#⤷  file  /  wishlist.
felassan · 8 days
afaik DA:D has been available to wishlist/had a page for that on Xbox, PS, Steam and Epic store for ~5 months now. "full reveal summer 2024" comes from DA Day 2023. for the text blurb/plot synopsis, it first appeared on the website around ~3 years ago. then it was tweaked somewhat and iirc the new version first appeared on DA Day 2023. what's new is that it was noticed that a DA:D placeholder-type of file could now be pre-downloaded on Xbox using the phone app (file size, subsequent rating change on that listing). ( ´ ▽ ` )b
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secretbreach · 1 month
You know what we (aka I) need more of?
Characters doing wrong things for selfless reasons and/or people doing right things for selfish reasons
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nine-fingered-entity · 3 months
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x-files prediction bingo
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legacywritten · 4 months
mini plotting call : leave a like & i'll find my way into your messages so we can get something going !
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touchbased · 4 months
took an unexpected mini hiatus and now i’m itching to get my muse back…… so pls like this if i can write u a starter or two 👉👈
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eregored · 5 months
I crave some sort of intimacy for farah where another leans their head against hers, and they’re singing softly to each other while crying because it’s terribly bittersweet . .
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scribblingface · 10 months
hey so important heads up for users of amazon (especially if you have your ebooks through amazon):
if your account is locked (such as because of repeated failed login attempts from an unrecognized device, as an example), the ONLY way to unlock it is by providing information about your recent amazon purchases that have been made within the past year. if you have made no amazon purchases within the last year, there is no way to unlock your account.
in other words, if you have for example your entire ebook collection associated with your amazon account and that's your only way to access it, and you don't purchase something for a year, and amazon arbitrarily locks you out for some reason, you will permanently lose access to ALL your books with zero recourse.
I spoke to a customer service person at amazon today to try to unlock my account, who explained that in the system on her end there is NO other option to unlock an account except verifying the recent purchases, and if there hasn't been a purchase recently enough that option isn't available to them to access.
so uh. fuck amazon to hell for their ability to steal all your books at random and give you no way to get them back.
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owedfavors · 1 year
this post is just a note to myself of aus I definitely need:
starfleet never learns she’s illyrian and she gets to stay on enterprise and then ??? ( still figuring out what she’d do when pike hands the ship over to kirk ).
she deserves to captain enterprise in at least one universe…
s31 recruits her fresh out of the academy
possibly - after her arrest and trial for being illyrian, she’s permitted to return to enterprise but demoted to remove her from active decision making and immediate command and limit her security clearance ( because what is my blog if not an exhibition of ‘odette said it off-handedly but I ran with it to hell and back’? )
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arzodae · 1 year
someone write with rhaeynra in her asoiaf verse where she's the eccentric targaryen vodka aunt at (the rebuilt) summerhall. bc i love the idea of all the great houses just sending her all their more-trouble-than-their-worth children to foster and she just collects them and maybe goes to asshai to find dragon eggs.
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duefaith-a · 1 year
this is just to say that people should let me play with continuum based things.  alternate reality where they separate cam from his friends.  or living in the past in our reality so that another version of him can have the full life he was meant to. 
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ghostofaformerself · 1 year
things i need more of:
- rayne being so traumatized that she's having hallucinations because the idea of her not being able to control & compartmentalize them is just so neat.
- DC / villain verse rayne where she absolutely loses her shit after gem dies and ends up in an asylum / prison thing because her entire villain arc is her trauma burying the part of her that believes in real justice, law, and order.
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hummingbird-games · 2 years
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starscaping · 1 year
✨ ......just let him meet an alien pls ✨ x-files au where he sees something at his job and is convinced aliens are here, possibly losing his job as a result but continuing research to prove it once and for all ✨ befriending a being that appears human but is not, and when said being is discovered and captured to be experimented on, he helps free them (and potential falling in love in the process) ✨ possible professor/professor (or teaching assistant) ships in his lecturer verse (also student/professor but with the student being in early 20s at minimum!) ✨ 'the thing' themed au?
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cybernexus · 2 years
List of thread ideas for Raj:
Your muse hires him for something (example - being a bodyguard, and/or escort them on a mission - could be mundane or dangerous in nature, or something goofy like hiring him to be a bodyguard but actually going on a date)
Your muse witnesses him doing something extreme (example he drags train cars to work out)
Your muse pretending to take Raj in to the gov’t to collect his bounty, but then he breaks out later and they split the reward money
Your muse vaguely recognizes Raj from his past before he was a cyborg and wants to catch up (not much pre planning required)
Raj and your muse get paired up on a team to go on a "mission" (could be B&E, escort mission, data retrieval, or wetwork) together, then helping to patch each other up afterwards
Your muse witnesses someone disrespecting Raj because of his height (and Raj disrespecting that NPC in turn) and they either react to it or try to intervene
Your muse is in the middle of nowhere with their vehicle broken down and Raj happens to zoom past, see them, back up and then offer them a "ride" into town (he'll have to carry them)
Your muse encounters Raj after a rough fight where he's visibly overheating; with smoke coming from his body and jets of flame
Raj pays your muse (if they have the relevant skill) to investigate the broken chip in his brain that regulates his sleep
Your muse meets Raj on the highway because he gets flung across the city in one of those anime-like moments after getting punched; and does like 12 flips end over end across the asphalt only to land in front of your muse’s car
Your muse sees Raj at a club and approaches him to start a conversation because he looks interesting (hard not to notice him tbh)
FANTASY AU/CROSSOVER - Raj is taken from his world in the year 2352 on Earth to some other place and some other time, in a fantasy world. Shenanigans ensue!
Your muse witnesses the aftermath of Raj going sicko mode on a bunch of enemy NPCs (he killed them)
Raj asks your muse for help looking for my main muse who temporarily went missing, Aihren
Your muse finds Raj either passed out from overexertion in a fight; or from bleeding out and decides to help him (his blood is neon pink and emits light, it'd be hard not to see him - that is, for muses who can see)
Raj + friends take a trip to a sauna/hot spring
Your muse encounters Raj while he's in the middle of overheating (which for him is a very serious issue that depending on the context could be an emergency)
Your muse and Raj go out for a round of drinks
Raj gets lost while on a mission out in the wilderness; your muse encounters him starved-looking and emaciated
Your muse sees that Raj is a perfect human anatomical model and asks if they can use him to draw from
Raj ends up losing a fight and your muse has to come get him afterwards because he's lying facedown in a ditch somewhere
Your muse remarks about the fact Raj doesn't have skin (it doesn't happen as often as you'd think it does!)
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informateurparia · 2 years
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▻ ◣💀 ◥ || OOC || I see I’ve managed to get the tags up and now I’ll be on the pages for Dante before I unleash a starter call!
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3rdwrote · 13 days
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