#❛ rp  ━ i'm done with the soft stuff put your hands up. (nero)
scarlxtleaves · 1 year
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Some toast, eggs, bacon and well..tea (cause he’s not a coffee guy). “Nothin’ more a hunter needs for the day.” Nero spoke as he began digging into his meal. There was definitely nothing that was going to mess up Nero’s day in this little diner.
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liked for a starter / @demon-blood-youths​
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scarlxtleaves · 1 year
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“Grrrghhh..” The sound of a demon’s screech echoes through the area. “Shut the hell up.” Hi boots stomps the beast’s cranium upon several occasions against the pavement, one could hear the sound of its skull cracking under the hunter’s boots as well until finally after the sound of one gunshot there was silence as the demon’s body slowly reverts into ash. “Alright, that should keep the people in this town safe now.” A smile graces his face, quite satisfied with a job well done, now all that is left to do is collect his money tomorrow and he should be moving on quite soon. Slowly Nero exits the abandoned alley and slowly wanders back into town where society was bustling onto the streets enjoying the nightlife. “Hmmm, maybe I can go to a casino or restaurant myself…at the very least..after I head back to the hotel.” Nero utters under his breath.
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liked for a starter / @whenmirrorimagestalk​
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scarlxtleaves · 1 year
“Holy shit…EY NERO, get yer ass out here NOW!!” Nico screamed at the demon’s spawn as his father approached the door, it would mean that both hiim and Dante found their way out of hell. It had been..a year since that day where the safety of the world had been entrusted to Nero by the scarlet hunter and it was a privilege he took with honor. Though none of them knew what to make of the Azure counterpart, where Dante was laidback, aloof in some way Vergil..well..was not and she was clearly not prepared to see him let alone be in his presence.
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Though it did not take long for Nero to arrive in the spot, a single finger dug into the innerworks of his ear before opening an eye to see just who was at the door. They got out and to be quite honest Nero did not know how to take this news either. Here he was face to face with his father only in a biological sense. “Y’know after all these years I figured you’d at least show up with some milk.”
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liked for a starter / @notagoodfather​
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scarlxtleaves · 1 year
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He turned to see the door to his abode had opened, and look just who the cat dragged out of hell. Slowly Nero removed himself from his seat to look into the face of the man that calls father. A daily once severed now finally discovered, Nero knew that he couldn’t just let his hate and anger stop him from mending something that had been broken for so long. “Huh, here I thought you’d at least bring back that milk you left so long t’ get.” Well it didn’t mean he wasn’t going to give Vergil a little attitude every now and then, but the two REALLY had some talking to do.
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liked for a starter / @eternalbane​
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scarlxtleaves · 1 year
After a rather intimate night Nero wanted to spoil his beloved. There was still a week of his visit left before he heads back to Europe and those two weeks he wanted to be special. But before what was better than your boyfriend making breakfast? Nothing, that’s what. As his succubus beloved slept he sneaked into the kitchen and began using the internet because the meals they’ve had for breakfast were COMPLETELY different from the ones he’s used to eating back at home.
“WHAT?! Steamed rice? That’s no damn breakfast. That’s freaking lunch!! Great, this website’s busted. Top ten Japanese breakfasts my ass. No one’s gonna wake up at 8AM and say ‘I want steamed rice.’.” Nero spoke in protest before scrolling down. “Miso soup?! What the hell, are you kidding me? Screw it, where are those little snacks she gave me that was the best shit I’ve ever had.”
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What Nero was looking for were meat buns..but he couldn’t recall the name to save his life. The only thing the poor man COULD remember was Yuri’s face..her shape..hell she was STILL in his dreams even after that night. “The internet is crap.” The hunter exclaims softly as he sits there on his phone simply flipping out over the cultural differences for some time under an hour.
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liked for a starter / @sapphiren​
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scarlxtleaves · 1 year
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Dante was here at HIS branch of Devil May Cry just as he was about to get ready and go out on a hunt himself. “Didn’t think I’d be seein’ you round here old man. Lady told me specifically that you have a birthday party to get to.” Nero spoke out putting on his coat before stepping over towards the RV, unfortunately enough Nico was with Lady so that meant he was down one driver. “Either way, if you’re not gonna be visiting your girlfriend then you can come with me, who knows this new dog might be able t’ teach you a new trick old man.”
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liked for a starter / @amalanexus​
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scarlxtleaves · 1 year
They were all back, Barret and his squad accompanied by their newest ally Nero. He was just  a young man who stumbled into the bar wounded and missing a limb but once he had a chance to recover he was a rather fine asset to AVALANCHE, not to mention he was also good with the orphans in the slums given his own experience with children. “Aight we’re back, we’ll hit up a couple ‘a drinks then get your asses t’ bed. We got one hell of a day tomorrow and fer that I’m gonna need all hands on deck, that means you too Tifa.” Said the tall leader Barret as Nero made a rather playful ‘ooo’.
“It’s a miracle that our barmaid’s gonna be with us on the front lines. Speakin’ of which, when the hell am I gonna get that piece ya promised me?! Just because I’m a man doesn’t mean I gotta do EVERYTHIN’ with one arm.” He spoke, nudging his attention towards his stump. “Hey I told ya that kind merchandise is gonna take time ya dig?” Said Barret before adjusting his shades before calling out to his princess.
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“So Tifa, care t’ hit me with somethin’ strong??”
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liked for a starter / @nirvanafist​
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scarlxtleaves · 1 year
It was amazing just how many demons were terrorizing this city, but what REALLY threw his head for a loop were the beings that descended from the sky bringing holy judgment towards the monstrosities upon the earth. The demons were crushed, stabbed, sliced and even burnt to dust by holy light. Demons might have been visible for all to see, but it looked like the people could NOT see these other winged monstrosities that had descended. 
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He holds out his hand catching a single ivory feather, gently holding it between his digits. “White wings…angels?” Though the demonic threat had been eradicated, there was still ONE they had to kill and that was Nero himself. These beasts all surrounded him overhead, remaining in the air. “Hey if this is about me sleepin’ through church just know I left a generous tip during the offering.” Which happens to be just a single dollar bill. 
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liked for a starter / @wiitchtime​
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scarlxtleaves · 1 year
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“Don’t lose it.” The ivory haired individual within the speeding RV spoke out to his driver’s chagrin. “Don’t get your panties in a bunch, I'm on his ass.” She retorted as the vehicle sped through the streets dodging traffic on all sides. People within their cars were shocked to see such a wild beast running along the road and this wild vehicle hot on its trail. Bystanders on the sidewalk took out phones and began recording the chase as much as they could. The headlines on social media would be rampant quite soon. “Son of a bitch is heading into the park.” The woman said.
“Too risky to bring the RV, park  at the entrance and I’ll take care of the rest.” Spoke Nero grabbing his sword, equipping his prosthetic against his ‘stump’ as the tires skid against the road upon its surprise braking. The tires screeched as the vehicle turned towards the side and the silver haired hunter launched himself from the back and chased the demon through the park on foot, keeping up with it rather impressively. It saw a child playing with its mother, the family only had seconds to respond to the situation. 
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The mother takes a hold of her child quickly and shields her daughter as the demon lunges forward for a feast. They knew human/soul consumption made them stronger and being pursued by Nero made it rather desperate however, Nero saw this and acted quickly. “As if asshole.” Extending the robotic appendage and launching a wire attached to a grappling hook that pierces the demon’s hide, it squeals in pain right before reaching the family and was pulled back and physically beaten to a pulp until it evaporates into ashes. “Definitely gonna be readin’ about this shit later.” He spoke under his breath as he approached the mother and child. “You’re alright, get out of here and be safe.” His words were warm, no need to put them in a fright anymore. They thanked him and quickly left, but he knew he still wasn’t alone..there was something else here..or someone. He could feel it in his bones. “Don’t have to be shy, come on out, no reason we can’t chat right?”
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liked for a starter / @diamndbrn​
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