ashitakaxsan · 7 months
Tezuka Sensei's Birthday Are Today:)
With a Warm Kiss to the sky and a very Happy Birthday to Osamu Tezuka, who today would have been 95 years old. Osamu Tezuka was born on November 3, 1928.
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Tezuka sensei began what was known as the manga revolution in Japan,with his New Treasure Island published in 1947. His output would spawn some of the most influential, successful and well-received manga series including the children's mangas Astro Boy, Princess Knight and Kimba the White Lion, and the adult-oriented series Black Jack, Phoenix and Buddha, all of which won several awards.
In 1967, in response to the magazine Garo and the gekiga movement, Tezuka sensei created the magazine COM.Thus he radically changed his art from a cartoony, Disney-esque slapstick style towards a more realistic drawing style; at the time the themes of his books became focused on an adult audience. A common element in all these books and short stories is the very dark and immoral nature of the main characters. The stories are also filled with explicit violence, erotic scenes, and crime.
空に温かいキスを送り、今日で95歳になるはずだった手塚治虫さんのお誕生日おめでとうございます。 手塚治虫は1928年11月3日生まれ。
با یک بوسه گرم به آسمان و تولد بسیار مبارک تزوکا اوسامو که امروز 95 ساله می شد. تزوکا اوسامو در 3 نوامبر 1928 به دنیا آمد.
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uncleben9666 · 2 years
2022 The Blissful Dragon & Lion Dance Performance #雪隆蒲種卓越龍獅體育會 12週年纪念盛典 ...
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rosescrystal · 2 months
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tqshengnantemple · 4 months
台中清水聖南寺 永騰法師
台中清水聖南寺於 1958 年(民國 47 年)落成,位於台中清水鰲峰山,東臨清水區第一公墓,附近建有紫雲巖、三山國王廟等,是內修外弘的道場。
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changchaokan · 1 year
──────────原文────────── 漢家常以正月上辛祠太一甘泉,以昏時夜祠,到明而終。常有流星經於祠壇上。使僮男僮女七十人俱歌。春歌青陽,夏歌朱明,秋歌西暤,冬歌玄冥。世多有,故不論。 又嘗得神馬渥洼水中,復次以為太一之歌。歌曲曰:「太一貢兮天馬下,霑赤汗兮沫流赭。騁容與兮跇萬里,今安匹兮龍為友。」後伐大宛得千里馬,馬名蒲梢,次作以為歌。歌詩曰:「天馬來兮從西極,經萬里兮歸有德。承靈威兮降外國,涉流沙兮四夷服。」中尉汲黯進曰:「凡王者作樂,上以承祖宗,下以化兆民。今陛下得馬,詩以為歌,協於宗廟,先帝百姓豈能知其音邪?」上默然不說。丞相公孫弘曰:「黯誹謗聖制,當族。」 【中略】 ──────────翻譯────────── 漢代朝廷常在正月上旬的「辛日」於甘泉宮祭祀太一神(漢家常以正月上辛祠太一甘泉),從黃昏開始夜祀,到黎明時結束(以昏時夜祠,到明而終)。時常有流星劃過…
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huouting · 1 year
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1-2.南宋 平江府圖 碑(宋 紹定二年,1229年) #國寶 #碑刻 #map #地圖 #平江府圖 3.南宋 帝王紹運圖 碑(宋 淳祐七年 1247年) #chinesehistory #chineseemperor #帝王紹運圖 4.南宋 天文圖 碑 #天文圖 #song dynasty 5.南宋 地理圖 碑 #地理圖 6.南宋 思無邪公生明 碑 司馬光 書 #書道 #司馬光 7.三國 廉石 三國·吳 陸績 遺物 #廉石 #陸績 8.北宋 范仲淹神道碑 #范仲淹 9.清 福壽碑 彭藴章 書 #彭藴章 #qingdynasty #蘇州 #苏州 #suzhou #蘇州文廟 #史跡 #古蹟 https://www.instagram.com/p/CqCQAGpydJG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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galigongbible · 2 years
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ep88 馬可福音十 1-52 進入天國的本質與條件 + 基督徒能休妻/離婚嗎? #galigongbible 最新單輯 於台灣時間每週四下午6點整發佈 #馬可福音 #休妻 #離婚 #天國 #小孩子 #財寶 #承受 #永生 #駱駝 #財主 #針眼 #卡位 #大服事小 #上帝的兒子 #大衛的子孫 #耶利哥 #巴底買 https://player.soundon.fm/p/b5160802-3786-4511-821f-01a05221c602/episodes/2400acc7-a44c-468b-9cf5-ec9f08c07b39 https://www.instagram.com/p/CelLnu3JUmg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jzlily333 · 3 months
Look to God, read the Bible carefully, pray often, praise and worship, and let the true light lead you forward.                               
The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him to deliver them. …Fear the Lord, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing (Psalm 34:7, 9).
02/19Bible verses
For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it. (Proverbs 8:11)
Wisdom is more beautiful than pearls (or rubies); all that is lovable is not worthy of comparison (Proverbs 8:11).
02/19Good words
1. Don’t miss what you already have because you desire what you can’t have; what you have now was also what you longed for.
2. Everyone has self-esteem, everyone has difficulties, and everyone has his own ideas and practices. Don't try to change others, just be yourself.
Poetry: More Than You Want
仰望上帝,用心讀經, 時常祈禱,讚美敬拜,真光引領前行。             
耶和華的使者在敬畏他的人四圍安營,搭救他們。…耶和華的聖民哪,你們當敬畏他,因敬畏他的一無所缺(詩篇34: 7, 9)。
For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it. (Proverbs 8:11)      
智慧比珍珠(或譯:紅寶石)更美;一切可喜愛的都不足與比較 (箴言8: 11)。
1. 不要因渴望得不到的而錯過已經擁有的;現在已擁有的,也曾是你渴望的。
2. 人人都有自尊,人人都有苦衷,人人都有自己的想法與做法,不要想去改變別人,做好自己就好。
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 7 months
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My treasure lies in my friends.
─ Alexander the Great 馬其頓的亞歷山大三世,世稱亞歷山大大帝,古希臘馬其頓王國國王,是古希臘王室阿吉德王朝成員。 亞歷山大出生於前356年的佩拉,在二十歲時從他的父王腓力二世手上繼承馬其頓王位,他的統治期間幾乎都在進行大型軍事征服活動。He was a king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon. He succeeded his father Philip II to the throne in 336 BC at the age of 20, and spent most of his ruling years conducting a lengthy military campaign throughout Western Asia and Egypt. By the age of 30, he had created one of the largest empires in history, stretching from Greece to northwestern India. He was undefeated in battle and is widely considered to be one of history's greatest and most successful military commanders.
👻 Ohh! Some of the Halloween photos are from I studied art in the United States with some part-time my working and living while I helped the owner of the house, a sculptor, decorate the indoor courtyard and welcome all weird artist friends from far away to come and trick-or-treat. It's also a very interesting memory to recall ( It remined me pound of photos around these days from Google albums busying my eyes lol, then I make posts for fun on Tumblr).
"Where's hard then there's treasure and Life is not about you earn it but learned." - ℒan ~*
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yuzukahibiscus · 1 year
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【Takarazuka・Flower Troupe】Yuzuka Rei The set of the “Double-headed Eagle”, the dance ball...an assembly of glamorous beauty. The stage set in the politically unstable 19th century Austria, it portrays the story of the joy and struggle of finding true love 
【寶塚・花組】柚香光 以「雙頭鷹」為舞台的舞會⋯集結了美輪美奐的美感。舞台設置在政局動蕩的19世紀奧地利,描繪了尋找真愛的快樂與掙扎
(Original article from Fujin Koron 原文來自婦人公論)
The set of the “Double-headed Eagle”, the dance ball and the numerous military uniforms and dress – all of this is an assembly of glamorous beauty. This famous work by Shibata Yukihiro was performed again and again, and this time it would be revived in the Grand Theatre after 30 years under the adaptation and direction of Koyanagi Naoko. Yuzuka delivers the joy and struggle of finding true love. It is refreshing to see how the tragic love story of Rudolf and Marie was approched as a human drama in the politically unstable 19th century Austria.
「雙頭鷹」的佈景、舞會和眾多的軍服、長裙——這一切都是美輪美奐的集結。在小柳奈穂子的潤色和執導下,時隔 30 年後在大劇院再演。柚香光傳達了尋找真愛的喜悅和掙扎。看到魯道夫與瑪麗的悲戀在如何政治動蕩的 19 世紀奧地利燃起愛火是富有新鮮感的。
The dignity of the Habsburgs and how dangerous it was
Compatible with the blonde hair, and other matters such as the military uniform, Yuzuka Rei plays the role of Rudolf, the Crown Prince of the Austra-Hungarian empire.
While associated with the dignity of the Habsburgs, he also faced the danger of being confined to positional restrictions.
Upon a fateful encounter, he met Marie whom he looks at her with gentle eyes, calling her “a little blue flower”.
◆ Summary of “MAYERLING” 「梅耶林」概要
In 19th century Vienna, Crown Prince Rudolf (Yuzuka) spent his every day bound by a political marriage without love and his affairs, aspiring to lead a free life just like his cousins such as Johann Salvator (Minami Maito). One day, Rudolf fell in love with the pure baroness’ daughter Marie Vetsera (Hoshikaze Madoka). Unaware of the looming political conspiracies, they often met up again and again...
19世紀的維也納,皇太子魯道夫(柚香)的每一天都被沒有愛情的政治婚姻和事務所束縛,憧憬要過著像他的表兄弟約翰 · 薩爾瓦多(麻衣美奈美飾)一樣的自由生活。有一天,魯道夫愛上了純潔的男爵夫人的女兒瑪麗 · 韋瑟拉(星風まどか),不覺政治陰謀在即,兩人屢屢相見⋯
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Minami plays as Johann Salvator. Taking the role of a storyteller, she plays a man who celebrates freedom, showcasing kindness and masculinity naturally.
水美飾演約翰 · 薩爾瓦多。如同故事的旁白,她很自然地飾演一位善良、呈現男性魅力,高呼自由的男人。
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Towaki Sea plays as the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, whose role was more deepened in this rendition. Her acting radiates the reflection of passing of time in light and shadow.
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It was impressive to see that Marie is not only cute, but also shows a sense of motherhood and Rudolf almost seem like finding her for salvation.
Takarazuka Spectacular “ENCHANTEMENT–Luxurious Perfume–” 「–ENCHANTEMENT–華麗的香水」
This is a revue delivered by Noguchi Kousaku which is inspired by the “ka”  (香 = scent) from Yuzuka Rei’s name.
It’s a beauty and glorious performance delivering the sweet and fragrant scent to the audience.
Not only is there the forest in Paris, but also the NY streets and a night club where the gentlemen are assembled.
It is exploding with the various colours and charms of this stylish Flower Troupe.
It looks like a hot dance battle in the night club where the men are wearing unique suits. It is heart-fluttering to see the connection between doukis Minami and Yuzuka.
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thecynicalapril · 5 months
End of 2023, I will always love you like a darling.
普羅 - Remember Summer Days / 杏里
路邊王 - Winter Wonderland / 小野麗莎
もり- Love You Here & Now / 李權哲, Robot Swing, 凌元耕
Ming - Bittersweet (feat. LeeHi) / LeeHi, MINGYU, WONWOO
Smo - 髒手指 / 我很懂禮貌,可我不交朋友
Ula! - Protect Me From Myself / 深白色二人組
㊙️ 歪み観音· 女殺油地獄ଲ(⁃̗̀̂❍⃓ˑ̫❍⃓⁃̠́̂)ଲ - Goodbye for Now / P.O.D.
傑 - 出賣 / 周傳雄
月球上的腳印 - MajiでKoiする5秒前 / GING NANG BOYZ
91金歹命 - 怎樣歌 / 伍佰
陳襄 - 人间萤火 / 夏日入侵企画
海德格 - 幻聽 / 莫文蔚
Dan - 努力活著 / 趙傳, 劉沁
阿倫 - 最好的時光 / 安溥
米奇寶包 - 黑夜盡頭 / 黃立行
念 - 島嶼天光 / ��火器
根 - 裂縫中的陽光 / 林俊傑
挫組青年㍿ - 擱淺的人 / 康士坦丁的變化球
真賀田四季春 - Pure Imagination (from "Wonka") / Jeremy Holland-SmithTimothée Chalamet
徵友中的大安切洛帝 - This Is The Life / Amy Macdonald
青春的尾巴是長在前面的 - Zombie / The Cranberries
屋馬燒肉 - 裸の勇者 / Vaundy
小海 - 鮮花 - 现场 / 回春丹
CC - All Day All Night / babychair
源仔 - 八 / 草東沒有派對
念 - 給女兒 / 滅火器
元 - 水漫金山寺 / 裁缝铺
普羅 - Can't Help Falling in Love / Elvis Presley
Karen - Nothing's gonna hurt us / LÜCY
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poimandresnous · 4 months
Commenting on a Line and Commentary from the Yellow Emperors Hidden Agreement 黃帝陰符經 as Commented by Yu Yan 俞琰 (1258-1314)
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In [human] nature there are skillfulness and clumsiness; they can be hidden and stored.
Commentary by Yu Yan:
Among people, there are those who have knowledge and those who are foolish. Therefore their nature differs in skillfulness or clumsiness. With regard to [the statements] "great knowledge seems to be foolish" and "great skill seems to be clumsy," (they mean that] one's nature is hidden and stored within and is not perceived by other people. There fore it says, "in [human] nature there are skillfulness and clumsiness; they can be hidden and stored."
Why would one hide their intelligence; their skill? This is not saying to be “fake” or to come across as ignorant or appearing to be “skillful” by hiding ones “clumsiness.” There is a few things that come to mind on why it’s best to “hide our skillfulness and clumsiness.”
[NOTE: this is not an explanation on *how* to hide these things. The *how* can only be transmitted from teacher —>student from my understanding. I am musing on this for my own understanding. I am in no way encouraging anyone, nor myself to starting “hiding.” This is just to explain and help myself understand why it is good to “hide”].
For when we display our intelligence or our clumsiness so blatantly, these create preferences. To have human based preferences is a big no no in the Zhuangzi (chapter 2) and Huainanzi (1.5). The Huainanzi has this to say about preferences and our perception of them:
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"When perception comes into contact with things, preferences arise. When preferences take shape and perception is enticed by external things, our nature cannot return to the self, and the heavenly patterns are destroyed."
Zhunagzi chapter 2 齊物論 gives a long dialogue on why “this is” & “this isn’t” truly misses the mark of things:
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[2.11.15] "In such a way the Sage brings about harmony by taking “it is” and “it is not” and let’s them rest on the potter’s wheel of Heaven."
[12.12.4] "The manifestation of “this is” and “this is not” is what diminished the Dao."
[2.14.14] "Everyone else distinguishes things in order to impose their views on each other. Therefore, I say that in such “distinction” there is a failure to recognize."
Thus when we overtly and blatantly display our intelligence and or clumsiness, we create artificial perceptions of “I am this” and “I am that” or “I am not this” and “I am not that”. Such an err. Heaven makes our distinctions for us; Heaven has divided the ten-thousand kind of entities, and the seasons into their proper and respective places. We should follow Heaven and accord ourselves with its spontaneity 自然; for our own ziran is the same of Heavens.
So to circle back to the Yinfu Jing — the “statements” Yu Yan refers to are from Laozi 45. What do they mean? I think this is a teaching that alludes to the last of the three treasures 三寶 as mentioned in Laozi 67: 不敢為天下先. Literally it means “dare not to be first.” When we “dare not to be first” or more Simply be modest, we comply with Heaven and it’s own natural and spontaneous distinctions. For by hiding our skill and clumsy natures, we encourage the One Hundred Families to not have preferences set towards us.
This is why indeed “great knowledge seems to be foolish” and “great skill seems to be clumsy”. For when great knowledge makes itself known, we fail at 不敢為天下先, Which destroys Heavenly patterns and bars our nature from returning to the self (Huainazi 1.5).
Furthermore, this is further confirmed by Heshang Gong and his commentary on the Laozi 45: "Great skill seems as though clumsy."
Great skill means abundantly talented and skilled. Those who "seem as though clumsy" simply do not show their abilities.
This why those who “do not show their abilities” namely the things hidden and stored as mentioned in the Yinfu Jing, seem to be clumsy, but truly they are not. For people who hide have returned to the true essence of reality 無極 — Ultimate Nothingness.
So, in conclusion as I understand Laozi 45 and the things “hidden and stored” in the Yinfu Jing — this brings about a certain clarity and tranquility that brings all under Heaven into alignment. We should let go of our preferences, or rather we must know when to stop having so many of them. For biases and preferences are evolutionary built into us for survival purposes. This is something neither you nor I can get around. Ideally, when I and the reader gains a teacher in such profound mysteries — we can learn how to properly do this without harming ourselves.
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gangbeibei · 5 months
金門蔡氏宗親會,曾在民國 100 年(2011 年)12 月破例讓蔡
英文參加祭祖活動,並在民國 105 年(2016 年)1 月稱蔡當選總統,
是該家族「500 年來最為榮耀的時刻」。
但是到了民國 106 年(2017 年),有人打出「蔡英文不是金門
據統計,蔡氏家族還出過 6 位進士、6 位武將、7 位舉人和 15
以上述蔡攀龍為例,其曾被稱為「平臺 20 功臣」之一。
民國 104 年(2015 年)8 月,北京保利廈門寶龍鉑爾曼酒店巡
民國 38 年(1949 年)蔣公退守大陸入臺後,金門也是發展兩
岸關係最為積極的地方,民國 79 年(1990 年)兩岸便在金門簽署
「金門協議」,民國 83 年(1994 年)金馬愛鄉聯盟提出「金門馬
民國 89 年(2000 年)3 月,金門領先臺灣本島,正式與大陸展
民國 105 年(2016 年)1 月,臺灣總統競選中,雖然蔡氏宗親
民國 100 年(2011 年)以來,蔡英文曾三赴金門蔡氏宗親會。
民國 100 年(2011 年)12 月,蔡英文在民國 101 年(2012 年)
會停滯或倒退」。民國 104 年(2015 年)6 月 13 日,蔡英文「點亮臺灣希望行
民國 105 年(2016 年)9 月 10 日,蔡英文至瓊林蔡氏宗祠祭
人物的「小我」,在民國 105 年(2016 年)臺灣總統競選中支持蔡
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shuiqiongchu · 7 months
老 子: 「道 德 經」 : 第 六 十 二 章(恐懼)
老 子: 「道 德 經」 : 第 六 十 二 章(恐懼) 道 者 萬 物 之 奧(道,包含了天下萬物的一切奧妙) 。 善 人 之 寶(是善者明白人的寶貝) , 不 善 人 之 所 保(也是不善、愚蠢者的保護傘) 。 美 言 可 以 市 尊(說好聽的話語可以有市場) , 美 行 可 以 加 人(打扮漂亮可以吸引他人加入) 。 人 之 不 善(然而天下人皆是不善、且如此愚蠢的) , 何 棄 之 有(你說要放棄誰呢) ? 故 立 天 子(所以才有立天子) , 置 三 公(置三公) ,雖 有 拱 璧 以 先 駟 馬(雖然有拱璧以先駟馬等這些裝模作樣、亂七八糟、愚蠢的搞笑宗教儀式) ,不 如 坐 進 此 道(倒不如坐進此道,坐!無為而坐) 。 古 之 所 以 貴 此 道 者 何(自古以來尊貴此道的人你說是為什麽) ? 不 曰(不就是) : 求 以 得(求它,求佛、求道看能不能再得到、得到更多) , 有 罪 以 免 邪(求它,所犯的罪過能否逃脫懲罰) 。 故 為 天 下 貴(這才被天下人捧為至寶) 。 它呢哥:做自己的太陽,真不用憑借誰的光。人類畢竟是天底下最愚蠢的物種,久病都疑犬是仙,於是相信了有一個道或者有一個佛、一個帝可以依賴可以保佑,期待著你的恐懼對你恩典和救贖,這是自欺,相信恐懼且被其降服了。 然而,真佛不在寺院內,更不在朝堂上,而在你之內,你才是你自己的神明,是你自己的萬物之奧。當你畏懼什麽什麽便掌控你了。 恐懼而畏懼是人類把自己的天下搗騰得一地雞毛,也是人類穿上奴衣跪下去成伏地魔之因。是自己把自己從天堂趕下了地獄。地獄門前僧道多。因為恐懼,所以宗教。
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wildjcrt · 8 months
大慈大悲愍眾生 大喜大捨濟含識 相好光明以自嚴 眾等至心歸命禮 一拜
南無皈依金剛上師 一拜 南無皈依佛。南無皈依法。南無皈依僧 一拜
我今發心。不為自求。人天福報。聲聞緣覺。乃至權乘。諸位菩薩。唯依最上乘。發菩提心。願與法界眾生。一時同得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。 一拜
南無皈依十方。盡虛空界。一切諸佛。 一拜 南無皈依十方。盡虛空界。一切尊法。 一拜 南無皈依十方。盡虛空界。一切賢聖僧。 一拜 南無如來。應供。正遍知。明行足。善逝世間解。無上士。調丈夫。天人師。佛。世尊。 一拜
南無普光佛 以下每佛一拜 南無普明佛 南無普淨佛 南無多摩羅跋栴檀香佛 南無栴檀光佛 南無摩尼幢佛 南無歡喜藏摩尼寶積佛 南無一切世間樂見上大精進佛 南無摩尼幢燈光佛 南無慧炬照佛 南無海德光明佛 南無金剛牢強普散金光佛 南無大強精進勇猛佛 南無大悲光佛 南無慈力王佛 南無慈藏佛 南無栴檀窟莊嚴勝佛 南無賢善首佛 南無善意佛 南無廣莊嚴王佛 南無金華光佛 南無寶蓋照空自在力王佛 南無虛空寶華光佛 南無琉璃莊嚴王佛 南無普現色身光佛 南無不動智光佛 南無降伏眾魔王佛 南無才光明佛 南無智慧勝佛 南無彌勒仙光佛 南無善寂月音妙尊智王佛 南無世淨光佛 南無龍種上尊王佛 南無日月光佛 南無日月珠光佛 南無慧幢勝王佛 南無師子吼自在力王佛 南無妙音勝佛 南無常光幢佛 南無觀世燈佛 南無慧威燈王佛 南無法勝王佛 南無須彌光佛 南無須曼那華光佛 南無優曇鉢羅華殊勝王佛 南無大慧力王佛 南無阿閦毗歡喜光佛 南無無量音聲王佛 南無才光佛 南無金海光佛 南無山海慧自在通王佛 南無大通光佛 南無一切法常滿王佛
以上五十三佛,出觀藥王藥上二菩薩經。 以下三十五佛,出決定毗尼經。
南無釋迦牟尼佛 南無金剛不壞佛 南無寶光佛 南無龍尊王佛 南無精進軍佛 南無精進喜佛 南無寶火佛 南無寶月光佛 南無現無愚佛 南無寶月佛 南無無垢佛 南無離垢佛 南無勇施佛 南無清淨佛 南無清淨施佛 南無娑留那佛 南無水天佛 南無堅德佛 南無栴檀功德佛 南無無量掬光佛 南無光德佛 南無無憂德佛 南無那羅延佛 南無功德華佛 南無蓮華光遊戲神通佛 南無財功德佛 南無德念佛 南無善名稱功德佛 南無紅燄帝幢王佛 南無善遊步功德佛 南無闘戰勝佛 南無善遊步佛 南無周匝莊嚴功德佛 南無寶華遊步佛 南無寶蓮華善住娑羅樹王佛 南無法界藏身阿彌陀佛 南無現前觀世音菩薩過去正法明佛 南無塵點劫前。久已成佛。冥陽救苦大願地藏王菩薩
如是等。一切世界。諸佛世尊。常住在世。是諸世尊。當慈念我。若我此生。若我前生。從無始生死以來。所作眾罪。若自作。若教他作。見作隨喜。若塔若僧。若四方僧物。若自取。若教他取。見取隨喜。五無間罪。若自作。若教他作。見作隨喜。十不善道。若自作。若教他作。見作隨喜。所作罪障。或有覆藏。或不覆藏。應墮地獄。餓鬼畜生。諸餘惡趣。邊地下賤。及蔑戾車。如是等處。所作罪障。及所應遭遇一切災禍。今皆懺悔。願悉消滅。 一拜 今諸佛世尊。當證知我。當憶念我。我復於諸佛世尊前。作如是言。若我此生。若我餘生。曾行布施。或守淨戒。乃至施與畜生。一摶之食。或修淨行。所有善根。成就眾生。所有善根。修行菩提。所有善根。及無上智。所有善根。一切合集。校計籌量。皆悉迴向。阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。如過去未來現在諸佛。所作迴向。我亦如是迴向:   眾罪皆懺悔 諸福盡隨喜   及請佛功德 願成無上智   去來現在佛 於眾生最勝   無量功德海 我今歸命禮 一拜 所有十方世界中 三世一切人師子 我以清淨身語意 一切遍禮盡無餘 普賢行願威神力 普現一切如來前 一身復現剎塵身 一一遍禮剎塵佛 一拜 於一塵中塵數佛 各處菩薩眾會中 無盡法界塵亦然 深信諸佛皆充滿 各以一切音聲海 普出無盡妙言辭 盡於未來一切劫 讚佛甚深功德海 一拜 以諸最勝妙華鬘 伎樂塗香及傘蓋 如是最勝莊嚴具 我以供養諸如來 最勝衣服最勝香 末香燒香與燈燭 一一皆如妙高聚 我悉供養諸如來 我以廣大勝解心 深信一切三世佛 悉以普賢行願力 普遍供養諸如來 一拜 我昔所造諸惡業 皆由無始貪瞋癡 從身語意之所生 一切我今皆懺悔 一拜 十方一切諸眾生 二乘有學及無學 一切如來與菩薩 所有功德皆隨喜 一拜 十方所有世間燈 最初成就菩提者 我今一切皆勸請 轉於無上妙法輪 一拜 諸佛若欲示涅槃 我悉至誠而勸請 惟願久住剎塵劫 利樂一切諸眾生 一拜 所有禮讚供養福 請佛住世轉法輪 隨喜懺悔諸善根 迴向眾生及佛道 一拜 願將以此勝功德 迴向無上真法界 性相佛法及僧伽 二諦融通三昧印 如是無量功德海 我今皆悉盡迴向 所有眾生身口意 見惑彈謗我法等 如是一切諸業障 悉皆消滅盡無餘 念念智周於法界 廣度眾生皆不退 乃至虛空世界盡 眾生及業煩惱盡 如是四法廣無邊 願今迴向亦如是 一拜 南無大行普賢菩薩 三稱一拜
三皈依 各一拜
自皈依佛 當願眾生 體解大道 發無上心 自皈依法 當願眾生 深入經藏 智慧如海  自皈依僧 當願眾生 統理大眾 一切無礙 和南聖眾
眾生無邊誓願度 煩惱無盡誓願斷 法門無量誓願學 佛道無上誓願成 自性眾生誓願度 自性煩惱誓願斷 自性法門誓願學 自性佛道誓願成 三遍三拜
禮懺功德殊勝行 無邊勝福皆迴向 普願沉溺諸眾生 速往無量光佛剎 十方三世一切佛 一切菩薩摩訶薩 摩訶般若波羅蜜
禪門日誦和漢文念誦集中﹐有八十八佛﹐是由兩經集合而成。 一為五十三佛﹐出《佛說觀藥王藥上二菩薩經》﹔一為三十五佛﹐出《決定毗尼經》﹐敦煌三藏譯﹐此經源于《大寶積經·優婆離會》。
又有不空三藏專取此文重譯﹐名為三十五佛名禮懺文。 三十五佛名禮懺》曾于印度流行﹐修行大乘者﹐常于六時禮懺﹐能淨業障重罪﹐現生所求禪定解脫﹐及諸位地﹐皆能滿足﹐功德廣大。
藏文本名為菩薩懺罪文﹐又名三聚經。因本文所行之事﹐ 一﹑懺悔﹐二﹑迴向善報﹐三﹑隨喜迴向。
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sala193 · 11 months
《新北‧土城區》幸福莊園1 親子甜蜜宅|超震撼!帝寶結構顧問宋治中大師打造的耐震宅結構!|蔡莎拉房地產|歡迎委託🏡農地︱建地|透天|別墅|大樓|...
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