libra TAKEN OR SINGLE! ♡   single !! 
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1! ♡    my favourite colour is seafoam green!!
2! ♡   i bought a 48 pack of ohuhu brush markers on a whim bc someone on youtube recommended them, and i love them !!! they’re great!
3! ♡    i am a huge fan of tea, and am kind of craving a cup right now... but since i already have a bottle of ginger ale on hand, i should probably finish that first.
PLATFORMS USED! ♡    tumblr, skype, discord, deviantart, forums, does anyone out there actually remember that msn groups thing--
GENDER! ♡     if the character is compelling and has a story i think they can tell, it really doesn’t matter.
LEAST FAVOURITE FACE(S)! ♡  mmmm i never know what this question means when i see it... face claims? i guess it weirds me out seeing real life faces in animated settings when there’s a plethora of available source material for a character...
MULTI OR SINGLE! ♡    i don’t really have a preference? singles are nice when you want to focus and lock down one good portrayal. multis are convenient because everything’s in one place, but they get cluttered so fast...
FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡  fluff and angst, babey!!! i don’t write smut in public-- and certainly not with just anyone. i’ve tried. it makes me kinda uncomfortable. you have to be a very close friend for me to even consider it, really.
PLOT / MEMES! ♡    yes.
tagged by: i stole it from @lifelirius !! tagging: whomstve ever!
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heartswayed · 5 years
sometimes i think i'm writing celi as too bitter and then i realize no no, she's justified. and besides, justified or not, being overly bitter about things is a flaw. yes good, work with it.
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